How Many Ex-Presidents Does It Take To Screw In a Light Bulb?
He sounded like the reincarnation of a Nazi general. Jimmy Carter, by all accounts and his own words, blames the Jews for all the problems in the Middle East.
Maybe he was drinking the same tequila at the same bar with Mel.
He gets by with it because he has that innocent southern face.
It seems if you reach the pinnacle of becoming a United States President, you are pardoned from anything. Unless of course, you happened to be named George W. Bush.
What is it with these X-Presidents?
There used to be a protocol where X-Presidents just went back to their home towns and kept their mouths shut. Most Americans liked it that way. Sure, it was hard on their egos to give up all that power, and trips on Air Force One…but, they were SUPPOSE to believe in the system.
It was the American way we were most proud of. Serve your term and hand power over to the next guy. That WAS the big point in the Constitution…to keep power from getting entrenched. The founders did not want all these X-Presidents running around.
And while Jimmy was talking, flashing by below him was the announcement that Daddy Bush was going to go to Mexico to represent the Untied States and be there for the inauguration of the New Mexican President.
To reassure that everything goes as plan with the merging of the two countries.
Hopefully, he will not eat the tacos.
What do they do? Do all the X- Presidents get together and say things like “Hey, I’ll handle Jordan; you take the guy in Mexico. George, you go take a trip, and send your father down to handle the negotiations in Mexico. Jimmy will get on CNN and get us back into the democratic peace talks?”
“Oh, and by the way, make sure Bill gets to Tony Blair birthday party. “
And has anyone noticed how OLD these guys are? What is Jimmy…in his eighties?
Can’t we set a retirement age for them?
And can we PLEASE stop calling them all---Mr. President?
There is only ONE President. When they are out of office they should be called Mr. Carter, and Mr. Clinton, and Mr. Ford…or Former President Numbers…42, 43...etc.
Or hey you…for all that they’ve done to us.
BUT the name Mr. President should be reserved for only one…the one serving.
I don’t know why this bugs me, but it does.
We hear today that Bill Clinton came in above his wife in popularity for running for President. Just the fact that he was included on the list shows how much the office of the Presidency is turning into the old men’s’ club for rulers who can’t let go of power.
But, subliminally, when Hillary finally gets her party’s nomination, in order to get elected, Bill will be seen much more than she will.
He will actually be elected again, through his wife, or as he once said, “Vote for one, and get two.”
Jimmy Carter will then get some kind of cabinet position.
I can see it all now; they need to create a huge Armageddon in the Middle East, so that when Hillary is elected, Bill Clinton will be sent over to broker a peace deal with Jimmy Carter at his side. They will then “save” the earth from destruction.
Not only can these men not get out of the sixties, both Clinton and Carter are just dying to get back to brokering the peace in the Middle East, something neither one of them were good at, even though they got a shot.
Bill would then finally get his Nobel Peace Prize, and then we will all be nuked. Marshal Law will come about, and Hillary and Bill will rule forever, maybe even alternating with the Bush family.
The one thing that is consistence about the Democrats is--- you can be sure that whatever it is that they accuse the Republicans of, they are doing.
It always works.
Well, what to do? I say, if there are power hungry men trying to manipulate a new world communist order, a one world government…
Then we’d better make sure we the people develop the plans for it first.
I say the first rule we make is, term limits for all, and permanent retirement forever.
Nobody’s Perfect; Hillary has one very big hit against her. All the democratic top leaders: Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore….were southerners. It makes them more likable, and that down home sweet southern charm helps them get elected.
Hillary couldn’t be southern if she tried. I bet she gets Edwards to run as VP. Or Wesley Clark, who will probably move to Mississippi.
Look for Hillary to acquire a southern accent.
Nobody Knows; Just how much these X-Presidents are staying fit for so long. They clearly expect, by the way they act, to live beyond 150 years old.
Nobody Cares; Even if Bill Clinton lives to be that old, he will still insist he was very proud to be impeached, because he was protecting the Constitution. By that time, everyone will believe him, the ones who know better will be dead.
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