Saturday, September 30, 2006

Hawkeye Triage Syndrome, Part II

Nobody’s Opinion; Okay…where did I leave off? Oh yeah, conspiracy theory number 3,456, put together with the combination of Alex Jones, late night Coast to Coast AM, various readings of our founding fathers, the last ten novels that I read, everything on the news, and too much melatonin, mixed with my yogurt and whipped cream before I go to bed.

This has got to stop.

So…to reiterate once again the point of Part I (what point was that Joyanna, you say?)
---The elites of the world, or the illuminate, the shadow government, or just all “those rich guys” have obviously watched too much MASH, like the rest of us, the difference being, they have money!

So they have decided, like Hawkeye, their job in this big world is to make the tough decisions on the battlefield of the planet.

How to control the rest of us, and shape the world, so as to save it.

As Al Gore has stated, Greenland it going to split, the oceans will flood the earth, and even though he will be nice and snug in his bunker, the rest of us are gonna die.

They have been, like the surgeons on a battlefield, Triaging events---and if they can make a few billion while they’re making all these important decisions, it’s only fair.

So, to my great revelation…the year was 1980.

IT was the best of times…it was the worst of times….No wait...I had just given birth to my son…or lets’ say, I was drugged, and they cut him out of me because I was laughing too hard…


When my own son was born he was two months premature. I had a condition called placenta previa, and because I had gone into labor, a cesarean was necessary. Both mother and child can die with this condition.

Born at six months, he had what is commonly called, Hyaline Membrane Disease, which means his lungs were not developed. He was gasping for every single breathe to stay alive. He was breathing…barely.

But---another boy was born a few hours later in the same hospital, and even though he was full term, both his lungs had collapsed. He was considered the worse case scenario and was immediately sent down to the neo-natal unit at St. Louis Children’s Hospital, which was about thirty miles away.

Why didn’t they send both boys? Wouldn’t that make sense to you?

I guess no one expected my son to live.

The next morning, three priests came in to say they had given my sons his last rites…I got angrier with each one that came in.

“Get out of here! He’s not going to die! There will be no last rites!”

I was convinced…I was praying. Of course, I had not seen how bad he was.

Then, some doctor came into the room. He seemed, like the priests, so full of himself, and he said, “I pulled some strings, they were full at the hospital, but because they know me at Children’s Hospital, they are going to take him.”

Well, what did he want I thought…a cookie? I assumed that everything possible would be done to save my son…I just assumed it. After all, they were being paid.

He said that in a couple of hours they would bring him in, before they moved him downtown.

Six hours later, about fifteen people came into my room, pushing my son in an incubator. Every single person in that room had tears in their eyes but me. They said the reason that it had taken them so long was that my son kept pulling out his respiratory tubes. They finally had to tie him down completely.

With every breathe he took, I could see his tiny chest sink down to almost his backbone, gasping for air. It was much worst than I thought.

I couldn’t touch him because he was all wired up, but I said…”Now you be a good boy: be strong, and I’ll see you soon.”

Nurses busted out in tears when I said that…really. I hate when that happens.

In fact, it happened one other time before. I was playing at a wedding (I was sort of the female Barry Manilow hired for the evening) and I was singing and playing some god awful song, with about 500 people staring at me and the happy couple---and the bride busted out crying…

Try and sing when someone is crying. I started crying, I barely made it through the song.

Anyway…back to the subject--

I never stopped believing that my son was going to live.

After all, I was praying so hard, I’m sure God had to put all other prayers from the earth on hold because he was much too swamped from listening to me.

Mathematically speaking, I thought the stakes were promising.

When I finally got released from the hospital to go down and see my son a few days later, I was amazed at all the other little babies that were much worse off than mine. There were two or three precious little black babies there that were only one to two pounds. My son was six and a half pounds at birth. (Actually, that’s probably why he really lived, too many fig neutons.)

There were about ten babies there, and at least five of them never had any visitors. Never.

But, here is what I didn’t realize until yesterday.

If that man had NOT pulled a few strings, my son would not have lived. For whatever reason, someone had decided which babies were important and which weren’t, and my son had already been “triaged” as disposable.

A couple of doctors broke the rules.

I didn’t know then, and didn’t realize until yesterday, that I should have been sending that doctor on a trip to Hawaii.

Now, let’s take this further. Remember the term, “population explosion?”

Population explosion” hysteria in the 1960’s, was exactly like the “global warming” hysteria of the 1990’s. Now, we are all going to die from global warming.

For those of you that aren’t old enough to remember, back in the 1960s we were told that the “exploding population” of the planet was going to be the earth’s final destruction.

Someday there would be so many of us, they said, there would not be enough food to feed us all, let alone enough plumbing.

Of course, just like the current environment “scare” that we are going through today, it was a joke, a complete fraud. The actual fact was that the opposite was true.

Sometimes there was so much food produced the people on the earth couldn’t eat it all. Now, we are being good citizens and trying to get that entire glut down.

Just because they are STILL starving in Africa doesn’t mean there isn’t enough food.

But you know that.

But, back in the sixties, there were ominous books written about our doom. Like the weather forecasts of today, we were saturated relentlessly with the bad news, it was in our school books. Our teachers talked about it every day.

Programs were developed, (backed by the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations) and woman’s liberation was developed to delay the birthing process. Women were encouraged to go into careers.

Planned Parenthood, abortions, and contraception were there to control it. The United States would not lend money unless the country would let in Planned Parenthood and our population control devices.

My generation was told to stop having babies. So we did, out of concern for the planet, and also the economy.

The result of all this meddling and “triaging” is now upon us. The government now has a tremendous problem with Social Security. We didn’t replace ourselves. Opps.

As we watched in horror at the Terry Scievao fiasco, our government was letting us know that the old and the disabled are now going to be expected to die to make way for the young population.

The baby boomers will become expendable.

Remember this when you see that commercial about “Hurry to the hospital when you are having a stroke…every minute counts.’

Yes, every minute counts as long as the hospital doesn’t have any gunshot victims, or illegal immigrants having babies.

We are almost on socialized medical system now, just like in England, where the “old” have to wait for the kidney, because they’re need is not as great as the young. They usually die waiting.

You might live longer with vitamins, but if you happen to get sick, and you’re over sixty, you will be put on the end of the list of move over and die, you selfish baby boomer.

You might make the argument that the old should not get any medical care at all, because the young need to take over. Most of the people that work at our hospitals believe this with all their heart.

But, why can’t both be given care? Who decides? The old and the young?

Now, the American people are being triaged to merge with Mexico, but it’s not only to keep the companies supplied with cheap labor.

The real reason I think is because our government has grown so big the baby boomers will bankrupt it even more.

Pat Buchanan has been telling us, (oh boy, has he been telling us) the taxable work force is disappearing, along with trillions of promised medical and social benefits that are due.

In order just to keep them in power, they need to replace the population, which they so foolishly demolished with population control and Marxists rulers.

Now, if they did this much damage with the “population control” Can you even imagine what damage they are going to do with “global warming?”

Whole states will be “triaged” and pay for other nation’s eco-systems. We will go from saving the spotted owl to saving the sting rays in Australia.

The Kyoto treaty is about America paying for the world’s “environmental care.”

Bill Gates is not only going into villages to give vaccines to help the poor little dying babies, the plan is to put computers into every single village on the planet, where everyone is logged into one major matrix.

Suddenly the word Triage doesn’t look so humane. Stem Cell will benefit the few, but the many will pay for it.

