Rosie O'Donnell's Holy War
I feel better now, thanks Rosie.
Rosie lives in a world of collectable McDonald souvenirs. We understand Rosie--- it must be difficult for you to imagine how in the world the rest of us got here.
Boy-----is she going to be in for a surprise. Something tells me that Rosie has no Muslim neighbors that look at her kids with the reflection of crescent moon swords in their eyes.
I suggest that Rosie and the whole “View” cast go over to Iran and tape a few shows. Ahmadinejad and Rosie would really hit it off. She could take Sheehan with her. They could become full-fledged Muslims…
Oops...wait. Lesbians are not accepted into the Muslim faith either Rosie.
What are you going to do if they fulfill their plans to take over the world and convert everyone to Islam? Do you think you have so much money you can hide from them?
What is it with these people? Rosie should walk down the street in Iran with her “wife” and kids. Maybe they would allow her to get married before they cut off her hand.
Well, hopefully Rosie knows that much. What she doesn’t know is that her bleeding heart is draining her brain from making logical assumptions.
I remember when Rosie had a crush on Tom Cruise. I use to watch her when he came on. Now, explain to me---how can a lesbian love a man?
She once made the statement that Donald Trump got his money from his father but Martha Stewart made hers by herself. Now, there’s a real philosophical statement.
These people must live in their limos.
I was watching her show the day that Tom Selleck was on promoting a movie, and she attacked him viciously about “guns.” She lost a lot of viewers that day, and the poor girl has no clue why. That was the beginning of her downfall.
Not that she doesn’t have talent…she just doesn’t have any common sense. Even Barbra Walters thought she could control her. (Ha!)
She thinks, probably from listening to the democratic bantering too much, that we are trying to impose Christianity on all humanity, and that’s not right. Like most of the liberals, they parrot whatever the main talking point of the day is. They never question the party, because it is the party of the ones that think they have “suffered.”
Like the suffering of being “gay” and feeling misunderstood and not accepted in many circles, knowing that Christians are murdering woman and children you would gladly adopt.
Rosie is a dreamer…wars should not happen in her dream world. In her world, if we all just got along, everyone could live in peace.
Yeah---they live in their limos.
She wants to save humanity…from the nasty Christians, not the Muslims. She has been told that if we just leave the Muslims alone, they will leave us alone.
Somehow this all ties in with her very existence as a homosexual.
(Sigh) Remember when the homosexuals just lived and did their own thing, and mixed in with society fine…never pushing THEIR attitudes and beliefs on the rest of us?
The days before the democrats needed them as voters?
But, Rosie doesn’t see it that way.
Sadly, I have women neighbors who are buying all this liberal propaganda too. And the emotional hatred for President Bush coming out of these women is more freighting than any radical Christian I have ever met in my life.
The other night, while walking my dog, I was saying a friendly “hello” to some lady who was watering her flowers, (Being raised a nasty Christian, I always try to be friendly to everyone.) and somehow we got into a discussion about how George W. was not going to allow stem-research because of his #@$%$ religious beliefs. (according to her)
She actually became hysterical. All the diseases of mankind would never be cured because of our President’s radical religious beliefs, she exclaimed.
I tried to tell her it didn’t matter because Stanford was already doing the research.
I tried to explain to her about the patenting of genes and the great money involved…it didn’t matter. She yelled “You are standing on my property!”
As if I was an ambassador for the President himself.
It leaves a nobody feeling hopeless. Actually, I have more hope for my Muslim neighbors, than this woman, that’s pretty sad when you think about it.
The worst thing in America that’s ever happened from a radical Christian is maybe you were handed a free Bible in a mall, while someone said, ”Jesus loves you.”
Now Rosie…what’s wrong with love?
And Rosie…we were attacked first. Since most of the men were from Saudi Arabia, logically, we should have attacked Saudi Arabia. But then, you do have to pick your battles wisely…or else your private jet Rosie, would not take you and your wife and children to those frequent visits to Disneyland.
We have been kept extremely ignorant about all the different factions in the Middle East, and how long this hatred for the West has been going on. We are only now starting to learn about the Sunni’s and al-Quada, the Hezbollah, etc.
And that’s from our horrible educational system Rosie, that you are also a product of.
Still, you have money Rosie…pick up a few books on the subject.
It really makes you wonder about the rich liberals. Just what do they do with their days?
I guess it takes all kinds in America to make a fruitcake, but really, Rosie could use some help in putting the puzzle together…actually, if you read her blog, she is in tremendous emotional pain, even though she is rich.
But still, it’s okay Rosie…Jesus forgives you. But I am having a hard time.
Nobody’s Perfect; Rosie also said “I feel more connected to survivor than the Catholic Church.” Good deal, Rosie---go find a jungle somewhere and survive, we Christians will hold the fort down, you can thank us when you come back.
Nobody knows; What causes someone to desire to have sex with the same gender as them. And what is even stranger, why these people can’t get it through their heads that the rest of us find it…sometimes…repulsive. Kind of like eating maggots on “Survivor”.
Nobody Cares; Hey, I wouldn’t care if Rosie got a sex change operation, would you? Maybe she would feel better. Go for it Rosie.
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