The Collapsing Truth of the First Report
Nobody’s Opinion; We sure did get hit with 9/11 stories today, on all fronts. National Geographic even let us see some footage of bodies falling, being careful not to mention that between 100 or 250 poor souls jumped, after all these years…I always thought it was not more than twenty. They don’t want to report the gruesome. After a while, the whole thing gets surreal.
I had mentioned in my last blog that I thought the buildings had been detonated. Actually, I came to that conclusion just yesterday, because I had always thought and bought into the other explanation, about the elevators and design being the cause.
So, in order to substantiate my newly formed “opinions,” I thought I’d go over my thoughts in more detail on this matter, and how I came up with the “opinion” that those towers had some help.
Bear with me, and feel free to argue, with my logical nobody’s observations, in which I go by…what was FIRST reported. There’s more to this than meets the eye! (ok…I have not fully recovered from my trip yet.)
First off, usually the first reports coming in from a tragic event, are totally different from the story that is finally decided on, and repeated over and over after the fact. Let me give some historical examples:
When Flight 800 crashed, the first reporters on the scene interviewed a whole slew of witnesses, (among them pilots) who saw a streak of something hit the plane. Most said it looked like a missile. All of us thought “Well, it was shot down.”
Not too much later, the official report was that some glitz in the fuel system exploded the plane. The relatives of the victims were denied explanations for months. A well produced television special was put out explaining just how this was NOT a terrorists attack, but a simple malfunction. They included wonderful simulations and drawings.
Years later, this nobody thinks, it was a terrorist attack, but Clinton was certainly not going to let it tarnish his perfect record by telling anyone. So it was covered up. If he has been consistent with anything, it’s his reputation in history. And we are learning that terrorists have been attacking us for years.
When Princess Diana was pinned in her car after the tragic accident in France, the first reporters on the scene interviewed actual witnesses who said they had seen a motorcycle and a white car at the scene, speed away. One man thought he saw them cause the accident. Those people were never heard from again. Where did they go?
I actually remember watching that night, and wondering just when in the heck was someone going to arrive to help the poor girl. You know that the hospitals knew…because we were watching it on TV in America, but it took hours before Diana was removed from that car. Almost everyone thought while watching her funeral, including the whole of England, “Well, he finally killed her.” Diana was just too popular from the start and made the Queen and her snobby son look like the elite tyrants that they are. Charles made no secret that he loved Camilla, and historically it seems Diana’s purpose was just to deliver the sons to continue the line. She was dating a Muslim, and becoming much too powerful and popular. And why shouldn’t we suspect her staged murder? After all, we watched the whole sordid divorce for years in the tabloids.
But the official line was…the driver was drunk. We were to believe that in France, even if you are the Princess of Wales, if you get in a car accident, you might as well kiss your sweet buppy goodbye, because the ambulance drivers will not hurry to the scene until the next day. No one EVER questioned just why it took the French so long to get to the scene.
Being an editor must be fun.
I believe that is why the whole world mourned as much as it did. It wasn’t only because she was a fashion plate; it was because we all thought she was killed. EVERYONE suspected it. But…we were told that not in a million years would the royals do such a thing. Even if Henry the Eight thought nothing of it, that was a different time.
When John Kennedy Jr.’s plane went down, the reporters first on the scene interviewed at least three people who said they heard a cannon shot, like a huge bang going off from the island. These were people who lived there, and reported the sound to the police, not knowing what it was. A lot of people heard it. Those witnesses were cut off quick.
After the first hour, you did not see those people again. The story was put out that John was a terrible pilot, by other pilots. So…he gets a burial fit for a President, even though he had never been in office. Everything was done very quickly. The burial at sea, with the carriers brought out, everything was rushed--- with no investigation, and in the next issue of George (his magazine) we see Hillary’s face in a big layout.
Before this, the magazine was being attacked with the story that “nobody” wanted to read it. But this nobody read it. And John actually was hitting some of the Democrats real hard. His magazine was becoming more fair and balanced with each issue. Not to mention that he was thinking of running for the New York Senate, the seat that Hillary had to have, in order for her future as President to happen. But, this was kept pretty quiet.
But to even suggest that he might have been killed by his own party, is completely insane…why, it’s just a Senate seat, even Hillary laughs about how they are suspected of murder, due to the fact that over 60 people that have worked for the Clintons no longer walk the earth. How could we even suspect it? Silly us.
