Stem-Cell Explosion
The liberals are attacking President Bush with guns full blown on these two subjects. Somehow tonight, they are connecting in my little nobody mind…
First; we can’t fight wars like we use to. Before political correctness, when a country attacked another, as Japan and Germany did in WWII, we went back and bombed them into oblivion. We destroyed whole towns…which were full of woman, children, and all the sweet little animals like rabbits and pets….not to mention any tree that happened to be standing.
As in the bombing of Dresden, nothing was spared.
Somehow, nature survived. There are squirrels, rabbits, and people guzzling beer in Germany as we speak. Japan came back so well, they have taken over our automobile industry, and made us into three generations of couch potatoes playing video games.
But killing “innocents” was so horrible that the world decided it was not right.
“Innocents” were meant to mean, anyone who wasn’t a soldier. Now, I happen to think a soldier’s life is just as important as an innocent’s life, but I’m just a nobody.
But if we could fight like before, the war in Iraq would be over. We would have just gone in and demolished Iraq, and Iran, if not with an atomic weapon, than with heavy bombing. Our soldiers would not be in North Korea now. That country would probably be making electronics like the rest of Asia.
It’s a moral dilemma facing wars now, at least by the West.. Let me note that the Islamists have no qualms about killing woman and children as we have seen in how they sacrifice their own.
But they have “God” on their side. We are told on our side he doesn’t exist anymore.
This puts us at a very grave disadvantage psychologically. Whether you think “scientifically” or not that he exists, when it comes to war, if you don’t believe in God, and the goodness about your mission, you will be an easy target.
Faith gives you that extra shield, that extra helmet, the extra weapon.
The baby boomers grew up completely ignorant of the horrors of WWII. Oh sure, we experience Vietnam…but there was no real cause in that war, God was taking out of it altogether. We still have no clue, but it was fought as much as possible, without hurting innocents, and that put us at the disadvantage.
Our fathers refused to talk about WWII because it was the last thing they wanted to remember. Like the death of a child, the only thing you could do to survive was forget it and move on with your life.
Then our school system really cleaned it up. As if to protect us from our meager little minds…we were basically brainwashed into thinking it was just an “event.”
Oh, they showed us a few pictures, but no bodies.
This has a catch 22 of course because now you have millions all over the globe that have not seen horror and don’t expect it to happen to us.
Then Science came in and ended it all. The development at Los Alamos and the dropping of the bombs at Nagasaki and Hiroshima, threw the world into a whole new way of war.
Other nations got the knowledge, and now every nation wants its own atomic bombs.
On the one hand…the sheer invention of the bomb was a breakthrough. But, on the other hand, no country now is safe. All the people of the earth live in nuclear fear, forever….until they unleash virus warfare, nano-technology, and weather weapons. .
We paid a very high price for this invention.
The new globalists at Yalta then divided up the remains of Europe. FDR, Churchill, and Stalin…got a map out and drew lines, like they were cutting up a pie.
Truman and Wilson formed the League of Nations and we were down the road of the New World Government. They were going to control the masses. Nothing has changed.
Second: And now we have the stem-cell research debate. The facts seem to be that so far, the adult stem-cells along with the umbilical cord have produced around 76 new medicines; the stem-cells from the aborted fetus has not produced anything. Remember, President Bush let them go ahead and research on the ones already harvested.
But, it’s the stem-cells research, much like the invention of the atom bomb that could put us on the road of a world event as destructible as the atom. All the governments want the people to pay for this, so the government can own the patents.
That would be nice if the people would see the royalties, wouldn’t it? Ha!
We can go there, but should we? Should we do something just because we can?
The patents and money coming out of the human baby (which will be up for sale) will be too much to pass up. Designer babies will be the next step, and ONLY the rich will be able to afford the intelligence gene, the disease-free genes, the good-looking genes...etc.
Come on, you know this is going to happen. Most of the world doesn’t even have health care, what makes you think that this technology is going to cure the world?
You will have to pay for it. And it will be just another tax on us to pay for the poor all over the world who need it. And they are selling it to us as a cure for all diseases…you mean cruel people, don’t you see its science being held back by Neanderthals like Bush!
Now, having gotten three patents myself, I can tell you from experience that the internationals companies have been fighting for years to make the patent system one global network, which means that any little inventor out there with a good idea will not profit. Only the big Corporations will make the money from any invention of any person.
Oh, that is sure to make a country prosper! The state will own your idea, and give you a piece of paper saying you invented it. You’ll get your name on a plaque.
There are only a handful of people who are fighting these conglomerates in Congress right now, and unless the globalization of the world stops, it’s only a matter of time.
When the stem -cell research gives the green light to cloning, a can of worms just as big and destructive as the atom bombs will be released, because as we are seeing all around us, the power goes to the one with the most money.
And the globalists will develop a whole new race of humans.
So along with an arms race, we now have a cloning race.
I don’t know about you, but it’s hard enough for most of the people of the world to get along as it is.
What will actually happen is that there will be a whole new world with disease-free elite and powerful clones who will rule a planet of un-cloned with the same old diseases.
Maybe then “God” and faith will come back into fashion.
Nobody’s Perfect; Richard Feynman used to tell stories about how when he was working in Los Alamos, every night he would get into the safe where they keep all the secrets. All they did was put a simple little lock on the drawer. He thought this was utterly ridiculous, and every one else just got sick of him doing it. As we know by all the data that’s been stolen lately, they still don’t keep anything secure.
Nobody’s Knows; Okay, who are they going to clone first? You just know if the rich will pay 30 million to go up into space for all of 5 minutes, just think how much they would pay to be cloned? And would they be able to improve their own clone? Wow, you could order extras, just like on a car. Think of it.
“Well, I’d like the never go bald gene, I’d like the never get fat gene, throw in the never get frustrated gene, and give me an IQ of 188. How much more will that be? O.K…leaves off the I.Q.”
Nobody Cares; Much like the invasion from Mexico that our Congress and President care so much about stopping, the stem-cell research is already a done deal. They talk a great game, but their actions are loud and clear. It was the very reason Fisk was made leader.
Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.
Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.
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