Thursday, May 06, 2010

Democracies...Burn Baby Burn...

Nobody Flashes: Everyone woke up this morning glued to FOX business (Cavuto gave the best coverage) and watched the Greek riots. The praise was for the cops, and what a great job they were doing. Sure they did a good job. They were probably happy just to have a job.

The "elites" that caused the mess, were being also praised for NOW trying to fix the mess.

Sound familiar?

Then the US stock market crashed, because everyone was watching the Greek nation, go down in history as the perfect example of what happens when country leaders...get greedy. And when the stock market drops, it's the people who don't even have enough money to even own stocks that end up paying the most somehow.

Funny how that works. Warren Buffet is even amazed at that fact...bless his heart. wasn't the leaders that are really being blamed for the state of the Greek union it was those dirty Greek "people" who want too much, we are being told.

Why is it in the news reports that it is the "people" who always get blamed? (Unless of course, you happen to be an illegal alien, black, or Muslim jihads living in America.)

Don't get me wrong...union leaders had a big hand in the ruination of America, and now it seems...Greece. Nevertheless, most people just want to eat, and get as much money as they can out of life...and if joining a union gives them that..they will do it. That doesn't make them bad.
As much as I can't stand some of my union neighbors and hate that they are set for life with pensions, and vacations...etc, I know they are only human.

It's the system that has been created to gather dues, to give power to too much power to political parties, etc...Union members aren't thinking about that. Most of them are thinking about never having to worry ever again. And who of us can blame them? So, when it goes down...they go into...shock, unlike the private sector who is used to having to fend for themselves.

If the CEO's can make big bonus, and the Kings, Queens, Congressmen , and Presidents can rape and pillage their people without ever being held accountable..why is it worse when people want what they were promised...even if it is unreasonable?

When the system of greed breaks down, Thomas Jefferson would say, it's a citizen's right to complain. And when the people's country is ruined...what? Who is to blame? The people?

We are hearing is how most of Greece is Union, and now they won't be getting all that free pensions, vacations, etc...any it any wonder they are mad? We are hearing all about those terrible lazy they are, and how the rest of the world will have to "bail" out Greece..because...why again?

Why does any other nation have to bail out any other nation? Do any people of any nation have any say anymore in ANYTHING?


Frankly, I thought the Greeks were in serious trouble when they overspent too much money to put on the Olympics in 2004. While I was watching all those people flying around on strings...I remember they kept talking about how much it was all costing, and how they really couldn't afford it.

Now we are hearing that the Globalization that caused this global meltdown, was meant to keep nations from going to war. But, like Obama's lies of redistribution...we now realize that globalization was created to keep the power and the money of the world into the hands of an elite few. They all despised Republics and love China's very simple dictatorship, because it's GREAT for the bottom line. It's rule by the Fortune 500, and their hand-picked leaders in monkey-business.

Do the men like Gordon Brown, really want one global currency, one world with no borders, and a socially engineered population of sheep and slaves?

Well, they have all said so..but just left out the "slave" part.

And speaking of Gordon seems the people of England don't want open borders either.

History will say: The Greeks gave us democracy...(And as our founders let us know...democracies always end up in riots, why do you think all the leaders want to spread democracies? And then the story will say, this collapse of the Greek nation will put the world back into the dark ages, where a new global government will emerge from the fire and we will all live happily ever after.

That's what the "new" history books will say.

You don't really think they would blame this on Barney Frank, and Freddie and you?

No, but I think it's a good start.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amfortas says:

Funny lot, the Greeks. They have a long history of over-reacting to things. Just look how they responded to Helen running off with that Turkish chap, Paris. I could understand Menaleaus perhaps going after her, but taking a thousand friggin' ships? A hundred swarthy chaps per ship; with their sanwiches. For a woman who seemed to prefer a durn furriner? Daft, if you ask me.

And What about Meno's mate Agamemmnon. The wind wouldn't blow so the ships couldn't go so what does he do? He kills his daughter Iphegenia ! Heck, from all accounts she was a nice girl who very likely would refuse to run off with a Turk. What did he go and do that for?

Not that I was taking any notice anyway. The British Elections were on and they were far more fun than America's last go (even with me in it). One Party leader crashed his aeroplane which was towing a banner saying 'I can Pilot the Economy'! The banner got caught up in the tail when he was doing a tight turn. Hah ! Quality stuff !

3:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amfortas says:

Funny lot, the Greeks. They have a long history of over-reacting to things. Just look how they responded to Helen running off with that Turkish chap, Paris. I could understand Menaleaus perhaps going after her, but taking a thousand friggin' ships? A hundred swarthy chaps per ship; with their sanwiches. For a woman who seemed to prefer a durn furriner? Daft, if you ask me.

And What about Meno's mate Agamemmnon. The wind wouldn't blow so the ships couldn't go so what does he do? He kills his daughter Iphegenia ! Heck, from all accounts she was a nice girl who very likely would refuse to run off with a Turk. What did he go and do that for?

Not that I was taking any notice anyway. The British Elections were on and they were far more fun than America's last go (even with me in it). One Party leader crashed his aeroplane which was towing a banner saying 'I can Pilot the Economy'! The banner got caught up in the tail when he was doing a tight turn. Hah ! Quality stuff !

3:04 AM  
Blogger Joyanna Adams said...

I love the Brits...but they missed their chance when they did NOT elect Benny Hill to be Prime Minister.

9:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amfortas agrees:

He would certainly have got the women's vote. They used to chase him around barely attired.

9:54 PM  

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