Nobody Monopolizes Conspiracies
Instead of homebound families sitting around lighted candles in the cold and actually “talking” to each other….they could go someplace warm and spend money!
Anyway, I think that was the plan.
The weatherman before last Thursday night was acting as if we were going to be hit by the doomsday of all doomsdays…but were we worried? NO! We have trusted salt trucks. And salt trucks are great---but you have to use them. Which for some strange reason, even though they KNEW ice was coming…they did nothing.
Usually, the trucks are out before the storm.
The day after the “storm” all salt trucks stood abandoned by the side of the road. Perhaps the bird flu had finally come. Somewhere a Bostonian was sitting in front of his TV and laughing at the news, repeating the word not yet banned in America—“morons.”
Yes, no salt trucks, but we DID have get the National Guard. How thoughtful of them.
Was this another programming “get used to the military coming into your town” scenario?
Being deprived of all the brilliant and informative columns on MND was hard enough.
But, ever since Bill Gates had the great idea that the whole world should be connected---you know the TV, phone, and internet to one cable line: if that ONE cable line goes out, you go back to burning wood in your fireplace just like your forefathers.
This, minus the forefathers, is exactly where Al Gore would prefer us all to be.
Not too long ago, before this merging of all your stuff onto one line, if everything in your house went out, you still had the phone line. And soon the only place in America where you will be able to see a public telephone box is on old reruns of Dr. Who.
Okay, you have your cell phone, granted. (The cell phone that the government can listen to even when it is turned off.) But when you have no electric, you can’t charge it. And if you don’t have a car, you could end up with no communication power at all. Better not fall down that flight of stairs in the dark. (Like this nobody did)
They gave us a week of suffering to “think” about this.
All of St. Louis was rushing to the Home Depots, buying up generators (which were marked up incredibly---god bless supply and demand) and wood. My husband and I also ran around looking for one, but no luck. Every generator within thirty miles was sold out.
It soon became evident that stores would not have enough of anything if there was some kind of “attack” and everyone made a rush to buy…toilet paper.
Things could get nasty as we saw in New Orleans.
When they say we are not prepared, they are understating the fact.
Still, people have enough bills to pay without stockpiling food, only to discard it all after six months and refill. And most people in Middle America think foolishly that nothing will happen in their city.
Why do I feel that like “children,” we are being forced to stock up on supplies? Why do I feel that something is coming soon and because we just can’t believe it we are being manipulative into taking certain steps?
Is it just my missing my cozy Muslim neighbors?
Call me crazy--- but when the next President (or Vice President) might be named Osama Hussein: a man trained in that wonderful breeding ground of global nutcases, Harvard…
The next United Nations representative from the United States we are told might be named Khalilzad…
The current President begged us to sell our precious ports to Muslims while lobbying to get the number of visas given to Muslims, upgraded by thousands…and this was after 9/11…
When a former cabinet member named James Baker…a man whose law firm in Dubai represents the Saudi’s, and who personally represented them when the Saudi’s were being sued by many of the 9/11 families, comes out with a plan for America to retreat from Iraq and negotiate with the latest madmen of the millennium, who happens to dress just like Osama… (The next Presidential wannabe)
When a country is taking over by a band of people who love communism/socialism and hate America…
When globalization is the new mantra...for both political parties. In fact it’s so important they secretly sign treaties for the merger of the whole North America into a new nation, while continuing to rake up trade deficits numbers as vast as the galaxies...
When camera’s are silently being put up everywhere, and every night you hear Tommy Thompson warning you to stock up on supplies….
When Newt Gingrich says, “We tried that social program on prisoners and it works well!” and you wonder…”Who are “we?”
Why should manipulating the public with a little power outage be surprising?
Being the book slut that I am, I remembered when reading Clinton’s biography I thought how really strange it was that he picked New Orleans as his favorite city. I also thought how strange it was that he mentioned how very big the population of older black people there. He was almost maudlin in his memories of it and his affection for those older black retired people on welfare, sitting down there in New Orleans.
He fixed his love of it to his mother of course, but this nobody wondered…it was almost as if he knew what was coming and had all the chess pieces in place. He is certainly capable of this…just ask Dick Morris, who swears by Bill Clinton’s GODLIKE intelligence.
I found it hard believing that Bill Clinton preferred New Orleans over Hollywood. After all, have you ever seen a picture of Bill in the French Quarter? No, me neither.
