Friday, March 07, 2008

Go Ahead---Take My Change

Nobody’s Opinion: One of my favorite stories of Jesus is the morning he gave his famous “sermon” on the mound speech. I love that speech. And what’s particularly special about it, is that it was free to the public. Imagine…one of the most spectacular lectures ever given on earth, and it was free!

Jesus was a big giver. He gave his thoughts, his time, his healing abilities, his love, and his life. The poor people everywhere flocked to him like ants to a big TollHouse chocolate-chip cookie.

And why not? He was the real deal. He was not there to rip them off, but to fill their souls with truth. The truth of justice and right, and that really, all people were equal under God, even the poor goat-herder.

All he asked in return was kindness to your fellow man---and faith. If you were low on goat’s milk that day, he didn’t think you should starve just because someone in the next town was having a hard time.

Then along came the Catholic Church, which yearly grew bigger, more expensive, more and more elaborate, and filled with more riches than any previous Roman Empire.

And like many empires before them, the Catholic Church grabbed up vast lands. They refused to let their priests marry to keep the lands in the hands of the church. The Catholic Church grew humongous and became very expensive to maintain.

Well, someone had to pay for all that extravagance, and so…the poor people were made to “tithe” at least 10 percent of their income to the church.

They used Jesus’ own words to justify this tithe.

“It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

The Church’s corruption grew so great, that it spawned Martin Luther, (not King) who brought religion back down to the people again.

Yes, give to the church. And if the guy next to you puts in a ten-dollar bill in that plate, and you can only afford fifty cents…shame on you.

Now the concept of “tithing” is being used once again, by our current soon-to-be President in sharing, Hillary Clinton’s better half, Bill.

Welcome to the new planned church of global government “titling” of the human race. The church is called, Clinton’s Global Initiative. It’s all in his new book, Giving.

Imagine---Hillary Clinton is running for President, talking about all the big profits she will take from the oil companies---talking about taking money from some and giving it to others, and her husband, the ex-President writes a book about “giving,” and no one in the world reads it.


Yes, Bill Clinton needs money. And he starts with suggesting that every single person on this planet should give their time, money, and talents to NGO organizations, most of whom work in coordination with Bill’s Clintons Global Initiative, so that that all the people of the world can be equal.

“If we all gave according to our ability, the positive impact would be staggering.” he says.

Yes, Bill is clever. Better to disguise this redistribution in the cloak of Jesus than Karl Marx.

Bill would prefer everyone to give at least 10 percent of our money to this global goal. Remember, this is after we pay all state, federal, and excise taxes.

Sure Bill---I’ll just grab my pennies from my change jar, and see what I can come up with.

He also thinks it would be nice if we spent our vacations helping ‘the disadvantaged.’

Wait---didn’t the bankers just help a whole bunch of ‘disadvantaged’?

In his chapter, “How Much Should You Give and Why?” he goes for the big bananas.

“If the top one percent simply give 5 percent of their income to meet the goals…” (The United Nation Millennium Goals, where poverty is completely abolished on the earth.)
He figures that would be $9.2 billion. “If the top 10 percent would give one percent of their incomes to the cause it would raise another $17.2 billion...” And he goes on and on with his calculator figuring it all out…and boy, it’s great.

In other words, Bill has been very busy gathering data on everyone’s wealth and figuring just how much he wants of it.

Then he goes for the poor. “Even if the gift is relatively small, millions of contributions from the other 90 percent, aided by the Internet, could equal or surpass the total giving by the wealthy Americans.”

Pay attention to that word: Americans.

Well, he’s doing pretty good getting the rich to deliver. After all, when government works with you on mandating new energy laws, companies have whole new markets opened up for them to exploit with the government’s help.

Ban the light bulb and GE’s got a whole new product.

But getting the poor, who are getting poorer, to fork up, well, that’s a bit hard.

So, all the democratic candidates are talking about mandatory community service which started under Bill Clinton’s administration. Our high school students can’t read, but they sure can pick up trash, thanks to mandated community service required for graduation.

Bill and Hillary already have schools training thousands of new public servants to be placed around the globe, mostly “minorities” paid to work for the new church of Bill Clinton’s Global Initiative.

Excuse me. Did not Jesus kick the money bags out of his local church?

Despite what they’d like you to think, Bill Clinton is not Jesus, and Hillary is no saint, and I’ll take my chances with Jesus before I “tithe” anything to Bubba and his global inching fingers.

Go ahead Bill…take my change.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

See Here or Here

8:42 AM  

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