Big Frogs Have Big Croaks
Nobody’s Opinion: The big frogs are out tonight… croaking.
Instantly his mug shot is all over the news. A mug shot. Give me a break.
The man who helped oust the Democrats out of power in 1994; the party who had for over forty years controlled the Congress (and still do it seems) replaced by Republicans, and then he helped George W. Bush to win the White House.
You know he is on the hit list of every Democrat alive. There will be parties all over Georgetown tonight, thinking that this will be the final blow for the guy. They underestimate him. I guess they figure if they can capture a President, then a talk show host is possible. But, Rush will not go down without a fight.
The news was sensationalized, and facts presented in a very confusing manor. This was the on-going drug thing that happened long ago, as Drudge reported.
But they made it look new. And the arrest was pure Hollywood.
Just the fact that it happened on a Friday night, is the very proof that this was a well-planned political arrest. They know the people will be talking about this at all the restaurants, during the sporting events, and in their homes all weekend because Rush can’t defend himself until Monday. And that day will be one of the biggest news days in the history of America. Rush will not be the big news of the day. He will be just a second thought by then, the damage having been done.
No---the timing was perfect.
And right away, Michael Savage was all over him tonight. Like a big toad he was bellowing all night long. He was “glad” to see Rush fall. In fact, Michael would be glad if there were no other voices on the radio but him. He was cutting Rush down viciously for saying he was against drugs and then being an addict.
No compassion from Michael...he now feels he is finally the big frog in the pond.
Most of us can understand how easy it would be with a back injury to get addicted. We know the difference between someone who takes drugs to get high, and someone who takes drugs to relieve the unbearable pain so that he can work. We do.
Americans work hard, we have aches and pains. Most of us are drowning in caffeine.
But Michael, who thinks he is nobody’s fool, is being played like a violin. The left know the emotions and the jealousies of Michael Savage….who comes off through all his bravado, as a very insecure man. Michael Savage, who actually does see the big picture of it all so very clearly--- the internationalists, the Marxists, the deliberate taking over of America by the liberals… can’t see it when it comes to himself as a player being played.
Somewhere the liberals are laughing in glee with every word he utters.
No…the part of the picture that he doesn’t get is that the takeover by the left/communists can only happen if the conservative voices do not unit. Lament all he wants--- he needs to get on the team. He’d be a much better man if he wasn’t so cruel and happy to see the strong conservative voices fall. We need every man we can get.
But then, I guess that gets ratings, and in that respect Michael Savage is no better than the Americans that hire nothing but illegal’s… it’s about the money. Although something tells me with Michael, it’s his ego.
That’s the very big difference between the liberals and the conservatives. You never ever see a liberal attack another liberal. The only exception to that rule was Zell Miller when he made his wonderful statement about “What are we going throw…spitballs?” when speaking about the war with the Muslims and commenting on his own party’s pacifism at the Republican National convention in 2004.
Bill Clinton had his heart attack the next day.
Have you noticed…Zell Miller no longer speaks out?
No, the Democratic Party is a well oiled machine. In most all votes and important issues they will vote unanimously.
When Clinton was down and out, every single Democratic Senator and Representative came out on the White House lawn to support him, through his embarrassing impeachment. It was an unbelievable moment in lunacy, and pretty scary.
The Clintons are triangulating the party into a New World Order, and it’s all been planned to the last detail. Including it seems the Bush-Clinton dynasties to continue forever as ruling Presidents as long as they can.
This May 1, march is being played as justice for Mexican. Workers and comrades have been celebrating this date in all communists all over the world for a long time. But it's not mentioned anywhere that it's a "workers unit-" right out of the Karl Marx's playbook. Our national anthem, made by a British globalist, has the word “brother” in it. It’s being run by the left, complete with slogans, and signs, and has been well coordinated to help put the Democrats back in power.
The Republicans on the other hand, are not like that at all. They are split all the time on all subjects. They know their own party believes in free speech enough that they won’t be ostracize or lose their jobs if they don’t agree.
And this is good, it’s even American…but not when the country is in danger.
Rush’s is number one, because he tells the American people about the politics being played in Washington. He knows the details. He is passionate. Sure, he is the right arm of the Republicans, and lately he has been having a real hard time thinking of excuses for what is happening. Nevertheless…he provides insight. He wants America to stay sovereign, and that’s what’s important.
Fox, O’Reilly, Hannity, Ann Coulter, Laura Ingram, Drudge, George Noory,---Newsmax, World Net Daily, Men’s News Daily; …the Democrats have been losing the war in the media, because the conservative and intelligent voices of reason are getting heard, and preferred.
They need drastic action, and the biggest frog in the pond has to be silenced if they are to pull this off. If we want to save our country’s sovereignty…we all need to stick together, because as as Michael Savage says, ”The enemy is within.”
Yeah Michael…you had a very big frog in your throat tonight. Sometimes you need to think before you croak. We need all the big frog in the pond.
Nobody’s Perfect; OK...Rush was hooked on pain pills. He hired a housekeeper that got him the pills. He also tends to talk about football and golf just a little too much on his station, but so what? Savage sometimes sounds like someone from the Soprano’s, a guy who would feel right at home in stripper joints drinking his fifteenth beer. He also loves poodles. Poodles? And sometimes he gets so bored with his own program he just reads the paper headlines. Planning is not his forte.
Nevertheless, very few could do their jobs, and they know it.
Nobody’s Knows; Tony Snow doesn’t even have to be a press secretary, he taught the President how to do it in one day. This morning the improvements in the President's appearance and handling of the press were so noticeably I was expecting the FOX news logo to appear on the podium. .
Nobody Cares; If the Mexicans walk off their jobs, as long as they come back and pick up all the trash.
Savage can have some valid points on some issues, and then just go over the top berserk. I wish the dude owned a mirror, because all I can think of when he talks about "cowards" and "phonies" and people who "sensationalize" like Limbaugh and others is that Savage's real last name is "Weiner".
Who's sensationalizing more than a guy who creates a fake last name that is "Savage"? And wouldn't that also make Michael a "phony" and perhaps even a "coward" if he's using the pseudonym to hide behind?
Will the real phony please stand up!
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