Nobody's Absurdities, No.28
While I was busy standing in line waiting to run up my credit cards, along with all the other 100 million people here doing the same fool thing, a lot of talk was going on about the Muslim men that were kicked off US Airways. Of course they should have been kicked off.
But, what I found very interesting is after the event, all the people calling in to various radio stations with mounds of praise for US Airways. One call, I could see. But this was happening throughout the Black Friday…and I’m beginning to believe that nothing is a coincidence anymore. What a convenient time for US Airway to be getting publicity.
I am considering on buying stock, and waiting for a Delta plane to be overtaken by those same guys that were kicked off US Airways. That way the merger would go smoothly.
Someday, US Airway might be the only airway.
Speaking of Black Friday…it was the first time I have been out on that day for over twenty years, considering anyone who went out shopping on the day after Thanksgiving to deserve whatever fate that should happen to them.
Yet, there I was, going out to pick up a new x-box game for my husband. Of course, instead of being a fool and standing in line, I just bought it online the night before.
And since I was already in the mall, I decided to look around. Well, what would you do? I decided to walk around and see just what all the fuss had been about.
All I can say is….don’t do it. I ended up buying a tree that I didn’t need, just because I’ve always wanted one and it was 50% off. I also didn’t need to buy myself my own Christmas present, but there it was, on sale.
It’s insane, and if ever there was a reason that the politicians are convinced that the American people will never rise up against them, it’s Black Friday. We are a nation of Pavlov’s Dogs, the only difference being, the dogs would have never bought something they didn’t need, like a tree.
Everyone seems to be going nuts over the fact that the Russian Government is once again killing people for disagreeing with the Kremlin. As if Russia had actually become a democracy at some point in time, really. Some poor guy was speaking out about Putin killing a lady named Anna Politkaskaya, for probably having too long a’s because she was speaking out about the government.
Here, instead of poisoning, they just send you to Jesse Jackson.
Speaking of poison, Headliners and Legends did a very well written campaign plug for Hillary Clinton on Black Friday, which in my mind was the perfect day to show it.
It was really pretty sick, I mean slick. (Did I say sick?) There was the usual great moments in American history…how Hillary used to go and help the sick and poor when she was sleeping (wait…that’s not right) when her preacher in high school made her the grand socialist that she is.
There were two women, who throughout the piece talked about how they were present during the speech Hillary gave at her college graduation. How everyone JUMPED up and applauded when she bravely came out against Vietnam. (Now, glory be, she’s a mighty HAWK. The lady says she said to someone standing next to her, “She will probably be President one day.”
This lady also said how hard it was for the brilliant Hillary to move to Arkansas. But also how she said “(I can’t be a woman without having a baby.”
Anyway, Bill was a womanizer, and Hillary is really the smarter of the two. Really, I think they should start naming her “Joan of Arch” I waiting for it, and wonder what’s wrong with James Carville, that he hasn’t though of it yet.
And while we were all gathered around our families, trying to enjoy ourselves, on Fox and on the radio were the real pictures being blasted of Muslims throughout the world that are determined to kill us.
Now, granted, Glenn Beck stared this with his special. But you WOULD have thought, after waiting five years without showing us anything, that they could have picked another day to show us this. Not that most of us don’t know it. It’s just the one day, we could have done without it, but then, it’s all about the ratings.
Nobody’s Perfect; I meant to blog, I really did. I haven’t missed too many days, barring my days in Las Vegas, BUT, the weather here in the Midwest was a balmy seventy degrees, and all the neighbors were putting up the Christmas lights, which of course means, that if you don’t put up your lights, your neighbors talk about you, and consider you worthless.
And sometimes the only thing to make the middle class people feel worthy is their display of Christmas lights. So therefore, I was just too pooped.
Nobody Knows; I secretly want to strangle the guy who invented those stupid little itty bitty lights, that YOU CANNOT PULL OUT OF THE SOCKET! I wasted a whole hour, trying to get one little burnt out light bulb out of a socket. I finally gave up. Life is too short.
Nobody Cares; Some guy named Noshir Gowadice gave China all kinds of secrets about our Stealth Bombers, and other goodies in order for us not to be able to protect ourselves if we are attacked by China. This patriotic Indian, used to work at Los Alamos during the time Clinton was in office.
And life goes on, until someone hits our Turkey.
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