Who's Winning?
Nobody’s Opinion; Hey, who won the war? Why everybody depending on who was talking, and what station you were watching.
Sheik Hassan Nasrallah came out first and declared victory. Which means he may have a point because the two guys that were captured were never returned, and not many of his soldiers were killed due to the fact that they were hiding in holes and letting the woman and children take the hit so as to get action from the United Nations to stop all the baby killing. Not a strategy usually taken by the West, but it seems to work for the Muslims every time. On the other hand, all the people returning to their homes better have several good pairs of shoes handy and relatives who can put in plumbing...
President Bush came out early and said that diplomacy won, which seem to be taken as the United States won, due to the hard work of Condi. (Which was also taken to mean the Hezbollah were really suffering and needed help from the U.N.)
But then later President Bush said Hezbollah lost, which means Israel won, because it destroyed probably the whole southern half of the state…all roads, buildings, bridges, and night clubs for the next 25 years. Still, the Jewish soldiers on the ground were not too happy with the way it was fought. But that’s common in all wars.
Meanwhile, in Iraq, the citizens are sitting in long gas lines due to a gas shortage. It seems there have been 315 attacks on pipelines that are not getting fixed right away. BP is in Alaska right now, fixing other pipelines. First things first.
There was an Iraqi taxi driver complaining that he was having to wait up to 6 hours in 115 degrees heat to fill up at the gas pump, meanwhile, it was Monday, so our prices came down.
I say, suck it up, Iraq. Here in St. Louis, we didn’t have water or electric for over 2 weeks, in 100 degree heat, and we didn’t complain too much. (Of course, we don’t have oil wells under us and our neighbors trying to kill us.) Give us some time.
So, its seems this is the first war where all sides can obliterate the other and claim victory. Someone came in and said; ok...you can kill each other as much as you want until 7 am on Monday, and then take a break. Both sides reload, and then we’ll start up again. Intermission, first down.
Muslims; 791 dead, (mostly civilians) Israel 155 dead (mostly soldiers)
Score--- game goes to Israel if we are counting on most killed.
I was trying not to watch it, I really was. But there it was tonight on C-Span, Mike Wallace and the new best friend of Bill Clinton and the Democratic Party, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. You have a big left wing liberal interviewing another left wing liberal.
At least he pretended to be a left wing liberal for the interview.
It was rather obvious when Wallace put in the phrase “so called free” nation of America in one of his questions. He said that phrase with noticeably spit, I mean spite.
Poor Mike, he had to go over to Iran for the Democrats, because nobody in the Bush administration answered that poor man’s 17 page letter. After all, it’s Democratic policy to always talk to every murderer, tyrant, communist, and baby killer on the planet. They share the same beliefs… like love, peace, and justice, which is just what the benevolent Ahmadinejad talked about. “Love, Love, Love.”
I think they’ve all been listening to too much Yoko Ono.
Ahmadinejad was running for the position of Jesus disguised in Harvard attire.
Now, here is the biggest nutcase in the world, who wants to blow up and destroy whole nations, and he talks like he is running for office on the Democratic ticket. He mentions how 45 million in the United States don’t have medical insurance. He wants to eliminate poverty. All nations should live in peace.
Either this man is so incredible smart that he knows our country is split, and so he purposely talks like a democrat, mentioning all the same ideas and points of the liberals, or Bill and Hillary talk to him daily, and send him all the talking points every day to help him in their mutual cause of hurting George W. Bush.
No, you say? Hey, if the same lawyer that defended Bill Clinton in his impeachment proceeding can defend Saddam Hussein, then Hillary and Bill can certainly advise the great new politician of the Democratic Party, Mahmoud the Magnificent.
What surprises me is that nobody is seeing this obvious alignment of the democrats with the Muslims, because everybody knows the Jewish people vote democrats.
And why DO most Jews vote Democratic? That’s the question that Sean Hannity was asking today. Let’s see, it’s universally known that the Jews are highly intelligent, have won most of the prizes in science and math, they are tops in the medical professions, and make great lawyers... they run Hollywood, and let’s not to forget that it was a Jew who once ruled the finances of the Mafia, and the casinos in Las Vegas, Iran, Panama, and Cuba.
And what are they always accused of? Being too good at making money. So why aren’t they all Republicans, the party that all the Democrats say are just for rich people?
You have just answered your own question. Shhhhhhh, keep it secret.
Nobody’s Perfect; NASA we found out today, is going to the old Space Museums to find old parts for their new up and coming return to the moon. They have also lost the tapes of Neil Armstrong walking on the moon.
I suggest to prove that they actually land this time, that they take Tiger Woods to play a round of golf in the Craters. I’m sure, Tiger’s golf ball ,with his long drive, might make it back to earth. If the Van Allen belt didn’t hurt the first guys, no reason why a titanium golf ball couldn’t make it back. Just think of how much you could get for it on e-bay!
Nobody Knows; Mr. Amadinejad talked about Bush and the American economy, as if he controlled our economy from Iran and was making a veiled threat. He is also picking up talking points from Chavez. He also mentioned how much money we taxpayers pay for military spending, more Democratic talking points.
I’m waiting for the “We Are the World” video with Jimmy Carter, Bill and Hillary, Castro, Chavez, Bill Richardson, Ahmadinejad, Nasrallah, Jacques Chirac, Vicente Fox, Koffi Annan, Mandela, Jesse Jackson, Bono, Modonna, John Kerry, Kim Jong II, Gorbachev, Paul Begala, Cindy Sheehan, Li Ka-Shing, Hu Jintuo, Osama bin Laden, with special guest stars, Yoko Ono, and Michael Jackson.
“We are the World, We are the Children, We are the ones who take it all, so just start giving"….ok..it’s late.
Nobody Cares; The left came into our country in the sixties, took over our universities, and spread communism disguised as feminism, by getting our females into the work force and introducing abortion to cut down on our populations.
The poor WWII parents could not fight the schools, which had been taken over. After all, free sex is hard to fight.
Now, the kids of the WWII generation will soon be a minority, overtaking by an invasion of poor Mexicans from the South, who though making more babies, will be easy to manipulate into the brave new world of the same old communism. Even though you would think the Muslims don’t like the communists, they certainly have one thing in common, and that’s getting rid of the United States. And they are using the democrats to help pull it off.
Nobody’s Safe; If I hear one more time some cheery voice on my radio telling me how wonderful Castro is doing I’m going to scream so loud you might even hear it.
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