I was also reading the excellent book by Michael Crichton called “State of Fear.” A book of fiction, in which factual weather manipulation is mixed in with his usual superb writing.
Doesn’t it strike you as strange that the year Katrina hit, all the many hurricanes that came toward that city? How many were there? Around 13? It was like…okay, sooner or later, one will hit. We just need to keep trying.
The next year, not one.
Weather manipulation is a fact, not fiction. William Cohen, Bill Clinton’s Secretary of Defense, has said as much. He was more worried about weather manipulation being used as a weapon then nuclear proliferation.
After all the Chinese are really into it, and use it often.
It gives you something besides the twin towers imploding to think about.
So, what are the chances of St. Louis having two major electrical system blackouts in one year? After all, it’s not like we are southern California. Sure, we had 80,000 Bosnians shipped here by Bill Clinton, but we are not exactly a destination point for anyone.
Why St. Louis? Didn’t Osama bin Laden say that the people who voted for Bush would be targeted? What’s here to hurt any rich person’s stock portfolio? Like New Orleans we have a predominately big minority population. Ford moved overseas, the shoe industry left long ago. The printers strike in the seventies wiped out competing newspapers and the whole industry of printers.
Oh, we have a new ball park, and the Busch Brewery.
We may not be New Orleans, but we do have Chuck Berry.
Okay, maybe Chuck will be spared.
Another city of the poor blacks and helpless old people being “abused” by FEMA once again would make another great negative notch in the White House attack portfolio.
Okay, by now you are wondering…if I have actually thawed out my brain yet. After all, people who sit around thinking up conspiracy theories are considered one deck short of Texas not holding em’.
The fact that Bill Clinton was listening to Princess Dianna’s phone conversations the night she died, was simply routine, not to worry. He was just getting his sexual jollies probably.
Still, remember what George Orwell once said. “Within any important issue, there are always aspects no one wishes to discuss.”
Now during this blackout, we couldn’t get to our online banking to move money, unless we actually WENT to the bank.
Has anyone noticed how we are being gently manipulated to do all our money transactions online?
And this got me to thinking…if we become the “cashless society” with all online transactions done on the internet, and the National ID card replaces, along with Credit Cards, actual cash someday becoming a thing of the past, we will all marvel how wonderful it is not to have to deal with pennies, UNTILL a “storm” hits.
Then we will be completely powerless. We would not be able to get cash. The government would have complete control over our spending power.
And if we wanted to complain about it, who would hear it? With the internet down, millions would be silenced.
The electric was out here for over a week. It hit home the lesson that our whole system of government is failing, as we are witnessing daily.
Somehow, it all seems so surreal. Even the very things that we take for granted, that have always been there, like salt trucks, can become obsolete.
Another jihad strike would leave us all defenseless, with no help at all from the government.
And here in St. Louis, we have only one utility company. This means, you have no choice but to wait on their services.
And with the merging of all the multinationals, utilities, and even the airlines, soon there will be just one huge monopolistic government. Which I fear, is the aim.
And in real life, monopoly is not a good thing. This nobody will take the conspiracy theory over a monopoly every time.
This nobody is actually going to start stocking, again. If Abigail Adams could run a farm for years, all by herself, with no electricity, no internet, no cell phone or television, then this nobody can certainly go out and get prepared.
I plan to start stocking up with peanut covered M& M’s. It’s a start.
After all…you can’t say they didn’t warn us…the answer is blowing not only in the wind, but in my nobody mind.
Nobody’s Perfect; Even after the electrical blackout we had here in July, the head of the electrical company swore they would address the problems so that if it every happened again, they would be ready.
So, when it happened a second time, and they were even less prepared, they said it was due to the need to increase rates.
Guess you can’t think of everything.
Nobody Knows; What will happen when they set up electrical grids on the moon, and there is a “storm,” just how long it will take to get the grid up and running.
And even if the moon doesn’t have “storms,” there will be another reason for the blackout…moon dust or something.
Nobody Cares; There should be a Thomas Edison National Holiday. After all…he lit up the whole world, stared the concept of “movies”, helped us actually be able to “hear” the telephone…all the things that make the world comfortable.
But, he was the quintessence of individual ingenuity, and that’s why he has silently been erased to the back pages of heroes. History has been rewritten to erase him, as they have erased Booker T. Washington.
But, thanks to Thomas Edison, I have the most glorious Christmas tree on the block, which now is thankfully, back on the power grid.
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