Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nobody Flashes About Hillary: YES SHE CAN!

Nobody Flashes Anymore!


"Isn't She Lovely, isn't she wonderful, life is Hil-lar-ry, less than one minute ago..."

Wait, that's Michelle's song.

Well, "YES SHE CAN" steal her song if she wants to!

All I can say is: Hillary made such a big hit last night at the Democratic convention in Denver you would have thought she was the nominee...

Wasn't she? Suddenly, as she walked on stage, out of literally nowhere there appeared thousands of signs saying "Hillary!" at Obama's convention. Michelle was shocked to say the least. I'm surprised she kept her mouth closed. That took some effort. Even Biden looked surprised.

How much did that stunt cost the Clintons?

So, here is Hillary saying "YES I CAN!"

YES I CAN!---go away for awhile and have a mini-face lift, eye surgery, liposuction, and major reconstruction, not to mention a better makeup get ready for my Presidency...(Oh, so you don't think I was nominated?Ask those 18 million.)

YES I CAN! ---practice my most important speech of my career until I have it perfect for over a month, while recovering from my plastic surgery...and wasn't I great?!

YES I CAN!---play my Hollywood video propaganda that makes me into the new Harriet TUBBIE: the Amazon woman leader who WILL be the first woman President of the United States...sooner rather than later...just you wait and see! Anything can happen! Something might happen to Obama, you know how these things are... and then I will be ready to step in to take over!

YES I CAN! Did you see on the Obama faces! Did Michelle look absolutely petrified? Didn't Obama have a look of sheer fear in his eyes! HA! We STILL have the touch! Don't mess with a Clinton!

YES I CAN! How did you like the story about the woman who adopted two autisitic children and then got cancer, and put my name on her bald forehead! Ha! Try and top THAT one!

YES I CAN! Play the good cop while Bill plays the bad cop, and we will show the WORLD that WE ARE THE CLINTONS....WE WILL NOT GO QUIETLY INTO THE NIGHT!....

Good God....nobody flashes like the Clintons, and speaking of God---I'm doing doubletime.



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