Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Nobody's Absurdities, No. 25...Can You Say Amero?

Nobody Opinion; Hope springs eternal…even in the now third world country of Missouri. Oh, yeah, I had a lot of hope tonight. After all, most of the Republican voters, the conservatives, turned out in droves here. You can always tell because most of the Democrats, work for the government, and they all vote during the day. The working class nobodies have to go after work.

It’s always close here in Missouri. But, we were told if the base got out, we would win. Well, we did get out, but I was having deja vu…

Back in the last Presidential election, we heard that downtown St. Louis, was kept open till well past midnight. The Democrats, of course, got out the buses, went out and picked up as many drunks and homeless people as they could find….and then at the last minute declared Ashcroft the loser, which he wasn’t.

The same thing is happening again, but the Republicans will say nothing.

Yeah, that election was fixed. But Ashcroft was a gracious man, and President Bush gave him a nice job as Attorney General, in which he did a fine job.

John Ashcroft loves to sing Gospel, and some smart democratic pundit put him up singing about Jesus one day…and there you go, being a Republican Christian is not permitted in government anymore, if you are a Democrat, its okay.

So there we were tonight standing in line, in our local school. We got there at 4 p.m. and, I have never seen such crowds on the streets.

Looking on the walls, I saw some of the “rules” for the kids, which were right out of the “third wave” textbook. (Be sure and read See Steve Farrell’s excellent historical articles on the “third wave” on the blog now.)

The one that really got me was “Be ready and more willing to accept change.”

This is what we will be hearing for the next two years.

All night long, Jim Talent, the Republican senator from Missouri, had a stupendous lead over his Democrat opponent…kill-the –cat, or Claire McCaskil. BUT…we were told, St. Louis and Kansas City were not counted yet.

Here we go again. The one place in the whole United States that just can’t figure out how to count is St. Louis…It’s now 1:30 am and still…they are waiting. All other results are in.

Put in those these nifty new electronic voting machines, which can be changed with the flick of the right wrist, and you’ve got your new third wave of America.

Not to say that the Republicans don’t deserve it. But, I know how corrupted my whole district is. I’ve lived here too long.

OOPS…update…the cities voted…and even though the whole state of Missouri voted overwhelmingly for Jim Talent…the cities came through, and of course the cat won.

Now, if you’ve ever, ever been to the cities of either Kansas City or St. Louis, they remind you of old pictures of Savraijoe. You might walk for miles and see nothing but abandoned houses. But, somehow these derelict buildings must be filled with democratic voters. As far as I can tell, they went and picked up some houses and bused them.

I told you Missouri was important.

Standing behind me in line was a young woman that looked like a teacher..(which she later admitted she had been.) I was telling my husband about my last blog of Vietnam, and how when I did a Google search for a nice picture of an American soldier and I was totally amazed of the results for the image search. I typed in “American Iraq Soldier” and got hundreds of images of the most gruesome pictures you’d ever want to see.

Clearly blatant and unbiased propaganda, after an hour of searching for just one picture of a proud soldier, I gave up.

Now, this young woman overheard me, and said her brother was in Iraq, and sends her great pictures every day, of all the men with the kids and great shots of all the good things they are doing, and by the way, she also said her father had been in Vietnam and said that from what he saw, the men in Vietnam had done wonderful things.

Of course, because of my last blog, she verified my point to my husband…who was searching for someone to call on his cell phone because his wife was “ranting” again. (Good thing he loves me.)

Well…now the “third wave” will come very quickly. Will we see much of a difference?
Probably not…things will just continue to go downhill. I’m going to stock water and food because just before 2008, we might get hit again in order for the takeover…and then a “woman” will be made President in order to help America’s image in the world again.

Except…by that time, America as we know it, will be dead.

Get ready for the change.

Nobody’s Perfect: I need a drink. (I don’t drink, therefore the dilemma)

Nobody Knows: Every single Republican tonight seem so jovial, like nobody lost? How many of these guys knew?

Nobody Cares: If you’ve ever watched Jay Leno do his “Jay Walk” where he asks people on the street questions like “Who is the Vice President?” And kids with college degrees have NO CLUE, is it any wonder we are in the shape we are in?


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