But to the 9/11 events; with the first reports on 9/11, many of the newscasters all said that it looked like a demolition when the first tower fell. Some firemen even reported hearing explosions inside the building on the lower floors. There were suspicious demolition objects found by firemen.
Meanwhile our eyes saw almost a Hollywood perfection scene. There was not a single person in this whole country that was NOT completely surprised when the second tower came down within 55 minutes.
Think about that…55 minutes. I don’t care if you smashed four 747 into that building, for it to completely demolish itself within that time frame? It would take at least a day.
Here’s a quote from “Gullible Americans” by Paul Craig Roberts:
The basic problem for the government’s account is that the buildings are known to have fallen at free-fall speed, a fact that is inconsistent with the government’s “pan caking” theory in which debris from above collapsed the floors below. If the buildings actually “pancaked,” then each floor below would have offered resistance to the floor above, and the elapsed time would have been much longer. Without engineered demolition it is improbable for every point in floors below to weaken uniformly. Experts have also pointed out that the buildings’ giant steel skeletons comprised a massive heat sink that wicked away the heat from the limited short-lived fires, thus preventing a heat buildup. Also that the short-lived, scattered, low intensity fires could barely have reach half the melting point of steel even if they burned all day.
Maybe the theory of the elevators and the way the building was built would hold up…but to fall completely within 55 minutes? With not a floor left standing?
Once again, the documentaries came out and the official lines were the steel melted and all three building (no 7 also) came down perfectly. Unlike life.
I’m not saying they should have fallen into each other, or not fallen as perfectly as they did, (yes, one did tilt a little at the top) but given the other events happening at the same time…all the mistakes…all the blunders that happened that day…lead me to be more inclined to believe my eyes and gut in the first place.
So, year after year, we have seen carefully prepared documentaries on why and how the towers could fall as quickly as they did. After all, this had never happened in human history. The architect came on and explained how the buildings were hollow, how the steel was collapsible, how the heat and fuel flowed down the elevators shafts. Sounded good to me.
Until you put it in perspective of all the other events.
Events, like Clinton refusing bin Laden eight times.
The FAA told everyone that flight 11 was not down, even after it hit the North Tower.
When the military asked for the go to get the planes..they were told no one was in the room.
The F-16’s went the wrong direction because of lack of communication. Right, two pilots heading out toward the ocean, don’t know that the world trade centers are not on water.
Bush was in the perfect spot for a politician that day, with children. (Okay, this might have been a coincidence.) And as much as I hate to agree with Michael Moore, sitting there for seven minutes does make you wonder, because he has never said what he was thinking.
All flights were cancelled that day…but bin Laden’s relatives were allowed to fly around and out of the country with the permission of Clark.
The fact that terrorists were planning to fly airplanes into the Trade Centers were constantly ignored by Clinton and Bush.
The woman who oversaw the 9/11 commission review was the same woman who did not let the CIA, FBI, and NSA share information with each other…while Clinton was President, which pretty much caused the whole mess.
The nobodies of the world are told constantly that we are conspiracy nuts, do not understand science, and our government makes mistake, after mistake, after mistake, after mistake, after mistake, after mistake, after mistake….
And we buy it. And if they are making that many mistakes, they should all be fired.
Our founding fathers would certainly have known that with all the billions to be made, in positions of the power that the Presidents hold today, which has grown beyond anything they could ever have imagined…would be much more conspiratorial than any of us, and think us fools for not having the common sense to be appalled at the media manipulations.
They would think us morons not worthy of freedom if we actually believed that only in the past did leaders commit atrocities or go for power grabs.
This is not to say that many of our leaders are not honest and trustworthy. But to never suspect anyone of malfeasance, to never question, is…well…gullible.
So, that’s just a small bit of why I think they were detonated…and I could be wrong, or I could be right.
Thomas Jefferson once said; “Nothing can be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”
I wonder what Thomas would have said about the news reported today?
Nobody's Perfect; Dan Rather thought that the buildings had been detonated, not a good sign for my argument.
Nobody Knows; Still, who would have detonated those buildings, and how did they get the explosives inside?
Nobody Cares; I doubt if the subject ever finds it way on the major cable news. We are still debating the offical report of the weather balloon at Roswell.
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