Spin Again...9/11
What’s amazing is that they have done such a good job these last five years getting us to forget it. Most of the news has been focused on the failures in Iraq, so to see the footage of the towers again, was a good thing--- we needed to remember, painful though it is.
I went to Las Vegas…and lost all of the ten dollars I bet in the nickel slots. It took me all of about twenty minutes. But, what was so amazing to me is that Las Vegas is filled with thousands of people who sit at those slot machines and poker tables, only to lose their money.
Most are hopelessly convinced that they will be the ones to finally get lucky and win that Viper up on that pedestal. They sit there as if tomorrow doesn’t matter, because any day now we could all die.
People are told every day on the news how precarious our lives are, which is great for casino owners.
So while I was walking from hotel to hotel watching thousands of people gambling away money they probably didn’t even have, I couldn’t help but wonder...how could so many people be so stupid?
And as I sit here tonight and ponder that scary thought, my mind starting spinning like an typical quarter slot machine… 9/11 thoughts spinning, and nothing ever matching.
777 just doesn’t come up.
No matter how you try to spin it, America seems to be on a major losing streak. Let’s pull the lever.
Spin; So…Bill Clinton, I see, is upset once again that his legacy is being tarnished, and maybe even the attack on the United States on 9/11 was his fault. What is more amazing with me is that the next big attack, the one that may be nuclear, will be because Bill Clinton put the oversight of selling military equipment into the Commerce Department (therefore passing up Congress) so that Boeing and other companies could make millions by giving the Chinese enough technology to catch up with the U.S., selling us out.
Spin again; Clinton sent Sandy Burger, and Madeline Albright, and his cocaine addicted brother Roger, over to North Korea and gave them plutonian and millions to build nuclear power stations. Kim Jong II turned around and sold dangerous stuff to Iran. China too was empowered under Bill, and sold weapons to our enemies. In fact any superiority that the United States had over any other country was erased, by Bill Clinton. And since we all know he is not stupid, we can only assume this was on purpose.
Spin again; Did Bill Clinton do this so that the whole world would be equal with us? Or was this done so someone would attack us during his Presidency so he could stay in office?
Spin again; The very first thing I thought when I heard Bill Clinton speak at Kerry’s Democratic convention nomination was “Oh no…Kerry’s being put up to lose, in order for Bush to be elected, so that the country will be attacked, so that Hillary will be elected.”
Honest, I remember thinking that clearly. It seemed like an obvious political move for the Clintons. Of course, I would be called a complete nut for even thinking that. But, based on their pass actions, it seemed a logical assumption.
Spin again; On 60 minutes tonight, we got the spin about a program of “help” that was set up for the children of people killed in the World Trade Center. We see the children going to Central America to build a house for some Spanish Family…teaching them the message that if only America would have been nicer, maybe their fathers would not have died. Yes, give to others and they won’t kill you. Andy Rooney puts in this liberal view at the end in his usual leftist rant about how everyone hates us.
Spin again; Two French Guys make a documentary on the daily happenings of a Fire station in New York. One of them goes into ground zero, with the Fire Chief, who stands around looking totally confused in the lobby of Tower One, not at all like a leader. This is probably what saved all his men’s lives. He didn’t even know the building above him had fallen down, most of them just stood there waiting for a decision. Just the kind of guy you want in charge.
Spin again; isn’t it strange that not one of those firemen thought that the buildings would collapse? Not one?
Spin again; No matter how many times you see the film, your eyes tell you there are no way those three buildings could have not been imploded. Not only would it have taken more than twenty-four hours for them to implode in their own footprints, it was all too perfect. So…if that’s the case, then who planted the explosives?
Spin again; Back to Clinton…the Oklahoma City FBI building had many important Clinton documents. Sandy Burger stole documents and was never prosecuted. (not much) AND the third building that came down on September 11, also contained many important government records. All those Clinton records…gone.
Spin again; What it this? Ted Kennedy is speaking Spanish to illegal immigrants on C-Span?
Spin again; The Black caucuses are telling the Spanish immigrants “WE are the new America!”
Spin again; Didn’t Rockefeller own the ground on which the twin towers stood? And is that the reason why there is still nothing there, and why the buildings going up will be filled with international world diversity junk, while the 9/11 memorial will be stuck into the basement? And now he says Saddam should still be Iraq?
Spin again; If Hillary becomes President, she might endorse an international court to put George Bush and Tony Blair on trial for crimes committed against humanity.
Spin Again: Laura Bush and George Bush do not even look like they are talking.
Hey, time to stop gambling, this isn’t just our money, it’s our lives at stake. There is a pattern here, of the Democrats always sticking up for the Muslims, never for America.
For years, they have played the blacks for fools, spinning them with promises of equality, and filling them with hate for all whites, promising them that jackpot, which they never deliver…and now they are doing it with the Spanish, who seem to be the new slave race for the rich.
The government casino is winning. The odds are stacked against us. It seems the more we spin the slots of our government, the more we lose.
The real secrets of 9/11 might not ever be revealed.
We all need to walk away from the table. In fact, maybe we should get rid of the casino.
Nobody’s Perfect; Okay, when I got home I found that my suitcase had been inspected, probably due to the fact that I put a souvenir glass from one of those “fruity drinks.” The bottom of the glass lit up with lights when you pressed a button. Good to see some inspector was on his toes and checked it out, and even left me a nice little note, saying it was for my own protection.
Nobody’s Knows; Just what the heck is really going on now...how can you not fear the worst when they keep telling you its’ coming?
Nobody’s Cares; I had a great time in Las Vegas! All the classes of America were represented.
The rich have these huge shopping malls, where you had to be in the top 1% to even think of buying something. The middle class old ladies sat at the slots almost glued to the chairs, and middle age guys in funny hats played poker for days on end. All the Mexicans cleaned up. The Chinese were half of the dealers…and yes, there are still mafia looking guys walking around.
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