Clinton said, “Progressives should never relax. If a world away, trapped in poverty, in Africa, or East Asia, there is a child who is just as smart as our kid, just as deserving of a decent life. We really do believe our common humanity is more important than our differences.”

Great, now the child in East Asia is going to get to go to Harvard. Your kid will work at Wal-Mart.

Well, twenty-five years later, my son is grown and is working as a personal trainer. I thank God every day for the gift, but, I also thank the doctor who stood up to the system of “triage” and fought for my son to get the care he needed.

So, what did I learn from this entire brain overload?

That if you want REAL science, you’re more likely to get logical scientific answers from a Christian conservative than a secular liberal, my son is smarter than his mom because I craved fig neutons when I was pregnant,

And we all die; it will be due to a TV sitcom.

Nobody’s Perfect; Clinton said that it “was adamant that a democrat win the next electron because we can’t pursue our international obligations if we lose support at home. We need you. The rest of the world needs you.”

“We are the world, we are the children, and we are the ones who have it all, solet’s start giving…”

Somebody stop me.

Nobody Knows; Al Gore said at the United Nations that Manhattan, Shanghai and Bombay will disappear if Greenland splits in two.

So…what will happen to England?

Nobody Cares; Tonight--- I will sleep the dream of dreams, I will sink into a heavenly bliss of silence, I will sink into the oblivion of sweet, silent, peace…

My husband got his “breathing” mask today. (ahhhhhhhh)

Friday, September 29, 2006

Hawkeye Triage Syndrome, Part I

Nobody’s Opinion; I was thinking about the world, “Triage” today.

After thinking so much about it, I’ve decided we need to get rid of it. Erase it out of the dictionary. Write it on a piece of paper, wrap it around a roach, and send it to Six Flags.

Today, the concept of “triage” came crashing down on me, like the time I dropped my bowling ball on my foot.

Why, what's in a word?

Something a doctor said to me a long ago, just hit me. It was one of those life changing moments in life, that you don’t realize is happening to you at the time, you know what I mean?

This moment happened twenty-five years ago. I had finally gotten the full gist of what that doctor was trying to tell me today, but at that time I was too naïve to understand. I was completely clueless…but more about that in a minute.

The concept of “triage” has taken on a whole new meaning.

For all you nobody’s that don’t work in the medical profession, here’s a simple explanation:

Triage” has been typically used in emergency medical situations, like the life and death decisions made on who gets treated on a battlefield.

When you go to the worst case scenario first…you triage. Someone in control makes a decision between three choices:
1. The ones that are going to die.
2. The ones that are going to live.
3. The ones that can live with some help.

Now---because of all those years I watched MASH on TV…I would never have dawned on me the fact that “triage” is not always used wisely.

After all, Hawkeye was perfect; intelligent, funny, compassionate…even when he made a mistake, it was not his fault.

But let’s expand that concept of “triage” to include not only medical decisions, but political and social decisions as well. When you do that, then it becomes very clear that “triage” is a favorite pastime of our political elites. It’s almost like a disease.

Let’s call it, just for fun, the “Hawkeye Triage Syndrome.”

For example -- President Bush has decided that the sacrifices of our soldiers to establish a free Iraq were necessary to save the rest of us here at home, that’s what he says.

He is sacrificing the “few” soldiers for the “many citizens” at home. Right?

But in the process, many Iraq’s are dying.

He has the Hawkeye Triage Syndrome, his fever has come up.

Another example, Bill Clinton decided during his term to send peacekeepers all over the world, but by doing so he sacrificed The World Trade Center and over 3,000 American lives, by keeping our soldiers in peacekeeping service around the world.

Bill sacrificed “3,000” at the World Trade Center, for all the thousands all over the world that he supposedly kept safe with his many peacekeeping forces.

In this case the world was more important to Bill Clinton than America. It still is.

Bill also has Hawkeye Triage Syndrome, and he too suffers from high fever.

This act of “triaging” is not always what’s honest, what’s fair, or what’s best for the majority of the people as we recently saw with the Supreme Court decision of overruling our Constitution and taking away our right to our own property by changing the eminent domain laws, thereby giving anyone with big money the right to take over our homes.

This move was because “more taxes” could be made from the property, so the little people should sacrifice their homes and property for the good of the many.

But it actually benefited the rich. We are not sure if those extra taxes ever get back to the people. The politicians love to transfer wealth, especially into their own pockets.

On the Supreme Court we have some pretty sick wacko’s. They must have round the clock nursing.

Our elected body, (Congress and the President) who are supposed to represent our wishes, now consider it their divine right to “triage” everything that happens in our lives, with or without our approval.

In “triage” there is no republic, there is no democracy. There is no vote, it’s tyrannical.

And how do they sell it to the American people?

As logical---the logical view of science vs. religion.

In the conservative view The Judeo-Christian belief, the one that our nation was founded on, every single life is precious. No life is more precious than another. No life should be sacrificed for another. Every single life, young, old…even the unborn, has the right to life, liberty, and happiness. Every one of us has a right to live.

This WAS America…a long time ago, before our leaders came down sick.

The secular beliefs, which is the common view held by Liberals, Communists, Socialists, and Muslims, believe in the philosophy; “The sacrifice of the few for the many.” And God forbid someone should decide you are one of the “few” to be sacrificed.

We see this everywhere in the policies of the left with the environment, abortion, eminent domain, globalization, heavy taxation, and the upcoming stem-cell research debate.

Bill Clinton gave the perfect example of the “triage” of the few (Americans) for the many (the rest of the world) in a speech yesterday:

The child in China, Kenya, Bolivia, or Norway is as precious as one from Arkansas, Texas, New York, or Ohio.”

Good to know, if you live in Arkansas, and are working hard to pay for Bill Clinton’s huge pensions and bodyguards until he dies---that he puts the child in Kenya as more important as your child.

In that case then why doesn’t Kenya pay for his pension?

Oh, he sounds very sweet, but here’s the kicker. It’s BILL who will get to decide who lives and who dies in this world. It is Bill Clinton who will decide who gets the better education. Bill Clinton becomes God.

Does this seem a bit sinister to you? Even if there IS no God, that doesn’t mean that a handful of men should all get God like powers.

If you can’t take vacations anymore, or afford to send your kids to college because Bill Clinton has promised to build a school in Bolivia, well, you must let him because he is Triaging, has a bad case of Hawkeye Triage Syndrome, and is saving the earth. He has decided you (not him) must sacrifice. It’s affirmative action for the world.

But back to the great “liberator” tomorrow, where I’ll explain exactly what that doctor said to me that I didn’t understand till yesterday, and how it all fits in with my “nobody is trying to figure out what in the world is going on” with this disearse that the world leaders are suffering from.

If I post the rest today, you will end up just as confused as me, and that’s not a good way to start the day. I want everyone to be perky.

Nobody’s Perfect; It’s really too bad all the actors in MASH came out to be such flaming liberals, because I have no desire to watch the show ever again. But then again, they all got rich, and I’m sure don’t need the money.

Nobody Knows: Just how often in Triage cases, does a doctor decide to operate on one individual because of a personally liking one person more than another. I bet it happens more than you think. Can you imagine a doctor having to deside between Bill or Hillary Clinton?

Nobody Cares; Which “Hot Lips” did the men prefer…the first one or the second?

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Meet Met In the 11th Dimension

Nobody's Opinion; This was written July, 2006, Hopefully it will amuse someone....

