Puckish Prosumers
What is this prosuming and why is it important?
Prosuming basically means all the work you do that you don’t get paid for. And in the boardrooms of the powerful and elites of the world, prosuming and prosumers are just about the most exciting thing since someone figured out how to make a fortune off of bottling the water that you could get for free out of your faucet.
The marketing of the New World Order knows no limits of genius.
They’ve have basically found a nice word to call slave labor, and at this moment are introducing it as the “progressive” economic future, in books, and universities.
Like the Hamas getting the young boys primed to sacrifice themselves, the globalists will be introducing this new “third way” concept to the western world in hopes that you will feel great the next time you donate your time and work for free.
It’s just a form of communism…but your not suppose to know that.
In Alvin Toffler’s book “Revolutionary Wealth” he explains how nobody is really measuring this new and future “wealth” that is right there to be harnessed.
He really makes it sound so exciting.
Alvin Toffler is your sociologist/humanitarian/controller mouthpiece for the globalist’s planners of the New World Order. He writes this book, like he is writing the history of the world and just reporting the facts.
According to him, mankind has gone from agriculture (dumb farmers), to horrible industrialists (which polluted the earth), and now we are coming to the new third wave which is “prosumers.”
You see, prosuming is basically man working for free. It’s what a woman does when she takes care of a house and raises the kids and doesn’t get paid for. It what you do when you pump your own gas. (Thereby saving the gas companies millions by getting rid of service people.)
The more the wealthy can make YOU do the job for them, and still pay them for the service that you are having to do for yourself… the happier they will be. Instead of them creating jobs and having to pay people to do those jobs…they will just get you to do the jobs for free, and thereby making more money for themselves.
Okay, that’s capitalism you say? Yeah, but the playing field between the rich and the poor will just get bigger and bigger. And the poor nobodies will become more stressed out, with less money, with more to do, and less time to do it.
Take Tim Berners-Lee for example. Think of the money he could have made by not giving away his programs for the World-Wide-Web.
Now, think of all the money he has made for AOL, Microsoft, and thousands of other companies who are now making loads of money off his invention.
Tim Berners-Lee is one prosumer they truly love.
I’m not saying that I personally don’t appreciate the gift. But, the globalists have decided that this “do it and donate it for free” so that the right company can come in and take it over---is the way humanity will grow and should grow.
They think it’s just wonderful; unfortunately the nobodies of the world are not so excited about it.
Is your gas any cheaper now that you have to self-serve your car, sometimes in the middle of a blizzard, or even a heat wave? No.
Do you ever find out what’s wrong with you when your doctor’s gives you five minutes of his time? No.
Do you like sitting on the phone for hours, trying to get someone at customer service, because the company is saving money on not having to pay phone operators? No.
Are you happy if your child has a headache and you go to your local emergency ward, but have to sit for eight hours…only to have your child maybe die because the gunshot victim took precedent over your child’s headache, which turned out to be meningitis? No.
These are the ways that the big companies are finding out how to make the people of the world get stressed out--- by having to diagnoses their own medical problems, fix the computers themselves, and rebuild their own home after the hurricanes.
They think it’s wonderful because now they have a whole new way to make money.
There are no savings; there are huge credit card debts. They know this. So, where is the new market?
Why in the “Do it yourself.”
The future is in Knowledge, and since knowledge always becomes obsolete within months, the globalists know there will never be a shortage of prosumers
The goal seems to be one big world of elites controlling and selling knowledge to a world of prosumers. Knowledge is gold.
What’s wrong with that?
Millions of jobs are being elimated, and in the future, we might even have to grow our own food in our backyard.
We now bag our groceries ourselves and think we are saving money.
Knowledge is the new global market, and those who control the knowledge will control the world.
After all, money is just a number on a screen, created out of thin air, with nothing backing it up. All the real gold seems to be in Saudi Arabia. Who knows what FDR did with the United States gold.
I just wish they would have found a better word…I would have preferred…slave.
Nobody’s Perfect; Bill Clinton got together with the people who worked with him on his “globalization” policies. They had to admit that millions of Americans lost their jobs due to Nafta, and his China politics…they admitted they made some mistakes. Still, there is no way now to stop globalization. That was their conclusion. This nobody says… what’s a “few” mistakes, when you have a chance to make trillions?
Nobody Knows; It sure seems that the same rich people are always getting together? Is it just me? Rupert Murdoch had a get together at Pebble Beach with Tony Blair, Bill Clinton, Al Gore, and Arnold. Do you think they were “prosuming?”
Nobody Cares; What’s really funny is that most of us are excited about going to Home Depot or buying our own stocks online, or booking our own travel….even if we don’t have a clue about what we are doing, as far as we’re concerned, we are saving money. And yes…it is fun.
I’m still trying to piece this prosumer stuff together. It’s kinda like anything else, there are pro’s and con’s…the main thing is I really resent only a handful of people controlling what the rest of the world does, buys, and how we will live.
But, history shows, it’s nothing new.
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