Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Old Firefighters Need More Hose!

Nobody Cares: Today, we find out that the government means to bail out just about everyone on the planet...the banks, the credit cards, American Express, AIG, Ford, Chrysler, GM, Kenya, all CEO's, Barney Frank and all his lovers, the Congress and all their family members, the gays in California, Obama's illegal aunt, all people who can't pay their houses, all students, Henry Paulson, Saudi Arabia, Africa, England, Canada, Mexico...

Have I missed anyone?

Oh yeah, my local firefighters.

One of the issues on the ballot here in North County St. Louis was a tax raise to pay the pensions of our firefighters, whose "retirements" had been wiped out by Wall Street.

They said that it was to our credit to give more money so that when our house caught on fire a nice young Mexican would come to our rescue instead of a very old decrepit, one foot in the grave firefighter, who would not even be able to hold the hose.

I never found out if this much needed compassionate "tax" was passed, because they stopped sending the local paper right after the election so that no one would find out the results.

So, if the firefighters want a bailout because they lost all their pensions...might as well put all government workers in that pool as well...

The postal service, the teachers, the millions all over the world for the new Obama Peace Corps..the millions working for the environmental department....

The message: Get a government job before it's too late!



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