Mt. Clinton Explodes
But he was saving the best for “just the right time.” He waited for Sunday, the best day to get the most people to watch, to defend himself and rally the base.
This was the interview on Fox News with Chris Wallace.
Chris Wallace said, “I felt as if a mountain was coming down in front of me.”
Chris Wallace couldn’t have been more diplomatic. I don’t think Bill Clinton would have gotten into Bill O’Reilly face like that. Bullies make sure their opponents are helpless.
He knew Chris Wallace had never given an interview one-on-one before at Fox. He also knew he would be easy to intimidate. And he knew he had to shake up his left wing base to get them out to the polls.
He also cleverly put in anther plug for his CGI by mentioning that Rupert Murdoch was supporting his global warming with money, while at the SAME time, attacking FOX.
He is that good.
Chris Said “I intended to keep to the ground rules”
That was his first mistakes. An honest man gets smacked over the head by one of the most ego-driven, diabolical geniuses on the planet.
Like always, he is trying to put the blame on 9/11 on President George Bush. Everyone is always out to get him--- it’s not his fault.
It’s obviously driving him nuts that he is getting any blame at all for bin Laden attacking us. President Bush’s poll numbers have come up after the ABC movie, and that’s not good for the election coming up.
Personally, I wish a documentary would be made that would show the American citizens how Bill Clinton worked tirelessly to give nuclear capability to North Korea, and China, which in turn gave it to Iran. Not to mention all the money that Al Gore funded into Russia.
As far as I’m concerned, that ABC film did not go far enough. Bill Clinton was responsible for the fact that the CIA and the FBI did NOT communicate with each other at all. He gave Janet Reno strict orders to prevent that.
And gee…we had a Vice President at the time, who took credit for inventing the internet and was on a mission to get computers into every school, (by taxing us on our phone bills) but updated computers at the FBI were not as important.
Oh wait, that was Louis Feeh’s fault.
Clinton knows the truth. The chronological day to day manipulations of every branch of the government to ignore and help the jihads continue to build, was due to two reasons;
1. Clinton and Hillary are big planners. They have always planned their life and (ours) not months, not years, but in decades ahead. Just as Dick Morris said, the plan was, “eight for him, and eight for her.”
2. Her Presidency and his rise to being King, if not of the United Nations, then of some kind of global unelected government (now the CGI) has been their ambition since their first meeting…which by the way, was NOT in a library.
3. So, if number one and two seem reasonable, (And anyone can see, from his actions, Bill Clinton thinks he is the most important human on the earth) then the only way to set themselves up AFTER his eight years was to do exactly what they did all eight years he was President. Clinton destroyed the military, appointed very loyal people in all the top positions to be used after he left office to retain control, and ignore all warning of al-Qaeda, in order to set the U.S. up for attack.
4. It’s all about his own power. If al-Qaeda had attacked on his watch, that would have been great. Because even his advisors lamented that he never got a “great war” like his hero Roosevelt. And if the attack came on Bush’s watch, he knew that the affect would be so devastating and Hillary could use this “failing to protect us” to get into office.
5. Clinton did not want Gore to win the Presidency, or Kerry. He did as much as he could possible do without looking too suspicious to stop both.
6. And now, he is telling the people there is no threat from the Muslims. President Bush is using fear to get us to vote Republican. Well, isn’t that the same attitude he took throughout his Presidency? Just what we need, more Clinton denial.
Things must be looking pretty bad for the democrats right now.
No one wants to admit that an AMERICAN President would go to such lengths to retain power. Bill Clinton and the left have daily set the media seeds for President Bush being the empirical grabber of the world. And let’s face it; many times President Bush himself has made this look like it was the case.
Still I can’t see President Bush on the World’s scene after his term is up.
Bill Clinton, on the other hand, will still be running the world, unelected, from this global initiate and Hillary will be in the White House for eight years.
But, B.C. made a mistake tonight, by saying, “And you got that little smirk on your face and you think you’re so clever.”
He just might have blown it with that one remark. He just looked like the mean, power hungry man he really is.
Bill Clinton thought by showing us his outrage, he could not only rewrite history but show that democrats could actually get angry and tough, and protect the country against attack.
And if the Americans think that Hillary or the democrats can’t be tough, Clinton will be there to help finally get bin Laden.
Really, think about it. He says the Republican Congress “didn’t want him to go after bin Laden”
He kept saying, “Read Clark’s book.” He was astonished that President Bush got rid of him. Remember Richard Clarke, the man that ordered all of bin Laden's relatives to be picked up by plane and gotten out of the country right after the attacks? Wouldn’t you have fired him too?
He said, “The ABC movie was “indisputably wrong. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “He tried to get bin Laden for eight years. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “Bush had eight whole months to go after him. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “The right-wingers, neo-cons are attacking me now. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “He had plans to get bin Laden (can we see them?) Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “The CIA and the FBI refused to certify bin Laden. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “The entire military was against it. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “Why didn’t Bush do anything about the Cole? Read Clarke’s book.”
He said “Read Clarke’s book” so many time, he probably pissed off Norm Chomsky.
But for all his political genius, Bill’s timing was way off this time because you picked the wrong person to accuse of “being a conservative hit job” Your well rehearsed sound bites did not fit the moment or the person.
Losing your touch?
The mountainous explosion of Bill Clinton was hot news, but the ashes left over might have caused more destruction than it was intended to.
And somehow Chris Wallace managed to survive.
Nobody’s Perfect; Bill Clinton pushed Richard Clarke’s book so much in this interview, I might have to break down and read it. Hopefully, it’s more interesting than Bill’s biography.
Nobody Knows; Bill’s main concern about his years in office was mostly that Arafat wouldn’t commit to Bill’s peace plan. Bin Laden gets very little mention in his book. If he was so obsessed about bin Laden, you would have thought he would have made this a very big point of this in his book, but he didn’t.
Nobody Cares: Bill said, “I got closer to killing him than anybody’s gotten since.”
Well, the truth is, you had eight years, and close is no cigar.
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