Monday, March 10, 2008

Nobody Reports on a Monday--The Dream Team is a Dream

Nobody’s Reports on a Monday:
Boy, those Clintons are a tease, aren’t they? They had all the talk shows on Sunday hopelessly panting out exciting pictures of the “dream team.” The Clinton/Obama ticket. Old Bubba was out there getting all those old women all gooey eyed. George Stephanopoulos was so excited, he probably went off his meds for a whole day.

Bill Clinton made sure to explain why this dream team would work so well…why Hillary would get all the rural areas, and Obama could get all the urban! He said they would be an unstoppable force.

In other words, Hillary could get the white women’s vote, and Obama could get all the black’s vote.

If you’re a white man, I feel sorry for you. You’re a dying breed.

But, don’t hold your breathe.

First off, the Clintons don’t need Obama on a “dream team” ticket to win. They would win the black votes by default against a Republican. Besides---Obama is weak on the Mexican vote, and Hillary needs that Mexican vote against McCain. Maybe that’s why Bill Richardson is growing that Che Guevara mustache look.

Does anyone doubt that Hillary will grab the super delegates? Does anyone doubt that a re-vote of “sent-in” ballots in banana-boat Florida, will have her win by a huge majority?

Does anyone doubt that the Clintons planned this like a chess game all along?

Well, it seems Bill Bradley does. “The Clintons do not do long term-planning.”

Right---Bill Clinton has his picture taken at seventeen with John F. Kennedy. Bill Clinton has lunch with David Rockefeller before he gets into Oxford. Hillary Clinton gives up lucrative feminist career to go to Arkansas.

“Eight years for him, eight years for her.”

The thought that the great Hillary Clinton would accept anything less than the Presidency is almost laughable. Hillary is used to having power, as VP she would have none.

She would have more power as a Senator, where she can control the Senate and the House and Ways Committee.

How ever you look at it, somehow, someway, Hillary will end up President, or on the Supreme Court.

So, build your “dream” babies now, before it’s too late.

Nobody’s Perfect---Because we all loved Ronald Reagan so much, it’s getting harder and harder to put up with that loopy kid of his, you know---the one who used to be a ballet dancer.

It seems he thinks getting rid of the Electoral College would be a great thing, and we should do it right away.

Right. We’ll just let Los Angles and New York decide all American Presidents from now on. Why should Detroit, Iowa, or god forbid, Nashville, Tennessee have any say?

Obviously, someone dropped this boy on his head during a Swan Lake rehearsal.

They should have dropped him in Swan Lake.

Nobody Knows--- John McCain is having a hard time hiding that big lump on the side of his face. It was clear last week that all the news stations were trying to hide it with a “brown” shadow…which came out looking like your two-year old was painting with his crayons and missed the lines. I bet on blue-ray, it was even funnier. The fact that the media is even hiding it should tell you something.

And they wonder why we don’t trust them.

Nobody Cares---It’s being reported that America is being drugged through our water system. Even bottled water has traces of a staggering 56 pharmaceuticals that come out of our urine and into our water system and right back into our bodies.

So that’s why we all feel like old potato skins.

Even half of those people who have “happy” genes are not going to survive the mood alternating tranquilizers, hormones, anticonvulsants, and who knows what else, floating in their taps.

How long have they been telling us all to “Drink at least eight glasses of water a day?”

So---why aren’t our water systems being purified? Well, surprise…Virgina Beach has good water, which tells you they know exactly what they are doing.

Nobody Wins---
Just a thought. George Bush, Rupert Murdock, Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh, all support Hillary for President. Hillary can’t lose with the Republicans helping to get her elected too.

Nobody’s Fool;
Is it me, or is this all been fixed? Well, get your ticket and stand in line. The nightmare of a liberal “dream” world is soon to become an HD living-color reality show.

No wonder the water is drugged.



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