John Edwards is Rising
Nobody’s Opinion; On December 26, a poll by the Des Moines Register said that John Edwards was tied with Sen. Barack Obama, leading with 22%, followed by Gov. Tom Vilsack, with 14%, and then Hillary Clinton with 10%.
Ahhhh…they are just warming up.
That’s how it starts…with a poll to tell you how to think, how to vote, or just to prepare you into thinking that you dear American citizen, are going to elect the next President.
I’ve been silently watching this guy. Ever since Kerry lost the election, John Edwards has been on the fast track to every global network of New World Order places he could possibly stick into his life. He was in Prague, he was at the meetings of the WTO, and he was at the G8 meetings somewhere delivering the coffee. He was at the trilateral meetings and the Bilderbeck meetings. He is also co-chairman of a Council on Foreign Relations task force on United States-Russia relations.
John Edwards is a globalist big time. He has, as the History Channel’s new motto says, “Globalized himself.”
Now, why would an out-of- work politician from North Carolina be seen tramping all over the world trying to sell himself as the next guy to put in power?
Soon, no doubt we will hear that he is a descendant of Jesus and Mary Madeleine, on his mother’s side.
He has the two most important characteristics that Americans seem to always be a sucker for…he’s southern, and he’s a great talker. For some reason, Americans think southerners are more honest, more like them. It’s a great cover, and helps immensely when you have to lie a lot. And since Bush presented himself as a Texan, we trusted him more. Kerry’s upper class arrogance was a sure loser with the nobody’s.
As I’ve said before, Kerry was put up to lose, to make way for Hillary. Just like Bob Dole was put up to lose against Clinton.
It’s never an even race. It’s not meant to be. (That’s just a nobody’s opinion) Anyway, back to the point.
Edwards was also the lawyer responsible for the depositions of Monica Lewinsky and Vernon Jordan in Bill Clinton’s impeachment trial, and for that alone, he should, along with Johnny Cochran, go down in history as committing the most unethical acts of human indecency and justice in the annals of prosecution.
John Edwards wants power…he can hardly contain himself. And even though he started off his announcement for candidacy to the Presidency by putting on his best, “I’m here to help poor old Miss nobody black lady clean up her yard…because the government has not send in any soldiers to clean up the yard…what a disgrace…Oh and by the way, I’m running for President and the office of Santa Clause.” ” Or something to that effect.
No, his real announcement came on the Chris Mathews Show, set up a few miles from his home at the University of North Carolina…the place where both he and his lawyer wife Elizabeth both graduated from, and donated who knows how many millions because they had a son who died in a car crash and they donated a “chair” to his memory there.
Now, I do feel for one losing a child, but they are using this dead son as a political ploy to play on your sympathy for votes.
One wonders how much it costs to sit in the chair.
It was like a football rally for the team of Edwards, there were even cheerleaders for God’s sake… and I don’t know what Chris Mathews is drinking these days, but his questions were so acrimonious in his relentless hatred of President Bush, that he went overboard in his ranting and did something I’ve never seen…he set a new high for obnoxiousness…
I have to set this up, if you didn’t see it.
There was John Edwards saying nauseating things like
“I just want to be in the best place to serve” (translated; if I can’t get into the Presidency, I would sure take the VP spot.)
“The future of the World is at stake here.” (Right, vote for him, and he will save Uganda.)
“When I was running for President, I mean Vice President” (oops, he was running for Kerry, a Freudian slip of the ego.)
“I’ve done everything I can to serve” (not mentioning what it was that he did.)
Then the obligatory pictures of him going all over Africa and shaking little black children’s hands and how “Uganda’s in a civil war and we could make such a difference”
Here we go to Africa…AGAIN.
Oh, but as for helping AMERICA, he will support universal health care for everyone, because those poor children of the employees of Wal-mart are not getting care, and being as there are no manufacturing jobs left here, why John Edwards is going to Unionized all service industry jobs!
Comrades of Burger King…UNIT!
Then Elizabeth had to show off, mentioning that the women’s sports team at the University had won many contests…in sports…go feminists!
Comrades of the university feminist’s sports team…UNIT!
But here’s what was funny. Chris Mathews said this incredible slip of the idiot tongue after something that Elizabeth said...
And I quote, “Wow, do you always let her bite your balls like that?”
Elizabeth said, “Hey, my kids are watching.” Edwards said nothing. Mathews did not apologize.
So, there’s you’re new future President. His wife says something, Edwards has nothing to say.
He will make a good Vice President for Hillary. He will do all the talking, (after all, they have got to keep her off the mike.) our medical system will be socialized as has been the plan, all the globalization that has been going on will come to the final fruition in the eight years of Hillary and Edwards.
Forget Obama…they are saving him, he is just a ploy right now.
John Edwards will take Bill Clinton’s place as the new fast talker. He is going to be something to watch.
He once told a jury in one of his summations, “I didn’t plan to talk about this, right now I feel her (the girl that died) I feel her presence. She’s inside me and she’s talking to you right now.”
He also said that Christopher Reeve was going to get up out of that wheelchair and walk again if John Kerry was elected.
I can’t wait to hear what he is going to say about whoever votes for him…probably that there will be no more hungry or sick children ever again in the world…because Jesus is inside of him, and has told him that the world needs to be saved.
Wait! What am I saying? I mean I can wait, and wait, and wait some more.
John Edwards has that megalomaniac “I want to rule the world” feverish look in his eyes, and he, like Hillary, will do anything to get it.
If Elizabeth doesn’t bite his balls off first.
Nobody’s Perfect; I once read a book by Chris Mathews, where he declared that John Wayne was one of his hero’s. You would never guess that in a million years, by the stuff that comes out of his mouth.
Nobody Knows; Thanks to trail lawyers like John Edwards, our whole medical system has been screwed up because of scumbags trial lawyers like him, making millions off of some misfortune. He has even sued the Red Cross.
Nobody Cares; The guy is such a weasel, I wouldn’t trust him with my life…or even that of my dogs. He is transparently out for himself. After all, I didn’t see him helping any Katrina victim’s right after the event, did you?
He waited till the day he announced his Presidency to get the black vote, and the poor vote, and the Hispanic vote…
I say we make him King of Uganda.
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