Nobody Cares: Everyone and their mother-in-law has been preaching all week about how we should all just count our blessings...you know, forget 2012, or go see the movie so you can prepare yourself for the end...and when it doesn't come, you will be oh-so-grateful that WHEN or IF you lose your job, you will remember that you did NOT die in 2012, therefore...you will just be thankful to accept that wel-fare check...or something like that.
In all in the new Mind Control...just ask Barney Frank.
And like most Americans...I can't WAIT to see the movie! A place where cell phones never lose their connections, even in the event that the whole world is destroyed...the cell phones would still be working, and someone will have a car accident because they were talking on the cell phone and did NOT dodge that telephone pole.
But, when I get down and out, (which sometimes happens on holidays, and bad body days) I just think of my adorable American Eskimo...Zippy. (That's her on her back. She likes the cool air coming in through the door.)
I've had a lot of dogs in my lifetime, but Zippy, is just about the happiest creature walking on the planet. She keeps my soul up, wakes me with a big sloppy kiss every morning, and there is nothing in life that gets her down.
I figure she's my instant Karma.
Not even 2012...would dampen this little spirit.
And this other picture is one of my most favorite pictures...
Just look at those little faces!
"Okay, what are we gonna do now?"
"How'd you get out there?"
"What did you say? There's dog treats?"
"Hey, where's mom?"
Okay, thank God for my dogs. And if Disney kills another dog in a film I think I'm going to sue them for emotional reparations.
(As you can tell, Zippy is sleeping at the moment)
Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving! And I'll see you after Black Friday!
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