Don't Drink The Water In Myanmar...Yet
Laura Bush to Address Myanmar at U.N.
Okay, I thought, where the hell is Myanmar? And what makes Laura Bush such an expert that she is going to host a round table discussion to pressure Myanmar to have an “all-inclusive political process?” And just what is an “all-inclusive political process?” If it’s anything like the “all-inclusive political process” that we have in America, the Myanmar politicians better have some big bucks, or they will not even get to the napkins at this “round” table. They will have to settle for a Happy Meal like the rest of us.
Isn’t this the same thing as dictating to another country just how to run their country by our standards? We don’t do that---right? And if we are going to keep doing this, why not go to Cuba and suggest an “all-inclusive political process?” there?
Oh…but there is ethnic violence and drugs and human trafficking in Myanmar. According to the article, that is why Laura Bush is being sent to the “round” table.
Well then, why can’t the representatives of Texas, Arizona, and California come too? After all, they’ve got ethnic violence, drugs, and human trafficking on their borders right here in America….no?
I’m sorry---I had to look up Myanmar on the internet. It seems it’s the old Burma…and it’s pretty big, and evidently its leaders are not letting the Clintons, Gates, and Soros Trogon charities into the country to peddle their HIV/AIDS ‘we are here to save you’ drugs.
So just how did they decide that it would be up to Laura to pitch (or to warn?) the Myanmarees that we’re coming? What did they do--- take a poll on who the Myanmarees would accept the most? Was Condi was too busy, or did they draw straws?
I hate this time of year. Its bad enough to have to witness the United Nations annual power orgy of tyrannical and psychopathical thugs get together to bash the United States “inside” our country, while being wined and dined and prostituted until the gluttony is almost too hard for anybody to watch.
Now, we have to have Clinton’s Global Orgy from across the street at the same time. I guess Bill had to do something when he couldn’t get Kofi’s job.
Now Laura is bringing a “pledge” to Clinton’s big bash; a partnership between the Bush administration (which means our tax dollars) and an American Foundation to provide clean drinking water in Africa…
In the sub-Saharan African desert. How much is this going to cost us? Laura would not disclose details such as the dollar amount or the foundation partner.
Isn’t this a place full of Muslims? Is this a good thing?
And don’t you just love it when they say it’s the Bush’s money?
Hey, all you guys in New Orleans and Mississippi--- you’ll just have to wait awhile to get your houses back. Forget that levee. The people in the deserts of Africa need to drink clean water! Why should they move when you have TV’s to steal?
In the meantime, George Clooney is asking the United Nations to send troops into the Sudan and stop the genocide. It seems genocide is an annual thing in Africa, much like the changing of the leaves here. The United Nations refused again, of course, due to their policy of non-violence to send in actual “guns” to help out.
This really means the United States only has so many troops to go around.
But that’s OK…Laura can go over after they get out of office, when the usual one million have died, and give some more of the “Bush Administration” money to the few that survived, and build some schools, and some libraries, and say how sorry we all are.
The people of Sudan must already have clean water. If I were them, I’d lie---
“Please, we have no water! We can’t even read! Send Americans! Send George Clooney! Send Pamela Anderson!”
Laura also been told to try to get the Myanmareese a Nobel Peace Prize winning opposition leader named Aung San Suu Kyi., I suppose so “we” can put him in charge.
It only right to barter…they will get billions, we get the Peace Prize winner.
That seems to be the way it works.
Don’t get me wrong. I happen to really like Laura Bush. But, I was hoping she would keep out of the United Nations, and Clinton’s Global “let me sock it to you” Initiative.
I was hoping she would stick to her literacy programs, something that she truly is qualified to know about, something that is in her field of expertise.
But no luck. It seems the ploy is to send an unthreading woman to give the message.
So who picked Laura Bush to do this stuff? You tell me.
Nobody’s Perfect; Chavez, according to the United States, was too late in applying for visas for his Cuban doctors and security thugs who he wants to bring along with him to the U.N. conference. He is so mad he said “I’m going even if I have to go alone, with Fidel…and on horseback.”
Well, if Kerry can come in to the New York harbor on a boat, I say, let Chavez ride a horse to the U.N, with Castro on the back. But make them get off the boat in Miami.
Nobody Knows; Kissinger is warning that Europe and the United States must unite to head off a ‘war of civilizations” arising from a nuclear-armed Middle East.
There are “conspiracy nuts” as some like to call them, which see these global happenings as being planned in order to bring in a one world government. The majority of the people say they are crazy, because they argue; too many people would have to be in on it. Governments are too inept, they can’t even know how much they give away for Christ’s sake, and it’s too hard for them to keep track of it all. Math is not their subject.
So, don’t pay any attention to Kissinger when he says, “We now know that we face the imperative of building a new world order or potential global catastrophe.”
There you go again. According to Kissinger, if we don’t build this “new world order” soon we will all die. ; I think the “New World Order” has already been built and meets every year in New York, when all the leaders of the world get together on a small island called Manhattan.
Nobody Cares; Frankly, I wish they’d all start meeting in Africa.
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