There are two different stories in the news today that somehow in my twisted mind seemed connected.

One was Jose Coseco, who was talking about his gargantuan sexual activities while playing in the major leagues, thereby pissing off a whole league of men, who did not want the obvious to be obviously declared about their prolific and vast regalements of one night stands and mistresses. After all, American men have prided themselves on tight-lips, unless you’re trying to end a politician’s career.

The other didn’t get much play. It seems that all the physicists in the world had finally found the meaning of EVERYTHING. This puzzle was put together by a woman physicist. (darn!) She found out, by building upon the years of hard work of the men before her, that if you just go mathematically on up to the 11th dimension---Eureka! All the theories of the universe make sense!! String Theory, Einstein’s theories, The Big Bang…it all comes together! And voila!! There it was. Michio Kako was so elated he was literally spinning on ice!

Which got me to thinking…if they can figure out how the universe works, why can’t our top physicists figure out how to make men and woman more compatible?

What is the quintessence of true love? Just where is the 11th dimension of Eros?

Many of our finest minds have weighed in on the subject:

Jane Austen (1775-1817)…”One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.” (Mars and Venus predated by pudding and plums.)

Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD)…“Sexual intercourse is merely internal attrition and the spasmodic secretion of mucus.” (spasmodic?)

Al Gore (still here, there, and everywhere)…“Love is never having to say you’re sorry.” (A lesson well learned by the U.S. Senate impeachment of President Bill Clinton)

And let’s not forget Shakespeare who had plenty to say on the subject:

Shakespeare (1564-1616: “Men are April when they woo, December when they wed; maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives.” (Men are April?)

AND, “Do you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak?” (This mystery has bothered every man since Eve started talking about the apple.)

Our great educational system has decided to force generation after generation of poor high school students to endure Romeo and Juliet’s answer to the question of young love denied by society…which is…just killing yourself. Thank God our kids are getting smarter and making it through the graduation ceremonies just pregnant instead of poisoned.

So despite our best minds the mysteries and histories of the everyday interaction of the two sexes, no matter where they live, what nationality, what point in history, or what movie or book tries to solve the problem of the ultimate love affair, now in 2005, it’s obvious we have not come any further in our ponderings. The perfect love is as rare as winning the Powerball lottery. As rare as having your children turn out exactly how you wanted. In fact, most women are happy to find someone who comes home every night sober and mows the lawn once in a while, never mind perfection. Men are happy when permitted to play golf…and maybe get to see some skin when the hot flashes appear under the flannel pajamas. Perfection only happens on Oprah Winfrey, or on Mars.

And since no conclusions have evolved besides the obvious continued propagation of the species, I think, perhaps it’s time those physicists should have a crack at it. If they can mathematically prove something so esoteric as time and space, the quintessence of the ultimate love affair should prove easy, dimensionally speaking.

Jose was in the first dimension of love. Girls were a big smorgasbord to fulfill his steroidal appetite. All this took place while he was married…but here’s the kicker: when his second wife left him and took up with another ballplayer, he was so despondent he wanted to end his life. His despondency was not over any guilt or remorse of the countless hours of any despair he might have caused her, nooooo…it was over the fact that some other athlete had beat him out. He lost the world series of love to another rival, which is the worst thing in the world that can happen in the first dimension of love.

Hmmmm.. Jose is the quintessential example of the differences in the way men and woman look at love.

Is Testosterone the main reason for the way humans look at life as the scientists tell us?
Can it be that simple?
OK...Testosterone is blamed for so many problems in society that its hard to list them all: WARS, porn, infidelity, gangs, Hugh Hefner, holes punched in doors, South Beach, road rage, child porn, big cars, bachelor parities, political parties, strip joints, bad fathering, bad breathe, bad jokes, dictators, communism, lack of tact, ridiculous laws, and all historical slavery…internet porn, the NBA, hockey fights, football jocks, 5-inch high heels…breasts implants, plastic surgery, Paris Hilton, steroid abuse, the Mafia, gambling casinos; probably the loss of the WMD’s and the abuses at Guatalomo bay. (Don’t tell me that girl didn’t have a strong dose of testosterone raging.)

THEN AGAIN, testosterone has built all the world tallest buildings, sewer systems, water reservoirs, sent us to the moon, built all the cars, and gas stations, built washing machines and computers, and gave us electricity, cars, and our very own digital 64” TV screens so that the hamburgers are half the size of a small Volvo. (This is really why we are all fat.) The food on TV makes any food portion in any restaurant look too small. Seconds are a must.

Anyway, they pretty much built the whole world, technically speaking.
Which could be why all religions think GOD is a male.

OBVIOUSLY, testosterone must be in every alien species in the universe because IF we were seeded or genetically produced in a space lab according to the Sumerian scholars … then the TESTOSTRONE filled aliens messed us up by not balancing out the hormonal DNA of the species and overdoing it a bit. But what did they care? They just wanted a bunch of slaves to build the pyramids.

I have a feeling that some female alien right now, somewhere on the other side of the galaxy, who might have at least seven hands, (which to the male species on her planet of course is not enough) is writing these exact same words at the very same time in another dimension lamenting alien love.

Every spring our young earthbound testosterone bucks wrestle and bond…and just have the best time in the world calling each other every degrading name ever used in the English language, while earthbound women are just standing on the sidelines, completely clueless…missing all the fun. Like willowy, flittering shadows, they stand in another dimension of time and space… staring at the men, peering at them through the foggy looking glass of total misunderstanding… And they just don’t get it.

They don’t get the ritual and love between men, bonding while telling fart jokes. Bonding while competing in football. Bonding while building a car. Most of all they don’t get why a man would prefer to dream on a picture rather than go in and dream with the girlfriend or wife who is lying in the next room.

But then again, men can’t fathom how a woman can think that babies that vomit, shit, burp, and are basically worthless,(well, they can’t play videos yet) can be so adored.

The cortex of the male love brain is floating in fantasies a visual holy grail that makes him feel on top of the world. What a drug sex is! What a high! Millions are made off of men in the 1st sexual dimensions. That’s one good reason for society to keep them there.

Aliens love to pick up these guys…they will give up sperm even if the female alien is green and has four heads.

In fact, most men never come out of this stage.

And here’s what’s really funny. Some of your most brilliant minds, (including physicists) never get out of that first dimension. Most men, whether they were Gandhi or Einstein, never see pass that first love dimension, and more’s the pity.

While they are exploring the universe, solving nuclear secrets, building the latest weapon or engineering the most wonderful sewer system, it never dawns on them that right before their eyes, behind the obvious physical visions which push their evolutionary buttons, are other dimensions that need to perhaps be explored, something beyond the milk duds and the legs.

Some men gradually get to the 2nd or third love dimension, but not until the testosterone drops off, at around age 125. And the ones that have a mate usually have perfected the subtle and very necessary male talent of peripheral vision, which young men cannot seem to master, no matter how much they practice.

Women: I know…I’ve heard all the phrases, VIVA La Difference! YING and YANG! Wow, look at those!!!

If they are tomboys they might make a leap of faith into the 3rd dimension while still young, but then puberty hits …they have too much estrogen… and there you are. They want to fall in love, make babies, shop, and talk. It’s inevitably…what they don’t want is PMS, even if it comes in handy for an excuse to be crabby, and go lay down, thereby not doing the rest of the housework.

