Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Attack of the Yenta's: Joy & Bette

Nobody's Opinion:

Oh-oh…they are worried.

The schnooks are taking over. (Yiddish for stupid person.)

The Democrats are so worried about the Tea Partiers and their own obstreperous fear that Sarah Palin will come back in the next election to claim her rightful crown and lead the resurrection of the real American woman back into power, that they had to put two of Hollywood’s most famous trailer trash diva’s---the two most powerful Yenta’s (women gossips) who ever graced the humus of a compost (one of them loves to compost) onto the launching of a primetime, Obama forever! Talk the trash and walk the trash

The Joy Bahar Show.”

You know Joy. She sits next to Whoopee on The View, and poor dear, she has so much more to say…if Whoopee would only let her.

And did I say trailer trash? You bet. No offense to the good people who live in trailers mind you. Most of you know more about life than both these women put together.

It doesn’t matter if they live in mansions, not trailers…both these women are popular because they talk trailer trash…especially Bette Midler who was Joy’s first diva/socialist guest. She even admitted it.

Her Las Vegas shows must be hurting.

I just caught the last 15 minutes of Joy’s show, and boy---did the diva’s moan. All those mean, nasty, hate speakers, causing all that hating. Why, can’t we all just have a nice discourse!

I was searching for the hair-dressers to pop up out with the teasing comb, and start calming them both down.

“Now, let me fix that, dear…hold still.”

Joy wasted no time telling us who was issuing hate speech…Glenn Beck. Why, that man was so behind the times, and never talked sweetly… and why, that Glenn Beck, he is just so…I forget the words she used, but the demeanor in which she dished him was as if she saw a roach crawling across her desk and she just had to demolish it.

Never trust a woman with five-inch blobs of spider-webs glued to her eyelids. (Hey, I’m getting good at this schmuck talk!)

And why shouldn’t they attack Glenn? Glenn is beating the branding O off of Oprah’s couch in the afternoon, and frankly, I’d like to see Glenn jump up on that famous Oprah couch, commit the mortal Tom Cruise liberal sin of professing love to just one spouse, and say:


Something which Glenn says a lot…such hate speech.

Yes, Joy is out to save her country…but little does she know, that the one thing that a real American woman like myself can’t stand (and there are millions of us out here, Joy, just lurking in the humus of the country you don’t want to exist) is just sheer---nasty, mean …gossip delivered with a sweet insidious grin.

The “Joy Bahar Show” is being put on TV to promote Obama and his “socialistic” order, which is really closet communism, but Joy knows so little about “isms” that she claimed that socialism was completely opposite of fascism---proving that both these old broads (and I say that with affection) have maybe been on one too many Las Vegas poles…hanging upside down, looking at Michael Moore.

(You know girls--there is such a thing as red hair-dye pollution.)

But it was really Sarah they wanted to trash. Bette said she read in Vanity Fair, that the young man, who got Sarah’s daughter pregnant, said that Sarah never, ever fished or hunted in her life!

(And her baby has horns, and For Whom the World Turns will now fade to commercial. Stay tuned for the divorcing husband, who’s having an affair with Roman Polanski.)

And didn’t you know that Joy wanted to truly know if Sarah Palin ever read books? Sarah didn’t answer the question, so Joy doesn’t think so.

We are talking just plain nasty.

In the end Joy put on her best “chutzpah” smile, and gave her political “commentary.” She leaned off her tokus, (take a guess) looked in the camera, and told Ahmadinejad that she never liked him, and then spouted off some Jewish saying from her mother, which meant, “Never trust a small man with big missiles.”

Wow, I’ll remember that---so will Google Iran.

Joy and Bette ended their Yenta love feast with trying to decide which one of them looked more like the other, and Joy put up a very flattering picture of herself, and an ugly one of Bette.

I like to see her try that trick with Barbara Streisand.

Alright, I admit---I happen to like them both, as entertainers---but if they want to compete with the conservative pundits like Glenn Beck, Rush, Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin—I suggest they start reading something besides Vanity Fair.

And Joy---it was President Bill Clinton that left Rwanda’s population swaying in the machete trees…or…did you miss that issue of Vanity Fair?

My mother also had a wise saying, too. Whenever some mean, vicious, girls would put me down, talking trash and gossip…she would always say: “Consider the source”

Thanks mom...I will.
