Friday, September 05, 2008

Nobody Watches MTV and Dives

Nobody Knows: Sometimes you just have to let your brain go into stupid mode…and the best way to do that I found out, is to watch MTV Cribs.

Watching mega-multi-millionaires who can’t even speak English, or even balance a checkbook, but can open up a refrigerator and tell you his secret to fame and fortune is his stock of vitamin water, is my idea of letting your brain go into a much needed universe of “could be the end is near, so don’t sweat the small stuff” mode.

Like Rem sleep, sometimes you just have to break down and watch the absurd idiots in life who, like Forest Gump, made it into heaven because they did something you did not because they weren't thinking.

They all have the same thing. A big HD TV…a huge kitchen, and their “bedroom” where they all jump on their beds and make big eyes at the camera…

This one guy today even had a bed outside with a fireplace and he was stroking his imaginary girl’s hair…

The imaginary girl, according to him…loved it.

Then they went to a “rockers” house, and that guy kept breaking dishes on the floor and telling his girlfriend to clean it up.

He was my favorite.

I’m still trying to figure out why this show is so popular. I had a discussion about this today with my husband (who by the way, is still alive) and he suggested that the purpose of the show it to send out the message to our teenagers---do NOT go into science or math, or anything sensible like learning how to become a hedge-fund manager that uses other people’s money to get rich…BUT instead, learn how to rap, play basketball, or in this guy’s case, flip a bike that is much too small to support your weight into the air and land without breaking your neck.

What I wanna know is: if Christopher Reeve got thrown by a simple horse, how do these kids survive this stuff?

Nobody knows, but everyone wants to witness it when it happens.

There was a guy on the show today, who had made a small fortune by jumping his bike into the air, and all I could think of was: I sure hope he bought his mother a house because I just bet that woman worked her fanny off buying him a LOT of bikes while he was growing up.

He did not mention his mother, because he was….”single.”

But, he was building his own bike course behind his pool, and if I were him I’d jump that dirt-bike hill and land right in the pool.

When you have so much money, and don’t have to worry about the future, why not go for it, I say? At least have enough sense to land in the water.

You know…you have to admire these guy’s lack of intelligence. If they actually knew or had thought out the consequences of jumping into the air up five stories, and maybe NOT coming down just exactly right…

They might not even attempt it. In their cases, ignorance is not only bliss…it’s mandatory.

Nevertheless…I am watching their beautiful homes and being very envious because I would never in my wildest dreams jump a bike up five stories and twist it in the air, just for a few million dollars and five $100,000 cars, with leather interiors.

If I were rich, I’d be like Buffet. I’d still be in the same old house, spending my money on vacations to mysterious places.

But I would get a pool…I might even jump into it with a bike… off the diving board…at least once.

Well, on second thought….



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