Friday, September 29, 2006

Hawkeye Triage Syndrome, Part I

Nobody’s Opinion; I was thinking about the world, “Triage” today.

After thinking so much about it, I’ve decided we need to get rid of it. Erase it out of the dictionary. Write it on a piece of paper, wrap it around a roach, and send it to Six Flags.

Today, the concept of “triage” came crashing down on me, like the time I dropped my bowling ball on my foot.

Why, what's in a word?

Something a doctor said to me a long ago, just hit me. It was one of those life changing moments in life, that you don’t realize is happening to you at the time, you know what I mean?

This moment happened twenty-five years ago. I had finally gotten the full gist of what that doctor was trying to tell me today, but at that time I was too naïve to understand. I was completely clueless…but more about that in a minute.

The concept of “triage” has taken on a whole new meaning.

For all you nobody’s that don’t work in the medical profession, here’s a simple explanation:

Triage” has been typically used in emergency medical situations, like the life and death decisions made on who gets treated on a battlefield.

When you go to the worst case scenario first…you triage. Someone in control makes a decision between three choices:
1. The ones that are going to die.
2. The ones that are going to live.
3. The ones that can live with some help.

Now---because of all those years I watched MASH on TV…I would never have dawned on me the fact that “triage” is not always used wisely.

After all, Hawkeye was perfect; intelligent, funny, compassionate…even when he made a mistake, it was not his fault.

But let’s expand that concept of “triage” to include not only medical decisions, but political and social decisions as well. When you do that, then it becomes very clear that “triage” is a favorite pastime of our political elites. It’s almost like a disease.

Let’s call it, just for fun, the “Hawkeye Triage Syndrome.”

For example -- President Bush has decided that the sacrifices of our soldiers to establish a free Iraq were necessary to save the rest of us here at home, that’s what he says.

He is sacrificing the “few” soldiers for the “many citizens” at home. Right?

But in the process, many Iraq’s are dying.

He has the Hawkeye Triage Syndrome, his fever has come up.

Another example, Bill Clinton decided during his term to send peacekeepers all over the world, but by doing so he sacrificed The World Trade Center and over 3,000 American lives, by keeping our soldiers in peacekeeping service around the world.

Bill sacrificed “3,000” at the World Trade Center, for all the thousands all over the world that he supposedly kept safe with his many peacekeeping forces.

In this case the world was more important to Bill Clinton than America. It still is.

Bill also has Hawkeye Triage Syndrome, and he too suffers from high fever.

This act of “triaging” is not always what’s honest, what’s fair, or what’s best for the majority of the people as we recently saw with the Supreme Court decision of overruling our Constitution and taking away our right to our own property by changing the eminent domain laws, thereby giving anyone with big money the right to take over our homes.

This move was because “more taxes” could be made from the property, so the little people should sacrifice their homes and property for the good of the many.

But it actually benefited the rich. We are not sure if those extra taxes ever get back to the people. The politicians love to transfer wealth, especially into their own pockets.

On the Supreme Court we have some pretty sick wacko’s. They must have round the clock nursing.

Our elected body, (Congress and the President) who are supposed to represent our wishes, now consider it their divine right to “triage” everything that happens in our lives, with or without our approval.

In “triage” there is no republic, there is no democracy. There is no vote, it’s tyrannical.

And how do they sell it to the American people?

As logical---the logical view of science vs. religion.

In the conservative view The Judeo-Christian belief, the one that our nation was founded on, every single life is precious. No life is more precious than another. No life should be sacrificed for another. Every single life, young, old…even the unborn, has the right to life, liberty, and happiness. Every one of us has a right to live.

This WAS America…a long time ago, before our leaders came down sick.

The secular beliefs, which is the common view held by Liberals, Communists, Socialists, and Muslims, believe in the philosophy; “The sacrifice of the few for the many.” And God forbid someone should decide you are one of the “few” to be sacrificed.

We see this everywhere in the policies of the left with the environment, abortion, eminent domain, globalization, heavy taxation, and the upcoming stem-cell research debate.

Bill Clinton gave the perfect example of the “triage” of the few (Americans) for the many (the rest of the world) in a speech yesterday:

The child in China, Kenya, Bolivia, or Norway is as precious as one from Arkansas, Texas, New York, or Ohio.”

Good to know, if you live in Arkansas, and are working hard to pay for Bill Clinton’s huge pensions and bodyguards until he dies---that he puts the child in Kenya as more important as your child.

In that case then why doesn’t Kenya pay for his pension?

Oh, he sounds very sweet, but here’s the kicker. It’s BILL who will get to decide who lives and who dies in this world. It is Bill Clinton who will decide who gets the better education. Bill Clinton becomes God.

Does this seem a bit sinister to you? Even if there IS no God, that doesn’t mean that a handful of men should all get God like powers.

If you can’t take vacations anymore, or afford to send your kids to college because Bill Clinton has promised to build a school in Bolivia, well, you must let him because he is Triaging, has a bad case of Hawkeye Triage Syndrome, and is saving the earth. He has decided you (not him) must sacrifice. It’s affirmative action for the world.

But back to the great “liberator” tomorrow, where I’ll explain exactly what that doctor said to me that I didn’t understand till yesterday, and how it all fits in with my “nobody is trying to figure out what in the world is going on” with this disearse that the world leaders are suffering from.

If I post the rest today, you will end up just as confused as me, and that’s not a good way to start the day. I want everyone to be perky.

Nobody’s Perfect; It’s really too bad all the actors in MASH came out to be such flaming liberals, because I have no desire to watch the show ever again. But then again, they all got rich, and I’m sure don’t need the money.

Nobody Knows: Just how often in Triage cases, does a doctor decide to operate on one individual because of a personally liking one person more than another. I bet it happens more than you think. Can you imagine a doctor having to deside between Bill or Hillary Clinton?

Nobody Cares; Which “Hot Lips” did the men prefer…the first one or the second?


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