DANGER! Put Down the Soda and Have a Twinkie!
Nobody’s Opinion; Today we find out that the American Medical Association, an unelected body of doctors turned dictators, have decided that our government should put a tax on all soda. They are going to save us from fat.
Also today a group of 14 nations have announced that they will impose a tax on airline passengers to help with HIV/AIDS, under the unelected United Nations vision of world taxation. (This will be coming to our neighborhood in the next elections, via the democrats.) Last week it was unelected Rob Reiner who was trying to get a tax passed for his mandatory pre-kindergarten brainwashing program. Here in Missouri, I just found out that many of our unelected local merchants can put a tax on my sales receipt to pay for their parking lot mantience.
Great, it’s good to know that you don’t have to be elected to get yourself some money by pushing for a tax. By this thinking, anyone anywhere should be able to tax anyone else for anything; you don’t have to be elected.
I could tax you for just drinking my soda, and donate the money to the cause of my own poverty level!
Now, we all know that we pay WAY too much in taxes. Our founders would be absolutely astonished at how much our government basically extorts from us for fear of jail-time. None of us talk about it much. Just the tax on gas alone would have been enough to piss off Sam Adams. He would have made Ann Coulter seem like a real pussy cat. So just what has happened to us?
Was it the pictures of all those nuclear tests in Nevada? Is it abject fear?
But the A.M.A (American Medical Association) doesn’t stop at taxes…oh no...They want to support a 50 percent reduction in salt in all processed food, fast foods and restaurant meals. If you want salt on the table, you might have to pay for it. They don’t mention the hormones that are being pumped into our chicken and cows to get them to grow fatter and faster, which we inherit innocently during our dinner. They don’t suggest that physical education be put back on our schools--- that would be too mean-- there is competition in sports, and under the new thinking, competition is very bad.
Sorry Richard Simmons, you are fighting a losing cause.
I’m waiting for President Bush to come out and say “We are a nation addicted to food.”
Here’s another thing they want to do; urge health insurance plans to cover stomach-stapling surgery for weight loss. Oh, that’s a great suggestion. I wonder just how much premiums would go up when this little nugget is put on? How much easier it would be for us all just get an operation to get rid of those 30 pounds, why eat less?
Instead of encouraging smaller farmers to go into the market again with decent pure prime beef and chicken that has not been processed, pumped up, and filled with who knows what chemicals besides just plain grass, and put some decent meat back into the grocery stores---they want us to pay more for the damage that the government has done. They do not want to lose the control of the big state conglomerates. It’s easier just to pay them not to produce. Control of the whole food market is the end game here it seems. So, we must keep paying those farmers NOT to produce.
Some even suggest that the bird flu scare is just a way to go and confiscate all the small farmers all over the world. To have the New World Order in control of all food production is the goal. Well, why not?
The A.M.A is on a roll…they made the suggestion that we oppose beer ads on college sports broadcasts. Be real. Since the first class of Yale, students are more likely to die at the frat parties where they put a hose down their throats and pour a keg down, just to see if they can still walk. Being fat is not the problem; actually surviving college frat parties without permanent brain damage is the real trick.
Oh…here’s another a good one. We the people should pay for a report summarizing video game research, including emotional and behavioral effects and addictive potential.
You would never know these people have degrees. Everyone knows that our kids have gotten fatter due to sitting endless hours in front of the TV playing videos. Drive by any baseball field on a weekend in America, and the field is empty. We do not need a 30 billions dollar research project to tell us this. Actually, this will probably pass the Congress as it is completely worthless waste of money, and they specialized in that field.
And last but not least, the A,M.A wants mandatory school instructions on the dangers of internet pornography. It will turn you blind. Why stick to obsecity?
What’s so funny about all of this is that soda is the least of the items that make people fat. Americans are eating more because they are working longer hours, they have more stress in their lives, they are sleeping less, and if you go through any grocery line, once you pass the lettuce section, you will have a hard time finding a product that does NOT contain sugar.
Taxing soda for the sugar is discrimination--- why just soda? How about Hostess Twinkies and Cupcakes, and all the products put out by General Sugar Mills?
Your whole morning breakfast isle alone has as much sugar as the next aisle devoted to candy. In fact, I bet the candy has more in it that is good for you than most cereals.
Americans don’t have time to cook anymore. Because both parents have to work and by the time they get home, they just eat fast food or something really quick to put together.
Why? Because it takes two parents to keep up even a middle class existence now. Due to all the money that we have to pay out in taxes!
And they want more…let’s not talk about emissions tests, and sales tax, and death tax, and double car taxes, and phone taxes, and property taxes…
No wonder they can give billions of dollars to other countries whenever they please.
Pretty soon, they will be taxing fat people. Or people with dogs. Or the downloads of movies and songs. What haven’t they taxed? Hurricanes?
The A.M.A has a lot of nerve even suggesting controlling the average American in any way, or the various companies who make products. Who elected them?
The government did. It’s just another way that the government has to get into your life, (via the A.M.A) and take away another freedom you have, in fact your very basic freedom…the right to eat what you want.
I just had a coke and a small bag of potato chips…300 whole calories. I’m feeling pretty free at the moment.
And you know what? Taxing food is not going to stop Americans from eating what they want. And kids will probably always drink beer in college; video games are here to stay, and not many people will want to get an operation to remove fat even if their insurance company pays for it.
And as far as pornography is concerned….well, that’s one thing I think they could really put a big tax on. In fact, if there was a 50 cent tax on every dollar spent on porn, we could get rid of all other taxes that exist, and have a surplus.
Oh…wait, the A.M.A said it was a DANGER.
I will be looking for A.M.A warning on my next soda can….DANGER…and I’ll drink it anyway, and if I get fat, I can always get my stomach stapled, and of course get my abdominal muscles flattened at the same time because the doctors will slip it in under the obesity insurance clause.
And when the law becomes final, the lawyers will be suing all food companies for killing Americans--- murder by a can of loaded sugar.
The defense; just like the cigarettes…some CEO will say, “We knew sugar was addicting, that’s why we put it in all the products.”
I can’t wait for the movie.
Nobody’s Perfect; Two candidates for this one today. Alec Baldwin needs to go to a psychologist to find out just why he can’t control his anger, especially his proclivity to want to kill all republicans. The other is the football player who decided he was invincible by crashing his motorcycle without a helmet on, thereby proving that he does not have much sense, what a dummy. I suggest they both get helmets and mental help.
Nobody Knows; James Otis, a lawyer, who was according to John Adams the very first spark of the American Revolution said, “The same law of nature and of reason is equally obligatory on a democracy, an aristocracy, and a monarch; whenever the administrators in any of those forms deviate from truth, justice, and equity, they verge toward tyranny, and are to be opposed; and if they prove incorrigible they will be deposed by the people, if they people are not rendered too abject.”
Nobody Cares; He also said “Taxes are not to be laid on the people but by their consent in person or by deputation.” This was a very basic thought of the people who started and fought for our country. When was the last time that we got to vote on a Federal tax?
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