Nobody’s Opinion; I know it’s not polite to make fun of people’s religions, but there is a practice going on right now in Mecca, where up to 3 million people travel great distances to go and walk around and around and around a rock in Mecca, and then, the highlight of the trip is when they get to throw little rocks at three BIG rocks who are suppose to represent the devil.
One wonders if someone drew a picture of George Bush on it.
Besides being pretty funny when you think about it…last year 360 people died in a stampede because someone tripped over some luggage, (which is not so funny) so this year they have hired 30,000 police to help the clumsy and watch out for lost baggage.
On the other hand, many would say the Christian practice of a Priest putting a wafer of bread in your mouth and giving you some wine, and telling you that the wine is the blood of Jesus, might be considered by many as also silly.
But compared a person having to go thousands of miles just to get dizzy, or maybe buried under a mob of sweaty rock-throwing fanatics, having a drink of wine at the end of the sermon is a lot more safe, not to mention economical.
Today, the great singer James Brown, who past away on Christmas day, was carried to the Apollo Theatre in Harlem, in a white carriage drawn by white horses, followed by the Reverend Al Sharpton, singing, “I’m black, and I’m proud.”
The fact that James Brown would have liked added to that phrase, “And I’m proud to be an American” did not make it into Al Sharpton’s funeral plans.
Hey, this is discrimination…I’m white, and I’m proud, and I’m proud to be an American.
Can I have a black hearse and black horses at my funeral, which would be in a bar down the street? (The first place I ever had a job as a drummer.)
I’m sure at least the local drunk would walk behind my hearse and say, “She had the best pair of legs, along with Betty Gravels, and I’ve SEEN Betty Gravels legs.”
He could then say, “I’m white, and I’m proud.” And leave out the fact that he was drunk.
Anyway, that’s all he ever said to me. My musical ability was never on his mind.
Rest in peace James Brown. You made the American music scene proud, with some great funky music. You really were the King of Soul.
(Oh by the way, the picture is James and I performing his well known hit… “Talking Loud And Saying Nothing” which was GOING to be performed at the upcoming Democratic convention. Too bad he didn’t make it.)
After reading some stuff on MND, there is a concern that many writers are being censured, on Google.
Lots of people are being censored on Google. I do not find this surprising at all, since Google had no moral qualms at helping the Chinese government censure internet sites and gather up lawbreakers to torture in their jails, using their software.
Also, Google has names like Omid Kordestani, Kavitark Ram Shriram, and Al Gore on its boards. They may be brilliant, but that doesn’t mean they are prone to care about who they censure, especially if the political agenda is conservative.
After all, it was Al Gore who invented the internet.
Now that we are being told that our military is spread too thin, because it seems we are protecting the whole world…the fact that we are protecting Central and Eastern Europe, the Eastern Balkans, Israel, Kuwait, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan, (not to mention Kosovo, Bosnia..), seems beyond reason. Why don’t we just let those countries use their own guys to protect themselves?
So what are they not telling us? That part of the trade deals of our big companies getting into their countries is that we have to protect their borders? Is it because the baby boomers did not have enough boys….there is just not enough men in the population?
Or is it really world domination that our politicians want?
And does it matter to them what we want? (If you said yes, you may be brain dead.)
I mean, come on…how long have we been in South Korea?
And if China takes back Taiwan, how many of our companies will be hurt since we are already building factories in China? By all accounts, all the Presidents, past, and present, seem to think that we are getting along just hunky dory with China.
They don’t care about the communism now in China…why should it matter in Taiwan?
Is it really freedom that they are concerned about?
And speaking of world domination, I hate to admit it, but I read my first Norm Chomsky today, (I have been trying hard to avoid him.) a book called Imperial Ambitions, in which he makes the most absurd comment, which was…
“Incidentally, the idea that Reagan struck a chord among the American people is simply not true. He was not a popular president.”
He backs up this up by the polls taken at the time, who told him this. And all that mourning of the American public when he died? Well Norm said---that was a very well manipulated propaganda campaign.
What…you mean my memories of having the best time financially during Reagan, my love of him, the security we all felt when he was in office, was “programmed.”
That wall being torn down was part of the propaganda?
Reading Norm Chomsky is pretty much equivalent to going around in circles and then throwing rocks at a bunch of stones.
Poor Norm, he is not allowed in Mecca, so he throws pathological stones for communists.
And he is being read in English classes all over America. No wonder we have so many dropouts.
Nobody’s Perfect; On a happier note, everyone is rooting for the Trumpster, who is saying what many of us have wanted to say about Rosie O’Donnell for quite some time.
Where was the ACLU when he called her a “Fat slob?
He also said he thought she was a “loser” a “bully” and had a “death wish.”
God, I just love it when a man talks dirty.
O’Donnell came back with a lame...”He’s a pimp.”
But that’s not what makes him the man of the week. What really makes him a hero to us nobodys is when he said, “The day you need a permit to put up the American flag that will be a sad day for the country.”
Yes Donald, and to let the Mexican flag fly over the American flag in our own country is more than absurd, it’s criminal.
I think Donald should put the biggest American flag ever made on top of the Empire State Building, I mean, he owns it doesn’t he? ….now that would be cool.
Nobody Knows; There are 80,000 Bosnians here in St. Louis, bought here on taxpayer’s money by the Clinton Administration. There are 30,000 Somali refugees in Minnesota, brought here by the taxpayer’s money.
Why we have to import thousands of people from other nations here is beyond me. I guess they need more lab rats for the great American non-melting pot.
What’s in your neighborhood?
Nobody Cares; Ford’s death has given the liberal press another way to criticize President Bush by replaying over and over Ford’s statement that President Bush made a mistake by going into Iraq. Also, the fact that those two evil devils, Dick Cheney and Ronald Rumsfeld once worked for Ford.
No one mentioned that maybe the reason Ford had such a smooth and well remembered legacy, is BECAUSE he had Cheney and Rumsfeld working in his cabinet.
No…not one. Absurd.
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