The Just Cause, American Soldiers
Well, that seems to sum up what is on everyone’s mind before tomorrow elections as the media is telling us—the war.
Most Americans have been wincing with every precious soldier who has been lost.
To help you vote the republicans out and the democrats in…HBO even put on a special of the parents and wives of soldiers that have been killed in Iraq, reminiscing about their lost sons and daughters.
They were reading their last letters on camera so all the world could watch them suffer, and transfer that pain and grief onto millions: to cry and suffer their horrible loss with them….all of us like deers staring at the headlights.
The art of Hollywood…if Edison only knew.
Was the Iraq war an unjust war as all the Democrats are saying?
Or is it a just war, one that the President really believes might just save the world from an upcoming Apocalypse? Will it bring peace to the whole world some day like he says?
Or--- like we are seeing, are we just stirring up a hornet’s nest?
So, how does one nobody citizen determine if Iraq was an unjust war? Is it possible with all the propaganda and secrecy that has surrounded our government since the two Parties first began---to even know?
One of the main problems so many of us are having is that many of us baby boomers, (who are actually the ones that will vote tomorrow in more numbers than the young) remember the Vietnam War all too well.
I was sixteen when my fiancé decided to enlist. He went away expecting to become a man; he came back a verifiable walking drug addict, barely able to talk.
But…in the Vietnam War, unlike 9/11, the United States WAS NOT attacked.
Okay, you might say, Iraq did not attack us. But, as we see now, Saddam wanted to, everyone thought he might…it was just a matter of time.
Maybe they should have showed the dead bodies on the New York Sidewalk.
Iraq was a country, but bin Laden is a man with no country. And he was protected by all the Arab nations, so…what to do?
I’d say, Afghanistan and Iraq was a good place to start.
The baby boomers were raised by families who had fought the Second World War. And in the Second World War, we had been attacked at Pearl Harbor. Our parents told us about it.
The Vietnam War is a real stick in all the baby boomers sides. Back then, we had no choice---our boys were drafted. And on a lottery system, which was even more unfair.
And yes, if you got into college and stayed there, you were protected, which is why John Kerry is still living in some kind of dream world, and said what he said.
I’d say he’s close to dementia.
Our Presidential leaders back then, three Democratic Presidents and one Republicans, wanted that war for some reason, but the reason of keeping some little country from becoming communistic was not enough for most young people to understand.
Unlike today, Vietnam was no nuclear threat to us.
But, here we are today, and all the Democrats treat Iraq and Vietnam as the same war.
But it’s not, because the United States was for the first time, attacked on our own soil.
They don’t talk about that point at all, only Lieberman, who is going to run as an Independent so Hillary can be elected. (That’s a Nobody’s prediction.)
Our leaders had a hard time selling that war. They said we were trying to keep all of China out of a little country called South Vietnam. And John Kennedy got us in there.
My guess, is, once again… The Mafia was dealing drugs out of Vietnam, and many of the Mafia had big connections with top Democrats in the government.
Nevertheless, even though we won most every battle, we lost the war. Nixon pulled us out, and then Hillary and her lawyer dogs impeached him.
(She is part of the furniture.)
China won out, and communism was spread throughout the South. When the Americans left, millions of poor people were slaughtered.
If you think the blood bath of Iraq’s is bad now, just wait till the troops leave Iraq.
Now, maybe Vietnam was a just war: the principle of giving people freedom is noble, even if big money was being made… but the leaders lost it, depriving the American people of the victory as they deserved, because of the Democrats.
China then infiltrated us here. Like when the British Empire made a fortune selling opium to the Chinese, the communists working with America’s entrepreneurs, filled our nations with drugs. They just came in the backdoor.
They are still coming in the back door. Soon they will have a highway through the back door. In fact, our back door doesn’t even have a screen.
(Where was I? Oh yeah)
The “left” (with the help of the Rockefellers,) started the “woman’s movement” and the pill, which in turn started the “sexual revolution.” (Enjoyed by all.)
---Which started the whole mess of divorces and drug addicts, and dumbed-down kids, basically the breakdown of our society.
They filled the universities with leftist, and brought out Jane Fonda to start putting America down. Every night we saw body bags on TV.
See--- we’ve been there before, it’s sort of like psychological torture, brainwashing the masses is hard work.
