Sunday, October 08, 2006

Timing of the Left, the Right, the Nuclear Might

Nobody’s Opinion; Ask any business man, they will tell you…timing is everything.

Not too long ago, in the middle of summer when the gas prices were high, President Bush couldn’t get a decent poll reading, even if he had come out and said he was really Bill Clinton in disguise. (For all we know, they could be twins.)

And then, September the llth, came upon us. For the first time since 9/11, an ABC movie was played of the events, and we all relived that horrible day.

The Democrats knew that the movie would present them in a bad light, so they complained to all who would listen loudly, but the movie was still shown.

I wonder who at ABC went down, and if we will ever know.

That movie turned the tide. Now, it was clear that the Democrats surely could not be trusted to protect us from such a deadly enemy. The scale leaned again to the right.

President’s Bush ratings went up. As if we had fallen asleep and suddenly looked at the events of that day in a new light, the feelings were leaning toward the Republicans retaining their power.

But something else happened, that was has been forbidden on TV. X-President Clinton was not depicted in a great light.

You don’t piss this guy off.

By the time the United Nations met, Bill Clinton decided to upright his boat legacy. Never had an x-President gone on such a rampage of TV appearances. It was a first in Presidential PR history. Bill Clinton on CNN, Larry King, NBC…in fact every single night for a week we heard about the Clinton Initiative and its noble goals to basically save the whole earth from poverty, disease, and pollution. Anyone else would have been concerned about overexposure, but not Bill.

Men gave billions to Bill, as if they were paying off golf bets. All Bill had to do was ask, and CEO’s, dictators, movie stars, and ex-girlfriends came running to donate huge amounts of money.

Clintons winks, and billions are handed over by the rich in nano-seconds. The conservatives mostly get their donations from small town mom and pop who can only afford about twenty-five bucks.

So, who represents the rich?

Clinton’s intuitive meetings made the United Nations look like the difference between going to Las Vegas or going to Somalia.

All the right people showed up, Barbra Streisand, Laura Bush, Ted Turner, and Barney.

And then, on a Sunday, the Fox news interview with Chris Wallace did not go as Bill expected. His timing was off by a mile.

Everyone was leaning left all week, then, after Bill’s explosion of resentment, the public started leaning right again.

I think he underestimated the free press. (By that I mean the internet) Bill, fuming, flew off to England to talk at Tony Blair’s retirement, and gave the most “I care more about the world than I do the United States” Marxist talk ever given, but there was another first: it was not shown here. I watched for it. Maybe I missed it. They gave a short cheery note of how wonderful it was on Reuters. He was still in the dog house.

Then, our “October Surprise” comes out.

Representative Foley’s sexual scandal was revealed as the most dangerous thing to ever happen to the American people by the left. Even though many knew about this scandal for three years, it seems that they set this very sick puppy up to use at the very perfect moment, which was last week, right after his name was final on the Florida ballot so that he couldn’t be replaced.

Yes, the timing was perfect.

All of a sudden, not only Bush but the entire Republican Party cannot be trusted because they can’t even protect their own pages. The meter is now leaning to the left.

Now, common sense tells you that a President having an affair with an intern in the Oval Office, where he is talking to foreign ambassadors while being serviced, and also by talking to this intern hundreds of time on the phone, but to the head of the FBI only twice, puts you and your children in much more danger than a perverted Congressmen wanting have phone sex with young boys. If Monica had been a spy, for some other nation, she could have received the launching numbers to the nuclear bomb herself. The guy who actually carried the “football” has told how there were times that President Clinton didn’t’ even know where his numbers were.

Lucky for us they didn’t end up in a blue dress, and that blue dress had belonged to Russia, China, or Iraq.

And even if the whole “Page” system was removed it would hardly affect national security. In fact…we might even be safer due to that fact some of those “Pages” could be reading top secret material that they were passing around. Bill Clinton bragged about how good he was at it.

But, right when we think the Republican Party is going down, North Korea threatens to launches a nuclear missile on Sunday.

President Bush rushes out and quickly launches the largest nuclear ship in the world, named of course, after his father. At the christening he says the ship is “unshakable, unyielding, and unstoppable. “He said it like he was talking to someone specific.

They also said that about the Titanic, but hey, why dwell on it?

Sunday night, we got another movie. This one was about flight 93.

Four jihads took over a plane on 9/11, killed the pilot, the co-pilot and along with some innocent Americans, all the time allowing all the passengers to make cell phone calls for the rest of the flight.

The History channel showed the bravery of the passengers who saved the Capitol from destruction.

Good timing I thought, something to get our minds off Foley.

After the Flight 93 programs was a documentary on the Anit-Christ, how interesting!
Doesn’t’ he only come back at the end of the world? What timing!

The anti Christ it was foretold, is love by all, and becomes the head of the world.

I suppose it will be called the BC intuitive, so that we will recognized it.

This antichrist will bring peace to the Middle East, and the temple on the mound will be built again in Jerusalem. (Maybe Bill will finally get his Nobel Peace Prize)

So….who is going to be the anti-Christ? Will it be the peacemaker Bill Clinton, or the war maker George Bush?

Both parties are vying for the job: I suppose it will all depend on the timing.

Nobody’s Perfect; This is just in; Kim Jong II has just tested his nuclear missiles. He was suppose to do it on Sunday, but didn’t get it going until Monday morning, his timing was off...

Foley’s little escapade will seem a small matter, we will now lean to the right.

Nobody Knows; Now that the Chinese have not bothered to stop Kim’s nuclear tests, I wonder what the CEO’s of Nike, General Electric, Wal-Mart, and McDonalds are thinking right now?

And where will Arnold sell his California lettuce?

Nobody Cares; It seemed funny that it was also reported that the world largest nuclear boat was christened, but it won’t be finished until 2008? So what’s to finish?

What did we see on TV…a simulated image?

Remember when the Press wanted to save American lives?

This nobody thinks the timing is perfect for all the liberal press to go to Afghanistan.


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