Fear Is An Option
Nobody’s Opinion: Do you ever get the feeling that somebody is trying to tell you something and that somebody just won’t leave you alone until you get it through your thick skull that you’re suppose to be listening? Has our culture and media made such a grand expedition of fear that we pump Twinkies and caffeine into our bodies just to keep up the adrenaline rush? Can you get addicted to the coming crisis?
Flash---The Senate has just given Social Security benefits to illegal’s aliens.
Oh that was smart. Senate... “ By the way, we know we have already spent your retirement income, and even though President Bush has suggested we do something about it, it’s so important that we get these Mexicans in the country because they sure can multiply fast, while most of you are too busy and materialistic to have more than two kids. So, hey--- can we help it if we prefer the Mexicans to you guys? Who cares if they speak Spanish? We don’t listen to the voters anyway. Are you afraid that you will have to sell your home, your two cars, and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when you are 75? Are you afraid that we will pull your tube? Well, because you guys won’t come and do my lawn, or raise my kids, the heck with you. Besides, you’re always bitching about us, and we will be worshipped by the Mexicans. We think they deserve your social security benefits.
Yes, I’d say fear is an option here. Retirement now for most nobody Americans will happen whenever they no longer can breathe.
Flash--- Al Gore and Bill Clinton say that global warming is a much bigger threat to Americans than terrorists. Clinton said on Saturday that, “it has the power to remove the preconditions of civilized society.”
He should know. The pollution left by his whole administration put our military back so far, that we had to wait nine months after 9/11 to attack, because it took that long just to build it back up in order to even go into Iraq.
When President Bush said his famous line, “They will hear from us soon.” while standing on some poor guys toes on ground zero, little did we know that “soon” meant…next year, or as soon as we built some more tanks and missiles. Clinton even stopped the military from training with live bullets, and since everything is now made overseas, we had to wait for parts.
As soon as the Democrats come back into power, we will have to put up windmills in our backyards, buy expensive solar panels for our house, pay higher prices for ethanol and all the other new brands, and pay to rebuild the ice caps so that New York won’t go under the fifty feet projected. Not to mention pay e-mail taxes.
Your house will no longer be your castle, but theirs. Fear is an option here.
Flash---The Bird Flu is coming, and if that doesn’t come, we’ll find something that will.
Aids, Sars, West Nile Virus, smallpox, Ebola, and anthrax have all been thrown out into the scare zone. One fourth of the world’s population could die we are told. And don’t forget you will not survive heart attacks and strokes, because they will be no more hospitals left after the Mexican invasion. The death rates will go up because the Mexicans are bringing tuberculosis, mumps, cock fights and lots of new drugs.
I’d say fear is an option here. I have never had the mumps and I here that it's not much fun for adults. More and more of our college students will be dying from tequila overdoses. As if beer wasn’t bad enough.
Flash---There is another insane Hitler in Iran.
Gee, good news for the President, because only in war time can he keep breaking all the laws of the constitution. So, when they say this is a WAR, they have legal reasons.
Big option here. It won’t be the Senates’ precious new illegal immigrants signing up to fight that war, no matter how many nice things President Bush might say about them.
Flash---The Mexicans cannot drive too well.
I am really getting afraid now. More people are killed in car accidents than any wars. Just my luck to by a car of ten Mexicans who will make it to the hospital before me.
Flash---The Mexicans want our country. It’s their right they say.
Fear is an option when you figure we could end up having another civil war. Only this time it will be the Mexicans and our government, against all the rest of us. And something tells me the Mexicans will not be throwing rocks.
Yeah, we saw the National Guard really kicking ass all weekend. They were loading, and unloading, thousands of welcome water bottles for the poor illegals making that hot trip.
The National Guard is now the new welcoming committee. Next week they'll be handing out social security cards.
The entertainment on TV was not exactly what I would call uplifting this weekend. They played “War of the Worlds” over and over on cable: that wonderful movie where aliens suck blood out of humans and devastate the whole earth. Only the main characters and one block in Brooklyn is spared.
Last month it was the bird flu movie where everyone dies. This month they give you NBC’s “10.5 Apocalypse;” where the whole earth is destroyed with volcano’s, earthquakes, sinkholes, and floods, while CNN keeps on reporting. The government in both these disaster films are always so organized and “caring”. Not anything like Kartina.
We have a series called “Invasion” on TV, where we are actually taken over by alien glowing stingrays, who become human hybrids and help us learn “diversity”. Next week another Stephen King nightmare called “Desperation.”
I ask you…are we not hooked?
On the Drudge Report we have Madonna hanging from a cross in her new concert, where she tells everyone that the beast is all of us being too materialist instead of spiritual like her.
Gee Madonna---guess you will let me in your concert for free. I’m pretty spiritual. I just hate being materialistic like you. You should worship me, instead of yourself. It’s ok, in my compassionate moment--- I forgive you.
Enough, enough! I’m sure they enjoyed blowing up George Washington’s face for the sequel to "10.5 Apolcalypse" tomorrow night. They really want you to forget that guy.
Still, there’s not enough fear yet for me not to go out tomorrow and enjoy my gorgeous (said with a Brooklyn accent) rose bushes. Let Al Gore and Clinton rant. Let the television and movie producers try to scare us.
Because there will be no option for fear if a nuclear devise is set off somewhere in the United States by al-Qaida.
I have no doubt that no matter how much “fear-mongering” is put out there by the vast media/government complex, it would not be just al-Qaida having to fear us after an attack, but the ones in our Congress who are selling us out.
“Be afraid. Be very afraid.” Open borders will be your biggest nightmare.
Wow, I just scared myself. I need something, to calm myself…coffee or cookie?
I’m so upset--- I might need both.
Nobody’s Perfect; The producers of the 10.5 Apocalypse series based the whole devastation scenario on the wachy sceince that all the Teutonic plates on the earth are going to go back together in two days. That’s what they get for having Al Gore as an expert advisor.
Nobody Knows; They have just found an immense filed of oil in Colorado. It is estimated that it has 8 times as much oil as Saudi Arabia, 18 times as much oil as Iraq, and 22 times as much oil as Iran. That’s why Buffet is buying up coal, he knows that oil will stay underground forever, because our government owns the land, and the only people they will sell it to will be China.
Nobody Cares; Angelina Jolie is having a baby as we speak. Gee, you would think no other woman in the world has had a baby.
She has decided she doesn’t want her baby to be a citizen of America, but Africa. Frankly, Americans could care less where she has her baby, as long as they get to see the pictures in STAR.
The question is; when they get divorced, (Why am I so sure of this?) Brad won’t be able to bring his kid to America because he will be “kidnapping” the child. I wonder what the punishment is for kidnapping in Africa?
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