Sunday, July 23, 2006

Mother Nature's Inconvenient Truth

Nobody’s Opinion; I couldn’t blog for the last few days due to an unbelievable storm that came up in a matter of seconds last Wednesday and knock down the whole St. Louis City with one 15 minute punch. It was a first.

I am still dazed and confused, and that’s mostly from cutting up tree limbs, and raking tree limbs, and being thankful that none of the trees around my house actually fell on my house, although I did have a dream that I was in my next door neighbors house from which I witnessed my own house completely collapse with my husband in it. (Its o.k., I let him survive in my dream)

But, many did not survive so well.

Anyway, what are the chances that on the very hottest day of the year, (102) we get a super cell tornado that passes over the whole city with 80-mile-an-hour gusts…coming down from …Chicago?

Every storm I have ever witness here has come from the West, or Southwest…but North? The weathermen say it “formed” over us.

While I was standing in line at Wendy’s with the rest of the city, a man in back of me was talking on his cell-phone to his brother had just gone through the same storm in Chicago.

More likely it “formed” somewhere in Canada and was pushed down with electromagnetic pulses from Al Gore’s secret weather station at the North Pole, where he has fun playing a mad scientist, x-Vice President wannabe President. He probably has a special polar bear park where he has gathered as many as possible so that we all think they are going extinct, but they are actually being well-fed U.S. prime beef on our tax dollars. That’s why we can’t find any in our grocery stores.

NASA says the reason for the warm temperatures all over the earth is because the sun spot is in overdrive and has caused a radiation increase. I’ll buy that. Here in the mid-west we were doing just fine. Everything was normal. Trust me; tornado’s here are rare in July. Almost never happens.

I was just outside before the storm came up on Wednesday, and it was hot, but a clear day. I walked indoors, turned on the computer and within seconds Dorothy was flying over my house. It came up so fast that I had just barely pressed the “turn off” button on the computer before we lost all electric. I jumped up, looked outside, and decided Nostradamus had come to get me.

Over half a million people lost electric. A first here.

Storms in July do not appear that fast in Missouri. You go outside and say “Hey, looks like it might rain...yep…its coming---maybe.” Four hours later, you might get a sprinkle.

In fact, weather is going crazy everywhere, and I don’t think it’s because of our extra gas.
(Although I’d love to blame it on Ted Kennedy)

This was like nothing I’d ever witnessed. It was like a gigantic super cell, that sucked up the whole city of St. Louis-- a tornado of such incredible size that just passed over us, but didn’t touch down, just took some trucks, planes, billboard, roofs, guys on golf courses…little stuff.

That was last Wednesday. 530,000 people had to bear the heat, and spoiled food.

Why, they even bought in the National Guard…to get us used to them.

And just when you thought you’d seen it all, a day later it happened again.
Picture Katrina happening twice.

Everyone you met was complaining…no water, no air conditioner, and no lights. Lots of sweaty people were driving around looking for fast food.

We got by on candles…and actually I got a lot of work done OFF the computer by flashlight. My husband and I listened to the radio because everyone was calling up and saying “Three semi’s just overturned…on the bridge, don’t go that way.” or “A tree just fell on my house.” Or “There are four live wires in my back yard…what do I do?”

And the whole time I was thinking: if we are attacked, we are in serious trouble.

The stores were out of water within hours. You could NOT get money from the bank. They couldn’t take credit cards. You could not drink your water. People were miserable. Dogs were miserable. The guys who had to go out and try to fix the mess were miserable.

In fact, there are still over 400,000 people miserable in St. Louis right now…because they won’t get electric until next week. Like the New Yorkers, their only enjoyment in life is to enjoy being miserable, but thankful they are not in Beirut.

So what is going on? Why is it taking longer and longer to fix things? Are the grids so old and overworked with all the new immigrants that they just can’t handle it? Are there no Mexican electricians?

What’s worse is that we are the only block in our whole county that got the electric on. I would like to say this is due to my divine pretense, but we have a judge on the street.

Frankly, I’m glad it happened because the bottom line is you’ve got to get prepared for this. I am going to definitely buy more peanut butter.

So Al Gore has picked his moment.

Here’s a little secret that they don’t want the America people to know. Weather manipulation is very real. Secretary of Defense, William Cohen talked about how it would be used as a “weapon.” It was a major concern to him because of how other countries could use it in terrorism.

And even though the earth is going through some changes, it would be so easy to “enhance” those very changes for political purposes, whether as a “weapon” or to promote a political agenda.

The real “inconvenient truth” might be that some of these natural acts are being made more horrible with men that are experimenting with Mother Nature.

Do you hear a bell jar? Let’s hope this well guarded information doesn’t get out because a very real side of our own mother nature might come out and cause a few storms of our own. Al Gore might have to actually move to Russia.

I did learn one thing…you know what I missed the most? Writing my little rantings to you.

Nobody’s Perfect; The Lebanese’s people have lost 372 people in this war…the Israeli’s, 19 “troops” Why? Because the Jews have made it a law that every new building has to have a bomb shelter. I think we should get that very same law passed over here. Did you ever wonder why Russian and China have huge underground bunkers with plenty of supplies for their people, but the United States only has bunkers for our elite politicians?

Nobody Knows; There is also a blackout in Queens tonight. Burke, the guy who heads up the electrical grids said “it was something that I’ve never seen before” and “the damage was greater than imagined.” What they don’t say is what caused it.

Nobody Cares; Last year 43 Americans were kidnapped in Haiti. Hey, how come we haven’t gone to war with Haiti? What’s in Haiti that we don’t want?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.

6:22 AM  

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