Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hillary's Public Servant Schools

Nobody's Flashes; Hillary Clinton has announced that if elected President, the very first thing she will do is start up schools all over the United States just to train future "public servants."

If you want Marxists, you have to start them young. Just ask the Arabs.

These young public servants will be taught how to confiscate money from the rich to give to the poor...the rich being anyone who makes UNDER 200,000. The really rich don't have to pay taxes as we all know.

BUT, only people nice to Hillary will be able to get their kids into these schools, and they of course will be exempt from having to pay tuition.

Oprah will be allowed to send the usual quota of poor black kids, for the photo op.

The children picked to attend, must have all 101 shots, be listening to the full collection of Hillary's Tapes for the Young Mind, belong to the Democratic Party, and be chipped, and cloned.

They must also report to class, before the third week of life. Any babies over one year, will NOT be accepted.

There will be classes in "How to Rule Morons," "How to Blackmail Enemies," and "How to Become an Actor on the Stage of the World," and "How to Put Women in Power."

The classes sure to be filled is: "How to Impeach" and "How to not Answer Questions, I and II. "

"How to Control the Media," will be a prerequisite for all freshman.

Bill Clinton will also teach a class called; "How to Lie to a Grand Jury And Look Stupid."

The old standard "Divide and Conquer," will be a mandatory class every single year, as will the teachings of Mao, and Hitler, who was a favorite study of Bill's.

Hillary herself will teach a class on how to smile, and say meaningless phrases like... "We will hit the ground running."

In other words, they will be taught how to get around the constitution, and set up corrupt judges to rule everyone.

Hillary has wisely figured out how to end the two-party system, and solve the problem of all these pesky elections. Bill and Hillary Clinton will hand pick all future Presidents and Congress members, upon graduation.

Then maybe, they will let you pick from their choices.

Bill Clinton will run the girls soccer team, at night.

All students will be required to learn Spanish, and Chinese. English will only be spoken at lunch.

Hillary's new "public servant school" is bound to be a rousing success in the annals of dictatorships leaving dictatorships.

Unless--- God decides to interfere...I suggest a good bolt of lighting.



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