They want to be worshipped, and have their lovers never look at another woman. Of course, pragmatically and physically speaking, this is a complete impossibility. But don’t tell that to women. They don’t believe it. They want to believe that when a man says “I love you, and you are beautiful.” they really mean it, and it is only them that the man has this opinion of. And the man may actually mean it…for that very moment that they are telling you. What they are not telling you is that earlier that day they said that very same thing to some girl down at the post office.

So the question is; Can the two sexes somehow transcend all hormones and met in the 11th dimension? Is there a man in the universe that actually wants to go higher, can actually see the possibilities of looking into the brain and thinking of his mate? Are there men looking for soul mates? Have we giving up on this idea?

Does testosterone stump high IQ’s? I was shocked to learn after much research that even geniuses were completely one sided when it came to the opposite sex. Thomas Edison would try to make the perfect woman by concocting in his in his mind: his wife, another mans’ wife, and another Daisy, for his nightly fantasies. Richard Feynman, the great physicist had a proclivity for strippers. Most university professors are just absolute lushes….in I grew older it seemed that simple working men seemed to understand more the real wants of a woman. Maybe it was because they had to work harder to get what they wanted. Yep, the higher the man’s IQ, the bigger his ego. Sadly I found out there wasn’t much difference. And let’s face it; the first dimension is just too much damn fun, whatever your IQ.

Still, once in a while…it comes along…the glass is broken, a galaxies is born. There are couples that make it to the 9th dimension, and a few I am convinced---beyond.

History has reported some famous ones; Anthony and Cleopatra, Napoleon and Josephine, John and Abigail, Kermit and Miss Piggy.

But, not many.

The point here is that many of us do not marry above the 5th dimension. Because, well, the synchronicities that have to occur, to bring a love so perfect, that one can say they have truly found their soul mates….is very rare.

And what do men really want? A woman just like their mother…whom of course give the ultimate in love…unconditional. It’s reported men on battlefield will call out their mother’s name. And every woman knows when men are sick they become like little boys, wanting to be pampered with the littlest sneeze or ache. To compete in the hard realities of a man’s world …it is the one chance they get to take a leave and be pampered. And yes…it’s the least we can do.

According to most experts, a man wants support. A woman is there to make the great man with her unconditional support and love, praise for what he does, kudos’ for his bravery, his genius, keeping his children, his house, his meals, so that all he had to do was whatever he was striving to do…and oh what a great world man has built with he support of woman.

But, is it any wonder that the feminist movement came along? That maybe, just maybe, guys, woman want the same?

If a man cannot conceive of the sheer boredom and repetition of years and years of doing housework, laundry, raising kids….is it any wonder there are so few woman geniuses? History has shown that a woman CAN compete when she has the time and support, with the best of them. She can be the best at Math with the highest IQ, (Marilyn vos Savant) a great scientist, (Marie Curie) or a great leader. (Margaret Thatcher, Elizabeth I, Goldie Mire,)

But to go to the ultimate double helix of a man and a woman entwined…drifting into space and time, up to a Nirvana of heavenly wisdom of true love, these women had to have had a man who supported her too. Most successful women had great dads.

A husband or lover should support the woman too. And not just monetarily, but support her dreams…does she want to build another Brooklyn Bridge? Does she think she found the answer to cancer? Can she design a new weapon? Can she design the perfect constitution for a new country?

Can you spare just some of your time to encourage her dreams? Can you actually see the vision she holds for herself? Can you take her in your arms, can you look her in the eyes, can you hit her with your best shot of unconditional love, past the first dimension? Into the universe that she maybe is holding inside that you never dreamed existed? Can you give her that chance? Would the world be a better place?

Remember, it took a woman to put all those men’s theories into place. Vandalia is a genetic possibility for all humans.

Coming down from my maniacal delusions, I see there might be hope for Jose, and the discovery of the answer of everything in space and time gives us new hope for the future of our planet, if we can just get more knowledge.

So, I suggest these physicists need to get to work, and figure out this love mess---I have a feeling space and time is a piece of cake compared to figuring out how to balance human nature. And while they’re at it, maybe they can tell us out why men have nipples, why ducks are so cute when they quack, and how to get men out of the lst dimensions, and into a more productive place, or at least how to get them to put the toilet seat down.

As for mankind getting to the 11th dimension or Mars in a spaceship? Let’s not fool around with that one…let’s pray. Physicists can’t do everything.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Meet Me In the 11th Dimension

Nobody's Opinon; This was written in July of 2005, but my opinion (or fantasy) on the perfect man and woman relationship has not changed....for all the men.

There are two different stories in the news today that somehow in my twisted mind seemed connected.

One was Jose Coseco, who was talking about his gargantuan sexual activities while playing in the major leagues, thereby pissing off a whole league of men, who did not want the obvious to be obviously declared about their prolific and vast regalements of one night stands and mistresses. After all, American men have prided themselves on tight-lips, unless you’re trying to end a politician’s career.

The other didn’t get much play. It seems that all the physicists in the world had finally found the meaning of EVERYTHING. This puzzle was put together by a woman physicist. (darn!) She found out, by building upon the years of hard work of the men before her, that if you just go mathematically on up to the 11th dimension---Eureka! All the theories of the universe make sense!! String Theory, Einstein’s theories, The Big Bang…it all comes together! And voila!! There it was. Michio Kako was so elated he was literally spinning on ice!

Which got me to thinking…if they can figure out how the universe works, why can’t our top physicists figure out how to make men and woman more compatible?

What is the quintessence of true love?

Just where is the 11th dimension of Eros?
(Inquiring minds and Brad Pitt want to know.)

Many of our finest minds have weighed in on the subject:

Jane Austen (1775-1817)…”One half of the world cannot understand the pleasures of the other.” (Mars and Venus predated by pudding and plums.)

Marcus Aurelius (121-180 AD)…“Sexual intercourse is merely internal attrition and the spasmodic secretion of mucus.” (spasmodic?)

Al Gore (still here, there, and everywhere)…“Love is never having to say you’re sorry.” (A lesson well learned by the U.S. Senate impeachment of President Bill Clinton)

And let’s not forget Shakespeare who had plenty to say on the subject:

Shakespeare (1564-1616: “Men are April when they woo, December when they wed; maids are May when they are maids, but the sky changes when they are wives.” (Men are April?)

AND, “Do you not know I am a woman? When I think, I must speak?” (This mystery has bothered every man since Eve started talking about the apple.)

Our great educational system has decided to force generation after generation of poor high school students to endure Romeo and Juliet’s answer to the question of young love denied by society…which is…just killing yourself. Thank God our kids are getting smarter and making it through the graduation ceremonies just pregnant instead of poisoned.

So despite our best minds the mysteries and histories of the everyday interaction of the two sexes, no matter where they live, what nationality, what point in history, or what movie or book tries to solve the problem of the ultimate love affair, now in 2005, it’s obvious we have not come any further in our ponderings. The perfect love is as rare as winning the Powerball lottery. As rare as having your children turn out exactly how you wanted. In fact, most women are happy to find someone who comes home every night sober and mows the lawn once in a while, never mind perfection. Men are happy when permitted to play golf…and maybe get to see some skin when the hot flashes appear under the flannel pajamas. Perfection only happens on Oprah Winfrey, or on Mars.

And since no conclusions have evolved besides the obvious continued propagation of the species, I think, perhaps it’s time those physicists should have a crack at it. If they can mathematically prove something so esoteric as time and space, the quintessence of the ultimate love affair should prove easy, dimensionally speaking.

