Historically Speaking, It's What You Don't Know That Might Kill Ya'
“Well, besides reading all the books on a subject, and doing interviews…just how does one really KNOW what really happened? How do historians go about finding out the real truth?” I asked.
Like a lot of professors, he said they just read and research. Not the answer I was looking for.
But the more you read, the more amazed you are about just how much important historical facts are left out of history purposely. And the stuff that is rewritten or purposely left out can make all the difference in the world.
Samuel Butler once said, “It has been said that though God cannot alter the past, historians can: it is perhaps because they can be useful to Him in this respect that He tolerates their existence.”
As I was reading in the Covenant Presbyterian Church’s “The Living Bible Encyclopedia” the other day, I was surprised to learn that, according to this historical version, when Moses came down from the Mt. Sinai with the Ten Commandments and asked the sinful people, “Who is on the Lord’s side? Come to me.” Only the Levi came.
Moses then ordered them to kill everyone who didn’t join up. About three thousand were slaughtered.
Gee, somehow, they left that out of the movie.
That means that Moses was really not much different than a modern day Ahmadinejad.
The Bible has so many different versions, each one written for a different purpose or sect. The last one I saw, was so far fetched it looked like Paris Hilton wrote it.
So, did this really happen?
We have recently seen this rewriting in the “Da Vinci Code:” a book that was written to purposely question the validity of the divinity of Jesus. You might even go a little further and say that it had very political motive: to help get rid of that pesky Christianity that is bothering the Muslims, progressives, and university professors so much.
In the Da Vinci Code, they talk about how the Gospels were rewritten long ago by a group of men, to write the importance of Mary Madeline out of history.
It might be true. But that still doesn’t alter the effect of Jesus’ philosophies and teachings.
Still, it would make sense that men did not want a woman in the limelight. In the context of the time, it would make sense.
It even makes sense today.
We saw this same mindset happen when an ex-President not too long ago slandered as many old “girlfriends” as he could, just to damage their reputations. Reports were put out that they were “trailer trash.” None of these women deserved the attacks they received.
God forbid history remember Bill Clinton only as a horn dog.
Clinton has a special talent for rewriting history. During his impeachment, he made sure that all the dirt on past Presidents was known. He had to “sully” and “damage” each and every one of the founders, so that he would not be alone in his bad behavior. He was saying, “Hey…all our founders fooled around too…see?”
We had to hear on our TV’s, and many books were produced along with it the well planned and delivered “crisis control” about Jefferson and Sally Hemming producing children out-of-wedlock. George Washington was even slandered.
And even though it was nothing new to report, as these scandals had been known in their own times, to dig up these facts as a “defense” to make an unbelievably corrupt President feel better was a real first.
Clinton also had the history books in the schools rewritten, as soon as he got into office. Political correctness became the bible for the young ones, and it was incorporated into all the books, especially the science books.
Most parents had no idea this was going on.
In my son’s college American Government Book, there were no less than fifteen pictures of the man. He made himself more important than any historical American figure with that sweep of power.
When I saw that “mandatory” course, I told my son to get out of the college.
Since his Presidency, we have seen Bill Clinton do nothing but desperately try to rewrite his own legacy. The disgrace of his actions in office, has now become the story of how Bill Clinton saved the Constitution. He is proud of his impeachment for that reason.
I bet Madison is somewhere fuming.
If Bill has it his way, he will be the one and only savior of mankind, and when Hillary becomes President, that lie will be read by every lst grader in the world.
I wouldn’t doubt if his picture isn’t included on the Aids vaccines. Frankly, I would put his picture on all condoms, it would be more historically factual. (In reality, the Chinese actually have already named a condom in his honor.)
This rewriting of history has been around as long as historical records have been kept. Who knows what kind of big stories the Pharaohs told their hieroglyphics writers to say?
“Hey, say we killed ten thousands at that battle, draw a good picture of me. Nobody will know that we never made it to the battlefield. Who’s going to know?”
Disinformation and the art of propaganda was used long before Goebbels.
My generation’s wakeup call came one fateful November day in 1963. When JFK was shot, right before our eyes, any sense of justice and truth was denied to us.
