Friday, October 09, 2009

The Noble Vasectomy

Nobody's Fool:
Anybody who is not a fool, and who still has a good healthy functioning of their inner freedom reproductive cycle safely intact---woke up today, and thought, upon hearing the news that President Barack Obama, had won the Nobel Peace Prize-

What a bunch of crock.

Sorry if that sounds a bit blunt, but in this case, it’s not the size of the words that count.

After all, North Korea for the whole year has been pushing out missiles aimed at the United Sates as fast as a young man in his prime at the annual Midsummer’s Night Dream bash at Hefner’s Playboy Mansion. Iran has been hustling missile sperm count as fast as Larry Flynt in the middle of a freebie day at the Bunny Ranch. Israel is on Viagra overload. And China has been arming itself at such a rapid pace, that if just one episode of Beijing Does Dallas is exploded, the rest of the world will not even have to pay to see it---Beijing will already be down our throats and we will all be gagging.

The world is not exactly in peace mode at the moment.

So just why did he get this Nobel prize?

Because while the world’s ardent love fest with military prowess has been going on, President Obama decided to give the United States a nuclear vasectomy. No longer will the evil sperm of the United States and its entire mighty nuclear arsenal ever again threaten the countries of Russia, Iran, Japan, China, or North Korea.

Communists everywhere, and the Lords of Oslo, are just so relieved. There is hope, that the great surgical skills of the peaceful Obama, will finally neuter the United States once and for all.

As he accepted the award today, he was ever-so humble. In place of his usual arrogant soliloquies, filled with his repetitiously boring self-adoring affirmations of himself…he changed his tone.

It was painful to witness, but he had to do it.

And while he said he admitted he didn’t feel he deserved it, he still managed to praise himself, reciting the cleverly spoken words of his daughter.

“Daddy you won the Nobel Peace Prize. And, it’s Bo’s birthday too.”

Mohammed can now spread the seed of Islam everywhere with Obama’s blessings---but Bo might want to stay out of the kitchen. Castration might be just around the corner.



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