Nobody Knows: Could this be Obama's real Mentor or long lost Cousin?
They have so much in common, it's almost impossible not to wonder....

This is King Mswati III of Swaziland. He is worth 100 million dollars, and 69 percent of the people in his country live under the poverty line. He changed the constitution to say that no political parties are allowed in Swaziland. He has 13 wives and recently, a few of them went on a shopping spree and spent over 6 millions dollars.
He sure LOOKS like a nice guy though? He's got that great smile down, just like his cousin.
Can we compare? Obama lives like a King, and more than half the people in his country are in a nose dive to extreme poverty, due to his relentless polticies.
He rules now with one party, which he intends, by using amnesty, to put into power for all eternity.
Although he does not have 13 wives...(remember, it took us a while to find out about Tiger's 24) Michelle, his wife, has been known to spend a lot herself. She might only spend six $600 dollars for earrings, but nevertheless, I bet if you total her bills they would be well over $6 million dollars. And most of it is, of course, paid by the taxpayers. The salaries of her 27 aids alone would take up the first $2 million.
Last week, Obama got mad at Al-Quada for killing Africans, a sentiment he did not show after the Ft. Hood killings.
Nobody knows that I think Glenn Beck had it right in the first place. Obama, is a racist.
Obama wants to redistribute all weath to the blacks, and the black and Muslim nation, and he got a good start today with the new bank reforms.
I'm starting a makeup company to darken skin...forget the pineapples.
Okay, the guy is not his cousin. But, they look like two peas in a pod, two porks in a grind, and two tyrants in a nutshell, don't they?
Amfortas suggests...:
....that a $6 million shopping spree is what it costs to maintain the entire Royal Household in Britain for a year... and is chickenfeed compared to King Obama's $260 million revamp of the White House which is about to commence.
Odds are he won't stay in power long enough to relax in the planned luxuries, but it certainly ups the ante for his aspiring successors.
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