We wanted to know the truth of what happened.
Our government ordered that the “truth” be shuffled away into an archive. We were to just settle for; well, it was one guy. Go back to work.
And even with the hundreds of books written on the subject, we might never know the truth.
Now, our leaders pick and choose just what they want you to know, and put it on the nightly news, and you are to accept it. Why not? It’s all delivered by extremely good-looking women and men.
Just now, in 2006, we are finally finding out that our men in Vietnam won most of their battles. For years we were lead to believe all our boys were stoned baby-killers.
Now we know it was the politicians that lost the war. We see this very same thing happening now. We are losing in Iraq due to the same leftist Marxists that controlled the halls of Congress back in the Vietnam days. After all, remember, Hillary was part of that impeachment committee.
It’s a small town. You keep seeing the same names. Too many are entrenched in the spokes of power. And they write the rules.
The other day when Daddy Bush broke down and sobbed about how “honest” his son was, all I could think of is: this isn’t just a father being upset about his son’s historical record, it’s much more than that, and God help us all if we ever find out
Today, as I was walking in a book store, I noticed a huge, and brand new “History of the World” book, had been put out by Time…very impressive. And most likely filled with history presented a whole new way. I didn’t even have to look at it to know that America would probably have a very small section, and slanted as “not very important in the whole of history.”
Now, a manic named Ahmadinejad wants to rewrite history again. He wants to convince the world that millions of Jews were not cooked in ovens by the Nazi’s. The rewriting of history has been taken to a whole new level of insanity.
Okay, we know better. But millions of Muslims throughout the world do not. And this is where the danger lies.
The only way we can fight this is with a relentless battle for history to be preserved. We, the ordinary nobodies of America, need to preserve our history. Even the history of our own immigration is being rewritten by our own leaders so we will accept the invasion of Mexico.
It’s not right. It’s got to stop. We need to be louder. Get madder.
For our soldiers, and our children’s sake, we need to fight more for our right to our own history. We should stop watching the political advertising promoted as real news.
David McCullough, America’s greatest historian, is very concerned. If a nation does not know its history, it is doomed to be ruled by tyrants.
It wouldn’t hurt to start reading the words of our founders to our children at bedtime. You can still read Harry Potter, but a little George Washington never hurt anyone.
Many, many years after I was out of school, and read for the first time the words of George Washington, Jefferson, Adams, Madison, and Franklin--- it opened up a whole new world for me.
Why oh why did I not read these words in school? Why was I just made to memorized dates?
You know why, and so do I. They are suppressed on purpose, as they have been for years.
Our schools are not teaching the difference between Communism, Marxism, and Socialism. They have not been teaching about the Holocaust for years. Years.
The last thing they want the kids to do is think, or chose. They are being programmed to “accept” and “tolerate.”
They are rewriting, and reprogramming the kids, and they know it.
Only the American people can stop this nonsense. If we leave history up to our current politicians and rewritten history books, we will have no future.
If we continue to let our “schools” program our kids with state sponsored brainwashing, what kind of life will they have?
John Adams once said; “The jaws of power are always open to devour, and her arm is always stretched out, if possible, to destroy the freedom of thinking, speaking, and writing.”
He also said, “Liberty cannot be preserved without knowledge among people.”
All of our founders were much more educated than 96% of the University professors today. I think we would be wise to rely on something in history that really was true.
That the 1776 revolution produced the greatest country in the world.
And that’s pretty much an historical fact that should be written down in history books forever.
But, that’s just my nobody’s humble opinion.
Nobody’s Perfect; Henry Adams, one of America’s greatest Historians, wanted to devise a scientific method of history. He wanted to make a blueprint of how certain historical events will lead to a certain end. Somehow, he never could figure out how to do it.
I think someone should take up where he left off.
Nobody Knows; Just how much real history has been lost forever. Like the library at Alexandria, burnt to the ground, just how many documents have been destroyed forever to protect lies and corruption.
Nobody Cares; I got in this serious mood after reading “I Had A Dream” and because yesterday, I thought I saw the date…1776, at the top of MND site.
Did this happen? Was this an historical fact? Mmmmmm
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