Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Princes Attacks the Paupers..

Nobody’s Opinion:
Each man is afraid of his neighbor’s disapproval—a thing which, to the general run of the race, is more dreaded than wounds and death.” –Mark Twain

We have only a few days left before our Presidential election, so it was surprising that the most important topic on George Stephanopoulos’ “let’s all vote for Obama” Sunday propaganda show (a show presented as a serious discussion of current events but sometimes seems more like a platform of intellectual pompous know-it-alls)--- was Sarah Palin. Everyone was worried about her horrible “incompetence”. You would have thought she was just a mere…plumber.

Why weren’t they discussing the two candidates running for office and their issues you might ask?

Could it possibly be that Sarah Palin, as the closest representation of the vast majority of the “lower” classes, is a real and present danger to the great Messiah that has been chosen to be President?

Did she or did she not take on some very powerful men in Alaska…and win?

You bet they are scared.

Sarah represents the old America, the great America, the reason the “elites” all have their cushy jobs in the first place. In fact, she represents all that the Princes fear…a formidable threat to the corrupt system that has been in place for so long. And this corrupt system means to continue ruling without interruption.

Both “elite” parties have been in on this destruction of America. Both parties are leading us into global rule, and to get us there they are telling us how to vote with every single minute-by-minute poll.

Good thing I had only a few powdered doughnuts before witnessing Peggy Noonan’s continued destruction of Sarah Palin this morning, who frankly, has done more in her short life than Peggy could ever dream of.

Peggy finds Sarah part of the “lower” inferior classes; she couldn’t be blunter about it.

Well, Ms. Noonan--at least Sarah can ad-lib her conversations and thoughts without having to look down at her notes every single second. You might want to work on that since you are so…intellectually her superior.

Peggy went on to say that Sarah represented the “old” conservative party, which was really outdated. All those “young” minds in the universities, who have never worked a day in their lives, will certainly not vote for her---she said with a sly grin.

You heard it….conservatives are outdated.

Obviously, Peggy has come into the ‘new’ progressive, conservative party; a party which is only a sliver to the right of Obama’s Marxism.

So, why is she doing it?

Well, if Mark Twain could give the answer he would say that Peggy is so afraid of being ostracized by her updated conservative party, and her plans to keep working in it, that she is attacking the only conservative in the race.

Peggy has jumped on the elite bandwagon of American ‘Princes’ who feel themselves superior and she is not alone. Many of our staunchest conservatives have jumped on the, “Hey, sorry we robbed, raped, and pilfered the American people for so long, but it’s their own fault for being so inferior. Why should we give up any of our vast fortunes?” bandwagon of power.

Another ‘new conservative’, Christopher Buckley, son of the conservative god William F, endorses Obama, a Marxist, and says that the thought of Palin as President gives him acid-reflex. And if that wasn’t bad enough, he says his father would also be appalled at her nomination.

What a bunch of political puke.

How insane is it that our vast media-complex of political pundits are more worried about the possibility that an “inferior” American might become President, as opposed to a man who was a drug addict for much of his life, worked for crooks in Chicago, was put through Harvard with the help of Muslims, is endorsed by every one of our enemies, hangs around with men who hate America and white people, has associated all his life with Marxists and terrorists, and most probably shouldn’t even be allowed to run for President because he was born in Kenya and has supplied no real proof of citizenship?

Obama makes Sarah Palin look like Snow White. But that’s the point.

They will continue to attack her, in the words of the great Mark Twain, “in a conspiracy with all the strange extravagances these people’s decayed brains can invent.”

So, historically speaking, not much has changed. Egotistical American Princes are ruling with decayed brains…attacking the paupers they rule.

Now, if we could only get them to change places.



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