Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Desperate Tactics

Nobody’s Opinion: Here in “middle” America, I have some grim news---news that should be related and passed on to those “conservative” voices on all our radio stations. Marching orders were put out last week for all “conservatives” to vote for Hillary in the primaries, in order to keep her in the race.

Yes, they were asking us all to commit an excruciating and nauseating act. Go to the voting booth, register as democrats, and lie with our votes in order to serve a more noble purpose---the purpose of saving the Republican Party by putting Hillary in as the nominee.

Evidently they are scared of the great Obama.

It worked. Hillary finally won a few states. She can now go in for the kill.

Right before Tuesday’s primaries, Rush Limbaugh, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity, spent major time attacking Barack, and asking conservative voters to go vote for Hillary. This morning they were absolutely gleeful with their own powerful success.

While Rush, Laura, and Sean, are completely happy to try to “force” us to elect John McCain…because John is a continuation of the current “liberal” in the White House, George W. Bush, many of us with any sense of integrity left…won’t be voting at all.

I don’t care what “scare” tactics they use, this is one election many will not attend.

Therefore, Hillary will win. No matter how much the radio conservative pundits think they can use our hatred against Hillary to get us to go vote for McCain, many already know that McCain will continue on the One-Global Party tract of “globalization,” no borders, socialism, and corporate/government fascism. Amnesty will come in the first few months.

And on top of that, John McCain seems to be an even more unstable man when it comes to starting a war. Look at him. He looks like he a walking ad for electrical shock. The man never smiles.

He has promised unending war. The pundits should know better.

Instead of sticking to the principles that conservatism was set on, ones to which they have been preaching to us for years and years, these pundits are willing to sacrifice America (that’s you and me folks) for another eight years in order not to lose the “conservative” party to which they belong.


Uh…hello? The Republican Party no longer exists. John McCain and George W. Bush are irrefutable proof. What planet are you guys on?

But, let’s say their plan works. What will we have? We’ll have another George W. Bush, who has continued to expand on the vast damage done by the Clinton administration, relentlessly working toward global corporate domination, at the expense of American sovereignty. Both parties act as willing puppets of the vast international corporate/government/banking complex.

You won’t hear any of the pundits attack that, because they work for them.

Eerily, it was during George W. Bush’s administration that cameras silently went up on every corner.

It was during George W. Bush’s term that we entered a war in the name of “National Security.” He likes that excuse so much, that he now enters trade agreements in the name of “National Security.”

If national security was really important to Bush, he would have secured our borders after 9/1l.

So, what’s with Rush? Is he so desperate he resorts to dishonesty? Using the Clintonian game plan against them is really fun? The ends justify the means?

Power is addicting?

Well, I for one am not going to go against my own conscious and vote for John McCain just because Rush Limbaugh tells me to.

Much to Rush’s lament, the Independent class is growing. Now it seems, only in the Independent class can you remain a true Patriot.

Sorry Rush, your game plan stinks. I’m not going to offend the memories of all the men who died for this country by giving into such idiotic logic because, whoever wins, it’s not going to matter.

If Hillary becomes President, she will be joined by John McCain in every Marxist rule she passes. If John becomes President, he will give into her every demand.

The past is our record.

And sorry to inform all you pundits, but the Clintons are not going away.

The United States is becoming a party-of-one, and neither party seems worth saving.

So radio pundits…start shoveling the snow, you’re digging your own ditch.

This is the time to fight for our country, like you have all been doing for years…

Not put off facing the truth in front of you.



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