Monday, January 05, 2009

Nobody's Perfect: We Have A Tie---Bush and Kennedy

Nobody's Perfect; It's a tie:
I couldn't decide who was more obnoxious last week...Caroline Kennedy deciding to grasp power because her father was President, even though we found out the local drug dealer down the street speaks with more clarity and intelligence... or King President George the I-wanting his other son Jeb Bush to be President someday soon, because, well--- just because he thinks it's a good idea.
Jeb's older brother, George Walker, who is not doing too well in the polls, also thinks it's a great idea. And I just bet Billy Bush will be suggested after that.
Billy is bidding his time wooing the stars, because he is going to need his own Oprah someday.
We now have three royal families: who seemed to have all made a pact with the devil, (better known as the Federal Reserve) to take turns having their "heirs" sit in the Presidential seat.
Bill Clinton, is grooming Chelsea.
And after hearing the news today that Leon Panetta, Bill Clinton's personal lawyer, is going to take over the CIA...come on.
Do you REALLY think we live in a democracy? ----You do?
Well...then you're not perfect either.
I suggest they all go skiing.



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