What's Worse? Al Gore, Dentists, or Mud-holes in Iraq?

And nobody knows; that when it comes to suffering, it's all relative.
The good news? My year of relentless flossing, brushing, water picking, and scraping of my teeth every night has paid off. No new cavities...in the teeth I can reach.
The bad news: The dentist found one cavity, but it was IN THE LAST MOLAR...underneath a bridge, that this VERY SAME DENTIST had put on when I was just twenty years old, and he did not recognized me, or his own work! (I cannot reach this tooth, no one can.)
The only way to fix the tooth is to saw off the bridge, (which is attached to two very fine teeth, cemented to be exact, to a real nice tooth and jawbone, that I am really very fond of) with probably some huge machine right out of the Soprano's...
Yes..saw off the bridge, put in a "fake" bridge for me to use for two weeks, and then come back for the final torture, and the new bridge which will probably decay again before I die.
This will cost so much, they are delaying having to tell me the "price" for two weeks.
(And speaking of decay, Al Gore just walked onto the set of David Letterman)
And then, I saw this picture of the Baker Company...one of the last Marines left in Iraq...who are waiting the commander-in chiefs orders.
And now, after realizing that I am not sitting in that miserable muck, in Iraq, away from home, I am SO looking forward to getting my tooth fix.
On the other hand, if these guys had to listen to Al Gore as much as we do...wait Al says we are putting 90 million tons of carbon..into the air every day)
(WAIT...folks, Al says sea shells are in trouble!)
They might think I've got the worse of it.
Labels: Humor
By 'eck. Sheer luxury a mud'ole like that. These modern young sooljers don't know their born. They have mud'oles all over wherever they goes.
Back in my day we din't 'ave no ready to move into mud'oles. Our Sergeant has us making transportable one. One for ev'ry fourteen chaps. And we 'ad to pee in 'em to bring 'em to hoccupational readiness.
We wuz real sooljers, we wuz.
I wuz rooly 'appy when I became a King, I can tell you.
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