Nobody's Absurdities, No. 80
Solar Panel Ice Rinks Trumps NASA
I woke up this morning to hear the news that America's plans to get back to the moon have been...trashed.
This "Oh, we're SO sorry we have been so superior in getting to the moon first, and you know, so advanced in technology, and we Americans have always been the first in science and engineering helping the WHOLE GODDAMN PLANET with our inventions...that Obama feels really bad that the rest of the world just is just not feeling good about it, psychologically.
"Not fair! You guys always win!"
Okay, says Obama. We'll just let you guys do it all. If we have to go to space, we will let the Russia and China put up our satellites, and our companies can take over. You know, AT&T, or Microsoft, or GE...those companies which our government owns half of anyway, at least this way, any fortunes made out of space can be put in OUR pockets! You know, it will go into that OTHER book we keep off the records....
The public sees the "OH we are TRILLIONS in debt...we need MORE money!" Instead of the book that shows, "Hey, we made over 165 trillion last year, let's not let the people find out!" book.
Yes, that one.
As Machu Picchu explained it this morning on FOX, this is like just cutting off your right arm. The nine-billion dollars that have been already spent trying to catch us up to Russia's rocket capabilities, have just been wasted.
In the meantime, we can spend billions of dollars putting Russian nuclear scientist on permanent payrolls dismantling their nukes, (You didn't think the Russians actually paid for that did you?) Yes, we will be giving hundreds of Russians big paychecks until they retire because..well, they will have no jobs to go to after they lose their jobs. I'm sure that even includes yearly vacations to DisneyWorld.
Not to mention, who paid for that international space station?
In the meantime, it seems the stimulus money is going to go to such wonderful and important things like--- exploring fossils in Brazil.
Right. That's a good one. The University of Chicago (Michelle and Obama's Alma) is getting lots of money to explore fossils too. Maybe they are going to dig up Hoffa's bones and he is going to be moved to the Capitol, and given a monument next to Mao.
But here's my personal favorite:
In my local paper I just discovered that a nearby neighborhood, Florissant, Missouri, a suburb of North St. Louis, basically a minority area, filled with black citizens who have public pools that are not over 4 feet because they can't swim...and now, they will be getting an $450,000 Federal stimulus grant for a solar panel roof at an ICE RINK, which nobody goes to because black kids for the most part, WOULD RATHER PLAY BASKETBALL!!
Nobody is ever on this ice rink. I know, I pass it all the time. BUT...a nice solar panel roof will not only melt the ice, but cost more money to keep cold...wait...so that will cost us more money to keep the ice cold because the solar panels will melt the ice, and more energy will be needed ...and what planet am I on?
We can only demise that Obama is officially...either working for the communists, or certifiably insane.
Last night on Coast to Coast am....a man who has written 16 books on making prophesy predictions, tried to convince the radio audience that Obama really is NOT the Antichrist that Nostradamus talked about. No that was Saddam Hussein.
Obviously , that guy has been to the moon, and is in dire need of stimulus money. I'd beginning to think the jury is still out on that one.
I say, we give it to him.
Labels: politics
Just curious, but since when do Solar Panels melt Ice in an Ice Arena that is covered by a roof?
"In my local paper I just discovered that a nearby neighborhood, Florissant, Missouri, a suburb of North St. Louis, basically a minority area, filled with black citizens who have public pools that are not over 4 feet because they can't swim...and now, they will be getting an $450,000 Federal stimulus grant for a solar panel roof at an ICE RINK, which nobody goes to because black kids for the most part, WOULD RATHER PLAY BASKETBALL!!"
This is actually MY FAVORITE. I cam e across your bullshit stream of thought that you call a "blog" as I was researching the financial success and eco-benefits that Ice Rinks have had in implementing systems similar to the one you describe. Not being able to swim? Rather play Basketball? Your either a racist fuck. African American hockey players are currently maintaining a significant presence in the NHL. NHL forward Chris Stewart(wikipedia him)is a Jamaican immigrant who just so happens to play for the near by home team "the Blues". I guess he falls into your category of a "black kid". Hockey is a gift for all to enjoy and solar panels are currently revolutionizing the way rinks operate....Read your post on "2012" as well to see what I was working with. You will be left behind trust me.
PS...Let's not forget why they are called the Blues. Wiki that shit too while your at it.
A racist fuck or a misinformed fool* correction-your blog comment module sucks. I've come to expect this from bloggers. Also, the majority of black people in areas like the one you describe cannot afford to play hockey. Might want to check out the success the Snyder Foundation in Philly has had. I encourage you to open your mind to these new life principles that address the concept of deprivation. They are all around us. First blog I ever commented on btw.
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