Jose was in the first dimension of love. Girls were a big smorgasbord to fulfill his steroidal appetite. All this took place while he was married…but here’s the kicker: when his second wife left him and took up with another ballplayer, he was so despondent he wanted to end his life. His despondency was not over any guilt or remorse of the countless hours of any despair he might have caused her, nooooo…it was over the fact that some other athlete had beat him out. He lost the world series of love to another rival, which is the worst thing in the world that can happen in the first dimension of love.

Hmmmm.. Jose is the quintessential example of the differences in the way men and woman look at love.

Is Testosterone the main reason for the way humans look at life as the scientists tell us?
Can it be that simple?
OK...Testosterone is blamed for so many problems in society that its hard to list them all: WARS, porn, infidelity, gangs, Hugh Hefner, holes punched in doors, South Beach, road rage, child porn, big cars, bachelor parities, political parties, strip joints, bad fathering, bad breathe, bad jokes, dictators, communism, lack of tact, ridiculous laws, and all historical slavery…internet porn, the NBA, hockey fights, football jocks, 5-inch high heels…breasts implants, plastic surgery, Paris Hilton, steroid abuse, the Mafia, gambling casinos; probably the loss of the WMD’s and the abuses at Guatalomo bay. (Don’t tell me that girl didn’t have a strong dose of testosterone raging.)

THEN AGAIN, testosterone has built all the world tallest buildings, sewer systems, water reservoirs, sent us to the moon, built all the cars, and gas stations, built washing machines and computers, and gave us electricity, cars, and our very own digital 64” TV screens so that the hamburgers are half the size of a small Volvo. (This is really why we are all fat.) The food on TV makes any food portion in any restaurant look too small. Seconds are a must.

Anyway, they pretty much built the whole world, technically speaking.
Which could be why all religions think GOD is a male.

OBVIOUSLY, testosterone must be in every alien species in the universe because IF we were seeded or genetically produced in a space lab according to the Sumerian scholars … then the TESTOSTRONE filled aliens messed us up by not balancing out the hormonal DNA of the species and overdoing it a bit. But what did they care? They just wanted a bunch of slaves to build the pyramids.

I have a feeling that some female alien right now, somewhere on the other side of the galaxy, who might have at least seven hands, (which to the male species on her planet of course is not enough) is writing these exact same words at the very same time in another dimension lamenting alien love.

Every spring our young earthbound testosterone bucks wrestle and bond…and just have the best time in the world calling each other every degrading name ever used in the English language, while earthbound women are just standing on the sidelines, completely clueless…missing all the fun. Like willowy, flittering shadows, they stand in another dimension of time and space… staring at the men, peering at them through the foggy looking glass of total misunderstanding… And they just don’t get it.

They don’t get the ritual and love between men, bonding while telling fart jokes. Bonding while competing in football. Bonding while building a car. Most of all they don’t get why a man would prefer to dream on a picture rather than go in and dream with the girlfriend or wife who is lying in the next room.

But then again, men can’t fathom how a woman can think that babies that vomit, shit, burp, and are basically worthless,(well, they can’t play videos yet) can be so adored.

The cortex of the male love brain is floating in fantasies a visual holy grail that makes him feel on top of the world. What a drug sex is! What a high! Millions are made off of men in the 1st sexual dimensions. That’s one good reason for society to keep them there.

Aliens love to pick up these guys…they will give up sperm even if the female alien is green and has four heads.

In fact, most men never come out of this stage.

And here’s what’s really funny. Some of your most brilliant minds, (including physicists) never get out of that first dimension. Most men, whether they were Gandhi or Einstein, never see pass that first love dimension, and more’s the pity.

While they are exploring the universe, solving nuclear secrets, building the latest weapon or engineering the most wonderful sewer system, it never dawns on them that right before their eyes, behind the obvious physical visions which push their evolutionary buttons, are other dimensions that need to perhaps be explored, something beyond the milk duds and the legs.

Some men gradually get to the 2nd or third love dimension, but not until the testosterone drops off, at around age 125. And the ones that have a mate usually have perfected the subtle and very necessary male talent of peripheral vision, which young men cannot seem to master, no matter how much they practice.

Women: I know…I’ve heard all the phrases, VIVA La Difference! YING and YANG! Wow, look at those!!!

If they are tomboys they might make a leap of faith into the 3rd dimension while still young, but then puberty hits …they have too much estrogen… and there you are. They want to fall in love, make babies, shop, and talk. It’s inevitably…what they don’t want is PMS, even if it comes in handy for an excuse to be crabby, and go lay down, thereby not doing the rest of the housework.

They want to be worshipped, and have their lovers never look at another woman. Of course, pragmatically and physically speaking, this is a complete impossibility. But don’t tell that to women. They don’t believe it. They want to believe that when a man says “I love you, and you are beautiful.” they really mean it, and it is only them that the man has this opinion of. And the man may actually mean it…for that very moment that they are telling you. What they are not telling you is that earlier that day they said that very same thing to some girl down at the post office.

So the question is; Can the two sexes somehow transcend all hormones and met in the 11th dimension? Is there a man in the universe that actually wants to go higher, can actually see the possibilities of looking into the brain and thinking of his mate? Are there men looking for soul mates? Have we giving up on this idea?

Does testosterone stump high IQ’s? I was shocked to learn after much research that even geniuses were completely one sided when it came to the opposite sex. Thomas Edison would try to make the perfect woman by concocting in his in his mind: his wife, another mans’ wife, and another Daisy, for his nightly fantasies. Richard Feynman, the great physicist had a proclivity for strippers. Most university professors are just absolute lushes….in I grew older it seemed that simple working men seemed to understand more the real wants of a woman. Maybe it was because they had to work harder to get what they wanted. Yep, the higher the man’s IQ, the bigger his ego. Sadly I found out there wasn’t much difference. And let’s face it; the first dimension is just too much damn fun, whatever your IQ.

Still, once in a while…it comes along…the glass is broken, a galaxies is born. There are couples that make it to the 9th dimension, and a few I am convinced---beyond.

History has reported some famous ones; Anthony and Cleopatra, Napoleon and Josephine, John and Abigail, Kermit and Miss Piggy.

But, not many.

The point here is that many of us do not marry above the 5th dimension. Because, well, the synchronicities that have to occur, to bring a love so perfect, that one can say they have truly found their soul mates….is very rare.

And what do men really want? A woman just like their mother…whom of course give the ultimate in love…unconditional. It’s reported men on battlefield will call out their mother’s name. And every woman knows when men are sick they become like little boys, wanting to be pampered with the littlest sneeze or ache. To compete in the hard realities of a man’s world …it is the one chance they get to take a leave and be pampered. And yes…it’s the least we can do.

According to most experts, a man wants support. A woman is there to make the great man with her unconditional support and love, praise for what he does, kudos’ for his bravery, his genius, keeping his children, his house, his meals, so that all he had to do was whatever he was striving to do…and oh what a great world man has built with he support of woman.

But, is it any wonder that the feminist movement came along? That maybe, just maybe, guys, woman want the same?

If a man cannot conceive of the sheer boredom and repetition of years and years of doing housework, laundry, raising kids….is it any wonder there are so few woman geniuses? History has shown that a woman CAN compete when she has the time and support, with the best of them. She can be the best at Math with the highest IQ, (Marilyn vos Savant) a great scientist, (Marie Curie) or a great leader. (Margaret Thatcher, Elizabeth I, Goldie Mire,)

But to go to the ultimate double helix of a man and a woman entwined…drifting into space and time, up to a Nirvana of heavenly wisdom of true love, these women had to have had a man who supported her too. Most successful women had great dads.

