Sink Or Swim?
Everyone was real upset about the Supreme Court comments, yet not a whimper of suspicion was heard about the suggested federally mandatory vaccines for all the girls in the United States. I guess it was because it was presented as a “cure” and a good thing. There was not one person in the media who thought this was alarming.
And as I was furious about both---the different reaction to each was astounding. The silence said it all.
Since when does our government have the right to “make” all girls get vaccinations on something that only a handful will come down with? This is something that should be a choice. Oh sure, you say, it’s just a suggestion now, don’t get too worried. Soon it will be “good” for us all to be chipped. I’m crazy? Well, I’ve just been stupid for too many years, I admit it.
If it doesn’t happen… then I’ll be very happy to be crazy, instead of what I am; appalled that a whole nation is being controlled by people in our Congress, working with big international companies to mandate our lives and our freedoms.
Aren’t the liberals always saying…”It’s a woman’s right to choose?” Or “It’s her body?” Well, if it’s our body, then we should have the right to choose whether we want a vaccination.
This is how it always starts…as something “good” for us. CNN and the Merck Company already have a huge barrage of ads for this relatively minor (although deadly) cancer with the best fear propaganda that money can buy. After all, it’s not going to be cheap.
The vaccine of course, will help the Merck Company since it just lost $1 billion over the thousands of lawsuits bought on by its very heavily promoted drug Vioxx. They plan to make their money back with the $360 cost, and if you can’t afford it, don’t worry, the Congress will help them get the money, because the middle class will pay for it just like we pay for everything else. It makes you wonder what senators are on the board of Merck.
Oh…and it’s just for the young girls. Notice, they don’t care if all the old gals die off.
That’s what they want to do, make this vaccination mandatory or else your daughter will not be allowed to attend school. It should be up to the families of these girls whether or not to get this vaccine, not the government.
Your daughter is much more likely to be killed in a car accident (49,000 killed a year) than come down with cervical cancer. Last year, around 4,000 women died from cervical cancer. ( There are 300 million) Besides, most all of those that had died had never had a pap smear. So, just get a yearly pap smear.
What’s the point? Why are they pushing all of these vaccinations? Does Bill Clinton want to make sure the entire female population is clean for his picking? After all, he is working very hard with the United Nations to get world-wide mandatory aids vaccinations.
Aids and cervical cancer are not at the current moment in the United States at a national health state crisis. We will be forced again to do something that is not a necessity; it may even prove to be down the road as harmful as Vioxx.
How can they do this? There are too many lawyers in the system.
Did you know that if John Kerry had been elected that 80% of the Congress would have been lawyers? Democratic Lawyers pass the laws to control your life. What the liberals can’t win by votes and democracy, they just put into law. Call it whatever you want; totalitarianism, fascism, communism, socialism…it’s all bad and it all stinks. And they don’t care what you think.
Why am I so upset? Because my own son was “kicked” out of high school for being sick. He had “Delayed Sleep Phrase Syndrome” but since it was rare, we had a hard time getting it diagnosed. We begged the school to be patient….but while thousands of black kids were illegally coming into our district from the poor city schools, my son showed up the first day of his senior year and was told that “he could not come into the school without a doctor’s order.” They kicked him out without a trial.
It affected his whole life. Two years later we got a letter saying he could come back.
He was a white boy; he was at the top of his class, and in our politically correct leftist society, that was two strikes against him.
If you think that you have any say at all in the schools because you pay their taxes, you’re in dreamland. The public school system has complete dictatorial power over your kids and they will do what they want because they are backed by the Feds. And they will “kick” out any girl that does not get this vaccination. Never mind that cervical cancer is not contagious, just like my son’s sleep disorder was not. Her chances of hurting anyone else in the school are pretty far-fetched. Kids are not dying off in the halls of our high-schools from STD.
And if you don’t comply, your daughter will have trouble getting into college, a decent job, her whole future will be affected. And they will tell you on every screw they turn… how much they “care.”
I’ve been there. Believe me, you will have no choice. I tried to fight the system, and I found out just how corrupt the whole government is. They will bury you. They will threaten you. Unless you’ve had it happened to you, you would never believe the corruption in the school systems.
Then you’ll home school you say? Right now, Bill Clinton is working with the United Nations to get rid of home schooling. So soon, that will be outlawed. They are working hard on it.
Even Bill O’Reilly has said that you can’t fight the United States Government, you will not win.
So what does this tell you about America? Don’t you know?
The left has overtaken our courts, our schools, our media, and now it seems our President. Once our Supreme Court is gone, and most of the Congress goes along with President Bush, who is not stopping all the totalitarian agenda of the left, it can only get worse, as it is doing.
No longer should we be quiet when they (meaning our United States Government) “fail” at another catastrophe. And they have told us again and again that it is inevitably, we will be attacked and many will be killed.
They “failed” when it took them half a day at Columbine to send police in.
They “failed” when they did not send planes to protect the towers on 9/11.
They “failed’ when they did not protect the pentagon.
They “failed” when they gave China all our nuclear secrets.
They “failed” when Albright gave plutonian to North Korea.
They “failed” when they did not impeach Bill Clinton for selling our nuclear secrets to China, and for being influenced by foreign money and committing high treason.
They “failed” when they ignored the 9/11 warnings.
They “failed” when they let the New Orleans people sit for days after Katrina.
They “failed” when they started letting Supreme Court justices site International law.
They ‘failed” when they let Terri Shraivo starve to death
They “failed” when they let our very right to private property be demolished by the Supreme Court.
They “failed” when they sit by and watch all our children graduate at the bottom of the worlds’ dumbest kids, without fixing it.
They “failed” when one party and its leaders continuously put our soldiers at harm, whether to sell papers or to set themselves up as world leaders.
They “failed” when they did not protect our manufacturing base, and helped it to be destroyed, making us vulnerable to the whole world.
They “failed” when they did not promote oil drilling in Alaska, or refineries to be built for over 25 years. They voted just last week again not to drill in Alaska.
They “failed” when they do not protect our borders from an invasion.
They “failed’ when they let judges overrule juries and voters, as we’ve seen time and time again.
They “failed” when they let our Constitutions and our freedoms be demolished day by day.
They will continue to destroy America and our freedoms every single day and we, the American people have failed if we don’t wake up and do something about it. God help all us nobodies. Most of us will not wake up until it’s too late.
We will either sink into totalitarism or swim to save our own freedoms….the choice is ours.
Nobody’s Perfect; While all the liberals are out there now talking about “morality” the last thing they mean is couples being faithful to one anther or heterosexual monogamy. They believe, almost without exception, in free sex for all…in marriage, infidelity, and homosexuality, and polygamy. Because they are the “me” generation of whatever feel goods is ok. Bill Clinton is their Poster Boy for free sex. I guess that’s why this vaccine is so important. They are expecting and hoping for a regular orgy for the young girls. They’re excuse? Man is meant to spread his seed. He just needs to get rid of those pesky venereal diseases so he can get back to business.
Nobody Knows: They said that some people are concerned that this vaccine will make young girls think that the vaccine will make them immune to STD’s and therefore will be more promiscuous. Well, that’s the purpose.
Nobody Cares; While all this was going on, nobody seemed to care that the Japanese Prime Minister was here visiting with President Bush today. Also, just how many times has President Bush used that story about how we used to be at war with Japan, and Japan is now a democracy. He forgets to mention that we dropped two very big bombs on Japan to help encourage the transition. He needs some new writers.
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