Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Nobody Knows the Unthinkable Plans of Joshua Ramo

Nobody Knows: I’d rather not think about it, thank you very much…but Joshua Cooper Ramo wants us all to think about it. That’s why he wrote, The Age of the Unthinkable.

So I did---I read his book. It did make me think. It also made me really mad.

Ramo tells us that a “revolution” is coming, but it’s not like our liberating, 1776, one folks. It’s a bunch of rich, global elites, working to force the United States to accept their new vision for the planet…redistribution of wealth to the hands of the few…to be redistributed to the “many.”

The most important thing you must remember while you’re reading this blueprint for their “human global revolution” is that Mr. Ramo is the managing director at Kissinger Associates. Remember that the next time you see any politicians that have been in bed with Henry Kissinger. And that just about includes all past Presidents and most of Congress.

But, let’s get to his points from his book, with a “Nobody” margin writer putting in a few remarks...remarks that I didn’t even have to think about.

The emphases on certain words are mine…not his.

Here we go---

Ramo says: This is the most exciting possible moment to be working in international affairs, to be thinking deeply about the forces now violently reordering the globe, to try to change the corporations where we worked or the communities where we live.

Nobody says: Right. Corporations will now be “owned” by the government and run by the unions…Mussolini be proud. But Mr. Ramo makes it sound so…so…fair. You can make your own hours…and volunteer to work for free to make a better world!

Are you excited about working for free? You’re not?

Ramo: Democracies are extremely chaotic and messy. They are unpredictable.

Nobody: Right. Why do you think that all our politicians and most of our big international CEO’S, not to mention, Henry Paulson, spend half of their time living in China?

They like noodles?

Or are they all learning how to transplant that wonderful, predictable communistic oligarchy here?

Ramo: Kissinger agreed with Chinese leader that the Cambridge models (democracy) were useless in reality.

Nobody: What else did Kissinger agree to? The Panama Canal?

Ramo: Believing that the triumph of democracy and capitalism is inevitable should disqualify you immediately from a serious positioning in foreign policy.

Nobody: Oh boy…that leaves out Bill Gates, but lets in bin Laden.

Ramo: A bio-attack by 2013 is inevitable.

Nobody: Well, since he admires all terrorists, communists, and murderers, he is the first one I’m going to blame, because he knew it was coming and did nothing. Actually, he is one of the architects.

Ramo’s comments on Russia’s collapse: If you were sitting on top of the empire when it fell down, you would surely be in the best place to pick up the pieces. Russia has the same men in power, and they agreed to it.

Nobody: Sounds exactly like our collapse, does it not?

Ramo: Hard power kills people: soft power seduces.

Nobody: How’s that McDonalds in The Louvre working out there, boys?

Ramo: Mash up authoritarian rule and capitalism, previously thought to be incompatible, and you get China.

Nobody: He admires and compares this wonderful new political movement to the invention of the newest and latest video games, in order to seduce all college nerds who have no clue they are being manipulated by this comparison when they are reading his book. He is using the wonderful tool of “soft” power.
Too bad there isn't a video game called "Mashing Ramo"

Ramo: The revolution under way, is largely unavoidable.

Nobody: Unless we steal your chaos, Mr. Ramo, and use it to free ourselves from your obviously evil intent.

Ramo: In Chinese philosophy and art says that the environment is far more powerful than any individual.

Nobody: Right, we must all work like slave ants for the queen bees to survive. The forest will all burn down because the weeds will just catch on fire.

Ramo: We must now master resilience. You can learn to USE the chaos, to become a complex adaptive system.

Nobody: USE THE FORCE… What…do these guys have a poker night of chaos?
Ramo: The recognition that we need a major commitment to fostering real resilience would in turn elevate ideas like national health care, construction of a better transport infrastructure, and investment in education to a new level of important. Universal health coverage makes sense not only because it is decent but because building a medical system that touches everyone in the country prepares us to better deal with the unknown.

Nobody: It took him till the end of the book to finally put in the punch line. He is saying if we don’t pass Universal Health Care, we will all die when the bio-attack hits.

It’s a “soft” threat.

Ramo: This means placing, right at the heart of our international policy, a gala of giving everyone basic survival rights, even if it means redistribution of wealth to some of the poorest and angriest most polluting, and sickest people on the planet. This change will require tremendous sacrifice.

Nobody: Right…Ramo will not sacrifice, or Obama, or any elite that happens to be at the top before the fall…just all the rest of us.

And if you don’t think that this guy is a serious enemy of America, then consider this:

Ramo: Our usual reaction to a nuclear hit needs to be augmented with an instinct of generosity and decency.

Nobody: Ramo will be deep in Kissinger’s bunker, when the rest of us are dying in our basement of radiation.

I think that’s taking the word “sacrifice” just a little too far…don’t you? It’s unthinkable to me that a man like Ramo, even exists.

Unthinkably, there are many of these men…and they mean to do the unthinkable to us all.

We’d better start thinking about that.



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