A husband or lover should support the woman too. And not just monetarily, but support her dreams…does she want to build another Brooklyn Bridge? Does she think she found the answer to cancer? Can she design a new weapon? Can she design the perfect constitution for a new country?

Can you spare just some of your time to encourage her dreams? Can you actually see the vision she holds for herself? Can you take her in your arms, can you look her in the eyes, can you hit her with your best shot of unconditional love, past the first dimension? Into the universe that she maybe is holding inside that you never dreamed existed? Can you give her that chance? Would the world be a better place?

Remember, it took a woman to put all those men’s theories into place. Vandalia is a genetic possibility for all humans.

Coming down from my maniacal delusions, I see there might be hope for Jose, and the discovery of the answer of everything in space and time gives us new hope for the future of our planet, if we can just get more knowledge.

So, I suggest these physicists need to get to work, and figure out this love mess---I have a feeling space and time is a piece of cake compared to figuring out how to balance human nature. And while they’re at it, maybe they can tell us out why men have nipples, why ducks are so cute when they quack, and how to get men out of the lst dimensions, and into a more productive place, or at least how to get them to put the toilet seat down.

As for mankind getting to the 11th dimension or Mars in a spaceship? Let’s not fool around with that one…let’s pray. Physicists can’t do everything.

Nobody's Absurdities, No.17...Where's My Bunker?

Nobody’s Opinion; Here we are at number “seventeen” to the Nobody’s Absurdities. I’m reminded of that great day in American History, Bunker Hill day, June 17, 1775.

Also, it was on this day Sept 27, 1779, that John Adams was appointed to negotiate the peace treaty with England to end the Revolutionary War.

I gotta put a plug in for John, who, despite David McCullough’s gallant efforts, has yet to get his own memorial on the National Mall.

But then, he was short.

And since life is never short of absurdities, let’s add some more.


Bill Clinton somehow ended up in London after his big tirade with Chris Wallace, speaking at London’s Royal Albert Hall.

That guy really gets around, doesn’t he? If he is going to Australia, I’m stocking up on green beans. That’s where he was during the 9/11 attacks…I like to keep an eye on him.

He was saying that Afghanistan needs more troops, and that Iran is no threat, but that he thinks small nukes and dirty bombs are more of a danger.

I guess this means that Israel is going to be allowed to continue to exist, because after all, one must have an enemy to raise millions of Muslims to Jihad.

Here in the Midwest though, my Muslims neighbor’s house is completely dark---they even came and got their truck, and turned off ALL of their lights.

Great, just my luck---the one time Bill Clinton is not lying about something will be now.

Missouri will get hit with a dirty bomb. That would certainly take care of the
Democrat’s problem. Missouri has been a thorn in their side since Clinton’s first term.

If it is wiped out, they can just not include it in the election, which would help put a democrat in the White House.

Even bin Laden said he would hit those who voted for George Bush.

Sorry guys, I make no apologies when my amygdala emotional female brain goes into overload. I am entitled because my female brain is telling me to worry.

Mix an overabundance of hypothalamus' excitement with imagination and your sailing.
I don’t need drugs.

I can see the Midwest being cleared for the traffic soon to come on the NAFTA highway. (This is going to be built, look it up.)

New Orleans was cleared with a hurricane, and if all the tornado’s that have been coming at us can’t make some room, a nice dirty bomb will help.

Mexicans won’t care about the contamination; there will be plenty of jobs re-building the Midwest. After the work, they can move right in.

What a better place to conduct what the social entrepreneurs call the “third wave experiment,” where Mexicans, Chinese, Americans, Canadian, Africans, and Bosnians will all live in harmony together around the Kansas City Mexico Port.

That’s what the plan is…to harmonize us, feed us genetically modified bananas with vaccines, and let us finally live in Wal-Mart. Which will eventually, build neighborhoods connected to its front doors. You won’t even need a car.

Hopefully they have free movies on Wednesdays at the Wal-Mart super-theaters.

If this happens, I hope Martha’s Vineyard goes underwater.


Mel Gibson has lost it.

It seems I remember reading that his father left the United States for Australia so that his sons would not have to serve in the Vietnam War, and probably Mel is a chip off the old block. He has sons he doesn’t want to see die in a war, just like his dad didn’t.

Funny, it’s ok to make movies about how noble it is to fight for freedom, UNLESS, it’s your own kids that might have to go. Well---that’s a different matter.

I suggest Mel get in touch with the great draft dodger himself, Bill Clinton, and pull some strings. All the rich and powerful do it.

It’s just that Mel is going to have a hard time not looking like a hypocrite.

Or is this just a ploy to get all the Liberals out to see his new movie? You never know, we’re the rats.

I suggest Mel go and have a few more drinks…in Iraq.


PETA is protesting Six Flag’s cockroach eating contest. I love this. Anyone that can eat a huge cockroach is out of their minds. I don’t care if their nutritious, full of protein and fate free, and make you live fifty more years with free cable…Six Flags is really getting hard up.

Has eating cockroaches for entertainment replaced going to see a rock concert? Why not just get Willie Nelson to eat a scorpion?

I’ll join Peta on this one---how cruel to the thousands of animals that will get sick watching it. Why should the other insects have to witness such a horrible act?

Any person that is crazy enough to eat a cockroach should come over to my house, and enjoy. I’ll buy them a season’s pass to Six Flags.


Two drug lords were captured today, the Cali brothers from Columbia. Some sort of deal was worked out where all the family’s money would be unfrozen if they apologized to the American people, and to probably quite a few families who are now missing drug enforcement fathers.

Both men were clever at smuggling; evidently they could hide cocaine in broccoli. They could hide cocaine in Roger Clinton’s guitar. They could hide cocaine in bags of grass. Pretty soon with the new NAFTA highway, they will be able to hide cocaine in Martha Stewart’s green egg matching rugs and curtains made in China, and ship tons of cocaine up in Mexican trucks and trains, right into the middle of America---no problem.

Keep the natives drugged and shopping seems to be the plan. And look for soccer to take on a whole new meaning here.

The NAFTA Highway, which is going to be four football fields wide will have a “69” corridor.

You know what that means? I know you do, keep it to yourself!

OK…who named the highway?


Powell, the new globalist, was giving a spiffy talk today on the wonders of India, and also how cleverly China has conquered us, with the NAFTA highway and all their products coming in and overtaking all our jobs. China pretty much will own us.

He thinks that’s very clever. He admires the Chinese. He admires affirmative action.

He wants us to admire him for saying how much he admires these things.

Lots of people want Powell to be President of the United States. I say he’s nobody’s fool; he’s waiting to be appointed the head of the New North American Union.

But then, there are others that want the United States to merge with Japan and call it Jamerica.

We are going to have a big problem here. All these countries to merge, coming up with a new name is not going to be easy.

Jamexicana…will be the 21st century country. America will be slowly forgotten.

Where you can hook up to a Toyota, and eat taco’s at Wal-mart, while you watch the Muslims pray in aisle one. The French will once again invade New York.

I’m sure the t-shirts are being made up as we speak.

I wonder when they plan to tell us?

Nobody’s Perfect; Oprah was bragging on some radio station how she had only one black working underneath her. The rest were white people.

Talk about raciest, talk about prejudice. I’m sure Oprah for all her talent, was helped into her position by plenty of white people on her climb to the top. And now, she brags about being their Master.

