Nobody's Perfect: Shirley, Shirley, Mo Murlee, Bonanna Bana Bo Birley, Fe Fi Fo Furley,...Shirley (I'm being picked on) Sherrod.
Shirley Sherrod, a lowly government worker who helped poor farmers with government loans...wins the Nobody's Perfect award for this week.
Okay...so she said that she did not want to help out that white farmer, because, well, he was white you know, and she only helps her own kind, so she told him to go back and get help from HIS own kind...and somebody caught it on a video and sent the very racist statement to Andrew Breitbart, who being the great reporter that he is...showed it.
Of course, the rest of the video, which for the life of him, he says for some reason would NOT download on his computer (good old Google!) shows that, she finally figured out that it's not about the fact that he was white, it's that it's a matter of the rich against the poor!
So, because she wants redistribution...she broke down and helped him.
On the tape it is revealed that she, and her husband Charlie are Marxists to the core. Since there were no white people at the NAACP meeting, she felt comfortable talking that way about the whites, and she ALSO encourages all black people to get jobs in government because they can never be fired.
In the meantime, somehow a grant of $1.5 billion... to go to only black farmers gets into a military bill, and then Shirley gets fired, and someone takes it out....oops. (Wait for that story to be released in the next week.)
And then...the unspeakable thing happened...Obama fired her...and she lost it, because...well NO black people can ever be fired from a government job!! For that unspeakable crime for which the black community would NEVER forgive a President...Shirley is quickly sainted on CNN, MSNBC...and all Obama's media mouthpieces due to the excellent stand from Glenn Beck sticking UP for her...and so they had to pull out...
THE RACE CARE...(du...du...DUUUUUU) Why, she should just sue Fox News for playing that horrible video of her....because of course everyone KNOWS Obama would have NEVER have fired her if FOX had not SHOWN that tape...yada, yada...Bonnana Fanna Fo Fanna...
She was mad at Obama at first, but after her phone call to him she went into full Marxist attack, because she was told to do it.
All this silliness is going on while we find out that billions of dollars given to Pakistan has been going to the Taliban to help them kill our boys.
Shirley, may not be perfect when it comes to being a saint, but she sure is keeping us all talking and looking exactly where Obama wants us to.
Fe, Fi, Fo, Fum...Shirley smells the blood of an Englishman.
Congratulations to all the guys at FOX, and Micheal Savage for getting it right.
Labels: politics
Amfortas says:
You have nailed it to the floor by both feet, Joy.
I have feet?
If you can hammer a nail with your feet, Joy, I would not be surprised.
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