Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Scoundrels of Scandal & Foley's Fate

Nobody’s Opinion: Is anyone surprised? Is anyone in shock? Is everybody standing in complete disbelief that another scumbag has been found among our famous ruling classes? Are we the only nation in the world who has gotten down “if you can’t get into power on what you stand for, get into power by causing a scandal” to a perfect art?

In fact, there are probably enough adulterers and pedophiles in Congress to use as sacrificial lambs for at least another twenty years.

Oh, I know. Mark Foley is going to be on the front pages for months. Even though none of us (especially this nobody) can figure out just what it was he saw in that particularly Congressional Page that was so appealing. To be fair, they are not showing his legs, so who are we to judge Mr. Foley’s taste?

But while the page seem to be really enjoying his small window of fame, not acting as a “victim” at all-- no one has bothered to mentioned that Rep. Mark Foley was from the notorious 16th district of Florida…the one in Palm Beach where some very important votes helped “steal” the election for President George W. Bush.

Wow---out of all the districts in the United States, he just happened to be from that one.

And now, Dennis Hastert is the big prize. That’s the real reason he is so furious I bet--- he knows they are after him next. (No, I’m sure he’s upset at the scumbag too, so don’t think I’m that callous.) But, it’s already starting.

It seems the House Speaker’s job must be the prime prize for the complete takeover of the last remnants of our Republic. The Senate is like the House of Lords, but that pesky House still has some bonifide representatives of the people. After all, they want a REAL wall on the border.

The two parties have been using the “scandal” card for quite some time.

In 1989, Rep. Jim Wright (D-Texas) was the first Speaker ever to be forced from office by charges from Newt Gingrich. Newt found him breaking 69 rules.

Sixty-nine, a foreboding of things to come.

Wow, that must have been fun. Congressional ethics can be a powerful political tool for a minority party to get back into power.

But what goes around comes around, and Newt Gingrich, the speaker who took the Congress back in 1994 with his “revolution,” had his cell phone conversation “taped” even if illegally, by two Florida Democrats.

Some guy named James McDermott, better known as “Baghdad Jim” (because he gave a left-wing speech in Baghdad before Saddam was captured) was on the House Ethics Committee.
Bill Clinton was not going to be the only one to get caught for having sex. Newt was also caught having an affair--- they threw that in for good measure.

It was Newt’s turn to leave. It was quick.

The next poor guy, Speaker Bob Livingston (R-La) didn’t have a chance. Bill Clinton got his old friend Larry Flint to find out that Bob was having two or three sexual affairs. Bob was a regular Romeo.

He resigned in 1998.

Not long ago, Tom Delay (R-Texas), another Speaker of the House, was forced out on some trumped up thing that they all do, and pretty soon Dennis Hastert will go.

There will be an investigation and it will be found out that the whole Republican Party was part of this horrible sexual cover up. They all had a hand in letting this pedophile run rampart through the halls of Congress, chasing helpless pagers.

And Dennis will take the fall.

So, just what is it about being the Speaker of the House that is so enticing that both parties are willing to go to any length to get the person in the position to resign?

Well, first thing that comes to mind is the Chain of Command. There is the President, and then if something happens to him, the Vice President takes over, and if something happens to HIM, then the Speaker of the House becomes the President and Commander in Chief.

Now, if one lets the imagination go wild, you can see the current President being assassinated, (they’ve already made the movie) and then the Vice President Cheney might have a heart attack, and therefore, the next President would be…Nancy! (After she takes over as House Speaker in the upcoming of course)

Nancy’s husband has very strong business connections to China, how convenient!

Oh boy. Okay, it’s probably more because of the committees they can control, and the fact that I’m sugar rushing with DOTS.

It’s all about the same old, same old---money and power.

They have been trying to tie President Bush as having an affair with Condi Rice in all the tabloids…and that’s not working.

The elections are very close and coming soon.

I’m expecting the Senate Majority leader to be found out as having an affair with Elmo.
In any case, Mark Foley has done his bit for the Democratic Party takeover.

Nobody’s Perfect; Thomas Jefferson knew this scandal trick well. He hired a notoriously talented reporter named Collender to print and slander Alexander Hamilton.

Hamilton was married and got caught up in an affair with a prostitute and her husband, who were pulling a scam on him with blackmail. Collender made sure everyone knew about it.

Jefferson hated Hamilton, he didn’t hate John Adams, but he wanted to be President so he continued to pay Collender to print malicious lies about John Adams in order to keep him from serving a second term.

It worked.

But after Jefferson was elected, Collender asked for a job in the Treasury, and Jefferson refused to give it to him, and then sent him away with fifty dollars.

He should have given him the job, because it was Colander who let everyone know that Jefferson had been paying him to slander Hamilton and Adams, and then told the whole world of Jefferson and his slave Sally Hemmings.

Jefferson might have been a good writer, but he was a dishonest man.

And yes, sexual scandals work.

Nobody Knows. Bill Clinton was once like a “page.” He used to deliver mail for Senator Fulbright when he was in Georgetown going to college. Fulbright, the original “One World Government with No Borders” guy, put Clinton on the committee of the Foreign Relations Committee. In his book “My Life he said when he was delivering the mail to the various Congressmen; “I read everything I could, including the material stamped confidential and secret.”

It’s that same committee today that is producing the North American Alliance. That’s how long they have been working on it.

Think they will ask us in between sexual scandals if we want America to merge with Canada and Mexico?

Nobody Cares; I don’t think anybody cares if the scumbag Mark Foley drops off the face of the earth. My guess is he will be dining somewhere in Palm Beach with Janet Reno and O.J. Simpson.

And I wouldn’t be surprised if the page boy is meeting him for dinner.


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