Oprah the white slave driver.

She also said she didn’t want to have kids because she didn’t want to clean poo. And since she American royalty, someone will have to take care of her poo when she gets old.

And I’ll bet you twenty (that’s my limit) it’s a white person…who wants to bet?

Nobody Knows; The Daili Lama has come out and said that violence in Iraq is costing too many lives. This is absurd and funny, because, I guess up to this point the ones that have died were okay…but now, we have a “limit.”

This, coming from a man who left his own country while most of the people in it were being slaughtered unmercifully by the Chinese.

Yet, he is worshipped around the world, because he is a God, or one is living in him.

This God now lives among the elites of New York and travels the world promoting peace.

He says the use of religion to format social division is not right, after all---he can’t let the Pope upstage him.

He also said Muslims and Christians should get to know each other.

I suggest the Dali Lama go with Mel Gibson to Iraq and settle this matter once and for all. Richard Gere can go along and help out. I would let the Cali brother tag along and serve out their prison sentences there. Maybe they can talk Saddam into apologizing to the world.

It’s the least they can do.

Nobody Cares; I was actually born on Bunker Hill Day. I consider that a sign…and not necessarily a good one.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Divine Right To Stand In Line

Nobody’s Opinion; One sunny afternoon in April, in the year 2000, I was standing a line at the Smithsonian Museum in Washington D.C., The room was packed full of people because it was in these rooms where the most beautiful jewelry in the world was on exhibit.

In just one room all alone, was the Hope Diamond. This sucker was really huge. The diamonds on the chain alone were enough to marvel at, let alone the big blue one in the middle. It’s probably been photographed more than any other object on earth.

In the next room, were all sorts of famous jewels, and having only so much time on my hands to see everything, I was impatient to stand in a long line. But---knowing that I might never be in this spot ever again in my life, I decided to stick it out.

I almost didn’t.

Because right to the side of me in line, were two of the loudest, ill-mannered and obnoxious little brats I thankfully have ever witnessed in my life.

There were two boys: one was about eight, and his brother was about six. Their mother stood right next to them, talking to a friend.

These two brats were pushing me…hard, and stepping on my feet. Whenever I came to a window, they would literally push me out of the way, and get in front of me. I had all I could do not to smack them upside the head. I even told them to stop it, with the mother inches away from me, but she ignored them and me completely.

Now, each cubicle held some godly expensive wonder, and just about the time I was ready to actually physically push one of the kids completely down on his butt---I thought I would try talking to them.

We came to a window that held the beautiful diamond earrings of Marie Antoinette. The inscription said that she had these very earrings on, and took them off, and put them in her pocket right before she was beheaded.

I was so angry at these kids by this time that I said to them;

“You know, these earrings belonged to a very rich lady, and the people were so mad at her, that they cut her head off.” (Hint, hint)

The oldest boy said, “No, that’s not true, that’s a lie. You’re lying. ”

“No,” I said, “Read the inscription, it says so. And if you don’t believe me, ask your mother.”

Of course, neither boy could read or even wanted to. So they turn to their mother and screamed, “Hey, mom, this lady says that they cut off someone’s head.”
The mother said nothing and continued talking to her friend.


Now, of course, the kids were brats because the mother felt it was her divine right that her kids do whatever they wanted to, I suppose, because she and they were special.

I couldn’t wait to get away from them.

Hold on…what’s this got to do with anything you ask? Wait, I’m getting to it.

Tonight on the “public broadcasting channel” I watched a special about Marie Antoinette. The gist of it was that poor Marie, she didn’t know any better. She was raised in the royal house of Austria, and married off at 14. She was used to being pampered and felt it was her right to be Queen till she died.

Why, she was so lovely and so gay! She could play the harpsichord, and had a gambling nasty gambling habit which put the King and France in debt, but she was just bored you see.

She even built a “nature” village, complete with cute little people who could fetch her natural chicken eggs every morning. She loved flowers. To her credit, she supported and appreciated the natural environment.

Her mother, the Queen of Austria, tried to warn her not to indulge herself so much, but, she was pretty spoiled. Versailles is a big place. Her husband was not too bright.

Then the revolution came.

Everything she had ever known of course was taken from her. They came and took her and the King out of Versailles. Basically, she was kicked out of the only home she had ever known. (Shades of Katrina)

After the revolution, she was forced to live like a regular citizen, even though they didn’t have to work and still had 13 servants and a smaller castle to live in.

We must realize, looking at it from her point of view, how cruel, and what a shock this must have been to her.

After her husband was put to the guillotine her child was taken from her, and tortured and beaten. She was hated of course, because the French press for years printed horrible slander and lies: National Enquirer articles about her frivolity and sexual promiscuous was propagated for years all over France. She, to her peril, ignored them. Of course, she did have a lover, but that’s not the point

Rulers all over the world have to control the press…it can be a real killer.
All in all, she was a courageous woman the historians concluded, she didn’t deserve her end. It was not her position to understand what was going on in her country, after all, she was a victim of fate. She was born rich…not her fault at all.

Well, that’s the Bill Moyer’s position.

So now, we see the gap between the rich and the poor is widening in our own country. Despite the communist propaganda, we must admit that Forbes 400 millionaire list has gone to billionaires. Companies merge, and the CEO’s retire with millions, while the workers lose their lives savings.

Our own government has been known to collect 83 billions dollars from us in just one day. (That’s not including the lottery)

The sultans of Dubai build whole islands, and buy up American property.

Prince Charles and the Queen of England still sit on their thrones with their 17 castles, while their populations live meager lives of desperation.

In Japan, the oldest living monarch in the world will continue with the birth of a new son.

We see sports star, rappers, and movie stars with not one, but five or six mansions.

Many of our politicians are millionaires, a few are billionaires.

While, in the world more than a billion people live on less than a dollar a day and middle class in America will soon be down-sized due to the invasion of the starving from Mexico. Because of the corruption of the Mexican leaders and our leaders, we are now going to “merge” with the blessings of our “aristocracy.”

Maybe if the French people could have invaded England, the French revolution might not have happened. Marie might have gone on to live out her days at Versailles.

The leaders of our world know her story well.

After watching this historical two-hour rendition of the French Revolution, I was wondering if maybe, the “elites” notice the natives getting restless.

The lessons of the French revolution must be on some of their minds. The papers of the New England Colonies help out the British from our shores.

According to the documentary tonight, the French “underground” press brought down the monarchy.

And now, the “underground” bloggers are a worry. We read everywhere how the blogs are all filled with conspiracies and crazy people. After all, it was The Drudge Report that bought an impeachment against a sitting President. We saw over this weekend that same President trying once again, to salvage his reputation.

They said on the program tonight it was the “reputation” of Marie Antoinette that was her ultimate downfall, not who she really was.

On the broadcast tonight, they said that Marie Antoinette went to her execution in a plain dress. No jewelry. There was a drawing of her done by a witness at the time. She had no earrings on.

The crowd jeered with hatred of her.

But what version do I believe? Did she have them on while going through the streets of Paris? Did she just have them in her pockets? What’s the real truth here?

In the grocery store the other day, there was a book put out promoting the Royal family. It also showed all of the historical Royal jewels.

I wonder if someday we will see a repeat of history, since the Muslims living in England will someday outnumber the original Anglo-Saxons.

Maybe there will be a public beheading of a monarch in the City of London.

Far-fetched you say? Most nobodies who have ever met a “somebody” know that they believe, because of their place at birth, it is their divine right to be over you. It’s the one thing in human nature that will probably never change.

