Delectable Cookies of Power
Nobody’s Opinion; “A fondness for power is implanted in most men, and it is natural to abuse it.” ---Alexander Hamilton
I usually enjoy reading Marilyn vos Savant’s comments in her syndicated column called “Ask Marilyn” every week. Being the genius that she is, it’s usually hard to disagree with her arguments about anything. In fact, I’ve got a whole file full of cut-out clippings on her wise decisions on just about any topic, in case I need desperate advice. (This is usually every few seconds.)
But last week after I read her, I threw her column away with the rest of the paper--in disgust. Her record of perfection and impeccable reasoning had been blemished. Obviously she was spending all her time answering the thousands of questions she gets every week and was living a sheltered life…somewhere in a nice house with her dogs and her wonderful husband. After all, the brain can get rusty.
That was my original gut reaction.
The question that was asked was, weren’t the two parties in America very different entities? (Or something like that)---to which she replied no, they were very similar, and the proof was that the transition from one election to another was historically always very smooth.
What? It seems to this nobody out here, with all the Senators attacking Presidents, and house members attacking mayors, and democrat pundits attacking republicans, and Presidents attacking the people: everything was in chaos. She was wrong. The Democrats were near Marxists, and the Republicans were …well just what were they?
Then I started reading “Breach of Trust” this week by Tom A Coburn, M.D.
You see, Tom was one of the congressmen of 1994--- you remember, the great Republican revolution that Newt Gingrich mentions every time he gets a 30- second slot. Seventy-two new and eager Republicans marched into Congress in 1994 with the slogan “Contract with America.” They were going to clean up and really put the government back in the hands of the people.
Tom went because he was tired of the “elitist” Congress that was out of touch with the American people. (Sound familiar?) The Democrats had controlled Congress for over forty years.
That election knocked President at the time Bill Clinton for a loop. Even though they thought it was Hillary‘s fault, (Hillary Care) the narcissistic Bill, woke up.
On the first day in session, the Republicans were on a roll, passing eight measures, more than any single Congress in decades.
They passed a bill requiring Congress to live under the laws it imposes on the rest of us, a bill calling for an independent audit of the House; they cut the number of House committees and staff by one-third, and the big cookie that was talked about, which would have probably cut all corruption in half, was term limits.
I mean, admit it folks. These career politicians are the main reason our country has fallen down so low. Just how much longer must we see the same old faces, over and over again. The longer they are up there, the more entrenched they become.
Term limits to the republicans of 1994, was the most important thing on the plate to fight for and they were in the contract, but Newt made sure that the house roll call was rigged so that every Republican had a chance to vote for one version of term limits while “no version of term limits actually received enough votes to pass. Hypocrisy was the watchword.”
But---as soon as they got the power, the leaders of the revolution wanted to stop. Dick Army (R-Texas) and House Majority Leader said “Now that we have elected a Republican House, maybe there is no more need for term limits.”
Sure, we got power--- now, we can spend as much as we want. Pass the cookies.
One by one, the leaders of the Revolution folded. Newt Gingrich was fighting Bill Clinton over the budget--- but he gave in. (remember all the scandals?) They shut the government down. Bill’s dream of high noon came true. Newt got all the republicans but one to vote to open it back up.
If they had held out, they would have won. Perhaps that was the only moment in history when America could have salvaged something. Dole gave in to, due to the fact that he was going to be running for President.
Why did the leaders give in to Clinton? He made them an offer they couldn’t refuse.
The delectable political cookies of power.
And now I can’t help but wonder just what kind of cookies will President Bush receive for selling out America? They must be huge. What is he getting?
The “Globalization” of a whole New World Order is being set up, (As Daddy Bush predicted) and the Republicans are salivating for a piece of it.
Now, we see that the vast majority of the Congress, Democrats and half the Republicans, have all acted as one party to give up the sovereignty of America to Mexico.
Oh sure, it will take another forty years, but it will happen. It’s in the numbers.
There are only a brave few against it. (Like Tom Tracredo, (R.Colo.)
So you see, unless there is a third party that really wants to change the corruption of greed in Washington, or we can stage another revolution ourselves, both parties will put their own power and lives at the expense of our whole nation’s demise till it’s eventual downfall. It really doesn’t matter who you vote for.
And if Newt Gingrich by some chance gets into the Presidential run in 2008, go read Tom’s book and think twice about you vote.
OK, Marilyn; it took me awhile--- but you were right once again. There is almost no difference at all in the parties, no matter what terrible things they say about each other..
And when they get in power, they are all one cookie...those dogs.
Nobody’s Perfect; Hey, do you think it’s easy taking a picture and writing a piece around it? Try it sometime.
Nobody Knows; Marriage is the number cause of divorce. Red Skelton said that. Government is the number one cause of revolution. Nobody said that.
Nobody Cares; “Remember democracy never last long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide.”---John Adams.
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