It was during this time that the “think tanks” started grooming our future leaders; Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, and John Kerry, and many others that are still around and waiting to take over.
The payback for Vietnam has been a bitch.
There are other ways to defeat a nation, and destroying it from the inside is the easiest, you just have to have patience, and patience is the Chinese’s middle name.
The Japanese came back after they were defeated and took our major manufacturing markets, and now the Chinese are doing the same, with the help of our politicians and corporations.
Don’t be fooled, Bill Clinton and the Democrats work with all the big multinationals too. Hillary was once on the board of Wal-Mart. And they believe in China.
Then out of nowhere, we had the Gulf War. I remember at the time being furious, but the reason we later learned, was because of oil. We had BP oil to protect, in Kuwait.
But, we had a “victory” there…but was it?
And you wonder why Britain always has to side with us?
So, is oil the REAL reason we went into Iraq as all the Democrats say? Cheny, the evil Haliburton man is just in it for the money? Boys are dying for the control of the oil of the Middle East?
And if that is so, then is it a just war? Is it just to fight over oil to make our country run? What if it was water? Would it be just to invade a country for water for our own survival?
Isn’t that what the Mexicans are doing?
No, it would not be just to go to war for oil, or water.
But, the reality is we do have to drive. And if we have to go overseas to get oil, it’s because our own Congress won’t let us drill for our own because they work for the big companies. Why else? Do you really buy that pristine Alaska tundra bull?
The big companies have blocked any kind of competition in the order of alternative energy all these years. Oh, but soon it will be all the rage.
So, in conclusion, as Glenn Beck would say….here’s what I think.
In this war, we are fighting a real enemy. (God, I even sound like him!) One that is thousands of years old. One that treats woman little better than leftover pork chops. (Although, that doesn’t seem to bother any Democrats.)
One that means to come here and kill us, with the help of China, and Cuba, and just about everyone that is communists that wants to join in.
And this happened during Clinton’s watch. Clinton just passed the buck.
And being as we are all so sick of the Congress fighting, and being scumbags, we can hardly see straight. And due to the vast wealth and longevity they all seem to have being a Parliament of Kings and Queens, because it seems only a small handful really care about us.
We do not trust most of our politician. Not the President, or the Congress. None, but a few of the brave newcomers.
But I do remember one thing: The people that got us into Vietnam were the Democrats. The people that became China’s puppets were the Democrats.
And another myth is that the Democrats are not for big business.
Right, that’s why they are the richest people in the Congress. How much is Nancy Polisi worth? Claire McClaskill has over 150 companies. Gee. They don’t like big business at all. If you buy their “I’m so concerned about the poor people lines.” then like Doug Powers has suggested…don’t vote.
I don’t know. (Sigh)
But there was one thing on that HBO special that was noticeable in every family. They were through and through, red-state Americans, and raised loving and intelligent sons, and those sons still believed in the idea of freedom for all people, and said in all their letters how proud they were to be helping the people of Iraq.
So, JQA…I found my answer….the justness of the Iraq war lies with the soldiers. If the soldiers believe in it, then we must have victory---.not for the Republicans, or the President, but because if the American people are going to sacrifice their sons and daughters for a war in Iraq, to free even one person over there…
Then by God, our soldiers deserve to win it. The politicians have no right to take that victory away.
If you do not “stay the course” you will just see another American City attacked. But this time, it might be the death of someone you love. It might be you….9/11 was not just a movie.
John Quincy also said, “Always vote for a principle, though you vote alone, and you may cherish the sweet reflection that your vote is never lost.”
And since the Iraq war is being fought, by the admission of all the soldiers you hear… on a noble principle, that of freedom for another people; if that’s what our boys think, if that’s what they are fighting for…
Forget all the politicians… and vote for our soldiers, because they are America’s highest virtues.
Then someday you can look back, and you can be sure your vote won’t be lost, even though you felt you voted alone.
Nobody’s Perfect; Hey, I don’t know what came over me tonight! So Serious! I’m trying to not eat the Sweet Tarts leftover from Halloween, and it’s not easy.
Nobody Knows; Just how many voting results are going to be challenged by Al Gore.
Nobody Cares; Oh, you don’t care if I have a Sweet Tart? Well in that case…
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