But, it’s no wonder that Tony Blair sides with America, because, if we don’t come and save the “British Monarchy” from the Muslims someday, the Royal Jewels might end up in a museum in Dubai.

And no doubt, some nobody Egyptian woman will have to put up with royal pain-in-the butt-brats standing in line to see them.

Nobody’s perfect. Okay, we have our own royalty, the Kennedy’s, the Rockefellers, the Harvard babies, the Bushes, the Clintons, the Multi-national company CEO”s, all who’s kids are now being raised at Harvard with the divine right to rule. They can’t help it, if they don’t identify with us nobody’s.

Nobody knows; Just how long monarchies will be around or if there will be new ones created. You’d think since the American Revolution proved that a Republic is superior, they would have disappeared long ago. Obviously our founding fathers were a rare and special bunch.

Nobody cares; There is a young man who has made a movie about the super rich, and their life. He is actually a son of old money. (Procter and Gamble family) His family is furious because the one rule they have is “Never, ever, ever, let anyone know just how much money you have.”

The lawyer told him, “You have NO idea how long and hard it took us to get here.”

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Mt. Clinton Explodes

Nobody’s Opinion; You would think, after all the interviews, self-aggrandizing, self promotion, self worshiping, self-lionizing, and the almost nauseous repetitive evocable pandering of maudlin emotions to the tune of: “I’m saving the world with my Global Initiatives” tirades…Bill Clinton would have given us a break.

But he was saving the best for “just the right time.” He waited for Sunday, the best day to get the most people to watch, to defend himself and rally the base.

This was the interview on Fox News with Chris Wallace.

Chris Wallace said, “I felt as if a mountain was coming down in front of me.”

Chris Wallace couldn’t have been more diplomatic. I don’t think Bill Clinton would have gotten into Bill O’Reilly face like that. Bullies make sure their opponents are helpless.

He knew Chris Wallace had never given an interview one-on-one before at Fox. He also knew he would be easy to intimidate. And he knew he had to shake up his left wing base to get them out to the polls.

He also cleverly put in anther plug for his CGI by mentioning that Rupert Murdoch was supporting his global warming with money, while at the SAME time, attacking FOX.

He is that good.

Chris Said “I intended to keep to the ground rules”

That was his first mistakes. An honest man gets smacked over the head by one of the most ego-driven, diabolical geniuses on the planet.

Like always, he is trying to put the blame on 9/11 on President George Bush. Everyone is always out to get him--- it’s not his fault.

It’s obviously driving him nuts that he is getting any blame at all for bin Laden attacking us. President Bush’s poll numbers have come up after the ABC movie, and that’s not good for the election coming up.

Personally, I wish a documentary would be made that would show the American citizens how Bill Clinton worked tirelessly to give nuclear capability to North Korea, and China, which in turn gave it to Iran. Not to mention all the money that Al Gore funded into Russia.

As far as I’m concerned, that ABC film did not go far enough. Bill Clinton was responsible for the fact that the CIA and the FBI did NOT communicate with each other at all. He gave Janet Reno strict orders to prevent that.

And gee…we had a Vice President at the time, who took credit for inventing the internet and was on a mission to get computers into every school, (by taxing us on our phone bills) but updated computers at the FBI were not as important.

Oh wait, that was Louis Feeh’s fault.

Clinton knows the truth. The chronological day to day manipulations of every branch of the government to ignore and help the jihads continue to build, was due to two reasons;

1. Clinton and Hillary are big planners. They have always planned their life and (ours) not months, not years, but in decades ahead. Just as Dick Morris said, the plan was, “eight for him, and eight for her.”

2. Her Presidency and his rise to being King, if not of the United Nations, then of some kind of global unelected government (now the CGI) has been their ambition since their first meeting…which by the way, was NOT in a library.

3. So, if number one and two seem reasonable, (And anyone can see, from his actions, Bill Clinton thinks he is the most important human on the earth) then the only way to set themselves up AFTER his eight years was to do exactly what they did all eight years he was President. Clinton destroyed the military, appointed very loyal people in all the top positions to be used after he left office to retain control, and ignore all warning of al-Qaeda, in order to set the U.S. up for attack.

4. It’s all about his own power. If al-Qaeda had attacked on his watch, that would have been great. Because even his advisors lamented that he never got a “great war” like his hero Roosevelt. And if the attack came on Bush’s watch, he knew that the affect would be so devastating and Hillary could use this “failing to protect us” to get into office.

5. Clinton did not want Gore to win the Presidency, or Kerry. He did as much as he could possible do without looking too suspicious to stop both.

6. And now, he is telling the people there is no threat from the Muslims. President Bush is using fear to get us to vote Republican. Well, isn’t that the same attitude he took throughout his Presidency? Just what we need, more Clinton denial.

Things must be looking pretty bad for the democrats right now.

No one wants to admit that an AMERICAN President would go to such lengths to retain power. Bill Clinton and the left have daily set the media seeds for President Bush being the empirical grabber of the world. And let’s face it; many times President Bush himself has made this look like it was the case.

Still I can’t see President Bush on the World’s scene after his term is up.

Bill Clinton, on the other hand, will still be running the world, unelected, from this global initiate and Hillary will be in the White House for eight years.

But, B.C. made a mistake tonight, by saying, “And you got that little smirk on your face and you think you’re so clever.”

He just might have blown it with that one remark. He just looked like the mean, power hungry man he really is.

Bill Clinton thought by showing us his outrage, he could not only rewrite history but show that democrats could actually get angry and tough, and protect the country against attack.

And if the Americans think that Hillary or the democrats can’t be tough, Clinton will be there to help finally get bin Laden.

Really, think about it. He says the Republican Congress “didn’t want him to go after bin Laden”

He kept saying, “Read Clark’s book.” He was astonished that President Bush got rid of him. Remember Richard Clarke, the man that ordered all of bin Laden's relatives to be picked up by plane and gotten out of the country right after the attacks? Wouldn’t you have fired him too?

He said, “The ABC movie was “indisputably wrong. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “He tried to get bin Laden for eight years. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “Bush had eight whole months to go after him. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “The right-wingers, neo-cons are attacking me now. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “He had plans to get bin Laden (can we see them?) Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “The CIA and the FBI refused to certify bin Laden. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “The entire military was against it. Read Clarke’s book.”
He said, “Why didn’t Bush do anything about the Cole? Read Clarke’s book.”

He said “Read Clarke’s book” so many time, he probably pissed off Norm Chomsky.

But for all his political genius, Bill’s timing was way off this time because you picked the wrong person to accuse of “being a conservative hit job” Your well rehearsed sound bites did not fit the moment or the person.

Losing your touch?

The mountainous explosion of Bill Clinton was hot news, but the ashes left over might have caused more destruction than it was intended to.

And somehow Chris Wallace managed to survive.

Nobody’s Perfect; Bill Clinton pushed Richard Clarke’s book so much in this interview, I might have to break down and read it. Hopefully, it’s more interesting than Bill’s biography.

Nobody Knows; Bill’s main concern about his years in office was mostly that Arafat wouldn’t commit to Bill’s peace plan. Bin Laden gets very little mention in his book. If he was so obsessed about bin Laden, you would have thought he would have made this a very big point of this in his book, but he didn’t.

Nobody Cares: Bill said, “I got closer to killing him than anybody’s gotten since.”

Well, the truth is, you had eight years, and close is no cigar.