Sweeping At "Democracy"
I sweep my porch.
And while I was sweeping, I was thinking about how this word “democracy” and the spread of “democracy” was being thrown around by President Bush, and Condi Rice, and just about every politician I can ever remember making a speech in my life.
Now our founders deliberately wanted a “representative” government, NOT a democracy, which is basically…mob rule. Remember the guillotines in Paris? ---That’s democracy.
But, we don’t have mob rule here…the mob doesn’t get to rule anything.
Do you feel you have a voice? Doesn’t it feel that the only time our leaders listen to us is in some poll? Polls are basically used to control us, just in case you haven’t figured that one out.
I stated sweeping faster…and harder...and thinking…
When “We the people” are no longer represented by our elected officials; when the people feel that they have no voice in anything that happens in their lives---
When we have seen decades of a corrupted educational union monopolize and propagate the stupidity of our children, while the rich kids get great educations, and “we the people” have no say whatsoever in even what they teach…
When our universities are controlled by borderline communists…
When a government stands by and watches generation after generation of their citizens being demolished by drugs and despite billions of tax dollars the problem is worse than ever…
When only millionaires and billionaires can run for office, thereby only representing the rich man, while “we the people” and the common man who represents the majority of the people would have to win the lottery to even run…
When x-cabinet members can just move to a state he or she has never lived in, and with enough money and connections, be made senator of that state...
When a government ignores the will of the people and encourages an invasion from another country for the benefit of stock options…
When members of our highest Court, (who call themselves Supreme) site international law---and instead of interpreting the Constitution, they dismantle it, and nothing is said by our elected officials…
When Americans lose their constitutional right to private property and our elected officials do nothing…
When a government does nothing to protect the borders from terrorists, but instead spies on its own people--- (And remember, Clinton was doing this just as much) ….
When you see camera’s going up on every corner, but not one politician says a word….
When x-Presidents commits treason by giving our enemies nuclear technology to China, who gives it to Iran, and absolutely nothing is done to him…
When elected officials send our young men off to war, and then put those very lives in danger by daily siding with the enemy…
When our manufacturing base is sold out by politicians working for themselves and major corporations instead of the interests of the country…
When Congressmen stay in office for life, and sit on boards of huge companies, and then build big bunkers to protect themselves and their families from a nuclear attack, but do nothing to protect the people…
But they are sure to give themselves raises every single year while teh people wages go down…
When the American people are taxed at a higher level than what the revolutionary war was fought over, and are bled for more, and when they can’t save because of high taxes and high interest rates on credit cards, are told that it’s their own fault...
When no one can bring a suit of injustice against the government without fear of an audit, or prison. In fact fear is used constantly on a daily basis in all media outlets…
When huge welfare states are built, transferring wealth from the middle classes to the poor without the consent of the people…
When a medical system of welfare is introduced to make it so expensive that no one can afford care, and therefore the only answer will be a Socialist National Health System…
When a government refuses to build refineries for our energy, or even look for new energy resources, never solving the problem but introducing bicycle paths, and forcing us to drive dangerously small cars…
When a government tells us we are at war with terrorists, and yet let in thousands of our enemies who could destroy us at any moment…
When we are told how lazy and educated we are, and treated like children…
When we are told we cannot go into some of our National Parks anymore without permission…
When we are told we must celebrate diversity, and therefore soon will lose our jobs if we don’t learn Spanish.
When no repair and upgrade is done on the electrical grids, infrastructure, and roads…
When trillions of taxdollars go down some hole but our govnement is not audited or held responsible in any way…
When Israel is being attacked, but we cannot go in to help them…
When any President can declare a war and bomb a country for over 3 months on a whim….
When our merger with Canada and Mexico are being forced upon the nation without even a vote…
When our sons and daughters are being force to serve the United Nations.
When men do not have a say in a "woman’s choice"…
When a government shows that in a disaster, whether natural or nuclear, we are on are own, and yet, when it comes to other countries, our government is the first there…
When the two parties put globalization before their own citizens…
When we watch a woman’s painful death ordered by a court to starve, because our elected officials want this old population to go without waste….
No question…we are really down in the dirt.
Now, if you think we live in a democracy or even a representative republic, then you have major cobwebs between your ears…come on over, I’ll get the hose.
Once thing is obvious…”we the people” have a major FUBAR on our hands.
The great United States of the founding fathers no longer exits. And I for one would like to sweep the whole lot of them in Washington D.C. right off my porch and start over.
Nobody’s Perfect; I heard that President Bush was down on his Western White House Ranch reading about Lincoln and the Polio vaccine.
Guess he’s expecting a civil war, and so they might have to release bird flu to contain us….
What? Well, my guess is as good as yours! Why even tell us what he’s reading?
Nobody Knows; Why there has to be a Crawford White House? That’s just George and Laura’s House. I guess he wants the Mexicans to feel he’s close by.
Nobody Cares; And when did the word “troops” take on a new meaning? It used to be that “troops” were a unit of soldiers…now it means a unit of one soldier. Right? I’m confused.
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