Master Bill
But, it’s against his nature. He just has to start up fights. He thrives on it. He loves it. He can’t seem to get enough of it. He’s like the kid who starts the fight on the playing field and then walks away, while everyone else gets in trouble.
“Massser Bill, you issss the best.” And he knows it.
I love the way Bill talks about other people, especially other leaders in the world. He treats them all like little children who have to be put in line by him (the father figure) or praised. He is showing you his superiority…to say he is a legend in his own mind in an understatement…more like a God. Consider this statement he made about President Bush:
“I’m proud of him for doing it and I thanked him for doing it.”
He’s talking about President Bush wanting amnesty for all illegal immigrants.
He said this to the nation’s largest “civil rights for Mexico to come into America and demand all our money and jobs group"--- La Raza, which means “The Race.”
Doesn’t this sound like a father commending his 16-year old for filling up the family car, and washing it? Bill always talks like he is the “father knows best” of the world and is condescending to most everyone that walks the planet.
So he starts out soft…then it gets better. He says, “It’s hard to demonize people if you know them,” which is a suggestion that anyone who doesn’t want the Mexican invasion is “demonizing” the poor Mexican laborer.
But President Bush is on the same globalist page as Bill Clinton. Much to utter distress of those of us that voted for the man, when it comes to the New World Order yes, sadly, Bill and George on the same page.
But, Bill Clinton has work to do. There are a few in Congress that are trying desperately to hang on to the last thread of sovereignty of our beloved America. Bill has to “demonize” them.
Hey, he thinks you are all stupid, all idiots.
He says “They (meaning all in Congress who support closing the borders) support a “financial elite” because they favor “concentrated wealth and power.”
This doesn’t make any sense whatsoever; because most of the people who oppose the invasion are most of the Americans who are going to lose their jobs and future hopes because of it. We are hardly concentrated wealth and power. In fact, we eat mostly at McDonalds. Not only is this invasion taking our pensions, but our children’s hope for any kind of decent living.
In fact it’s a bold faced lie. The truth is that it is Bill Clinton and President George Bush who support the “financial elite” because it is that segment of Americans who want to make America into a third world country, so that they can build their factories in the United States and Mexico with the merger of the two countries. This merger that Clinton wants so badly will mostly benefit the wealthy.
Bill Clinton has always worked for the rich…and for the Council on Foreign Relations. (Who have planned this merger for many years) They were the ones who plucked him out of the drug mafia in Arkansas and put him into the New World Order of Georgetown, Oxford, and the international bankers who control it all. Just read his book. It’s all there.
I mean, who else would send his Cocaine addicted brother as an ambassador to North Korea and have it not reported in the major media? Bill Clinton is protected.
Then he goes for the throat. “They believe in a government that is secret, unaccountable and that maximizes its own power. They really believe the world works better if they run it and we keep our mouths shut.”
Can you say hypocrite?
Bill is still trying to get democrats back in power, because he still controls most of them.
This coming from a man who put just about every man or woman he ever met in positions of high political office, whether they could do the job or not. What was important was their complete devotion to him.
You need proof? Look how they all come running whenever he calls.
On his first day in office he fired all the federal judges to be replaced with his own. He leaves office and everyone that used to work for him gets put in high positions as congressmen, on multinational Corporations, heads of universities, ambassadors, and on major television shows. He pardons terrorists and drug addicts. He even starts his own global organization to control the whole world.
Bill Clinton intends to run the world and makes no bones about it. He was upset that FDR got to serve four terms and he had to leave office. And secrecy? His administration just shredded every document of every illegal action ever committed by him and his people. He is so powerful that he sends his cronies like Sandy Burger into the National Archives to steal documents, and no one dares touches him or his men.
Then to suck up to La Raza he says “You literally reshaped the political landscape of our nation; we can still see a (communist) movement blooming before our very eyes.”
Yes, LA Raza is backed by the communists. Did you think having the protests on Mayday, the day that all communists all over the world celebrate, was just a coincidence?
The real answer here is not only will the multinational companies like Ford and GE love this merger of the three countries, which is being done by Bill Clinton and President George Bush, but it is also being done to keep the power in the hands of a few people at the top, and concentrate that power, without representation of anyone in Mexico, Canada, or the United States. And if Hillary becomes President, then just who will have power again? Just who is she married to? What’s his name again?
Actually, I prefer to see Bill Clinton and his propaganda on every news cast, even though I said I hated it, because when Bill Clinton is out of the country in hiding, I always suspect the worst, and wonder just what he is up to.
Remember, he was in Australia on 9/11, playing golf with the rich and powerful.
And until the major press starts showing what this man is really doing and the ungodly power he seems to have over the entire world, we will continue down the road to the end,
and Bill Clinton’s vision of world power.
I actually think George W. Bush will be retired after 2008, but Bill Clinton will still be around long after he is gone, and calling him out like a dutiful son, when he is needed.
Nobody’s Perfect; Nicholas Bartha, the man who blew up a whole building so his wife wouldn’t get it in a suicide attempt, failed to actually kill himself with the attempt.
Nobody Knows: Just what it was that Sandy Berger stole from the National Archives, but many think it was Bill Clinton’s connection to 9/11.
Nobody Cares; Nobody has even mentioned that if this guy Zidane, (French soccer player)who said that the reason he head-butted the Italian rival on the field because he insulted his Algerian background by saying that he was the “son of a terrorist whore”--- if he was a Muslim. In that case, he was stupid to fall for that old trick of “make him lose it.” I’m expecting that soon, he will be on a NIKE commercial, and have a whole new career.
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