Saturday, February 05, 2011

Nobody Gets Email: Churchill Saw It Coming

Nobody gets Email on Saturday Night: Today, we find our Hillary Clinton on the world stage signing the START TREADY with Russia, in true traitor form---not only disarming us forever to the mercy of the Russians, but in an act of sheer unforgiveable (and impeachable) arrogance, gives the Russians all the launch codes of the nuclear missiles of England...without telling them.

If not for Wikileaks the world would have never there's a double-edge sword there.

And doing these hours, all of the Middle East is ready to explode.

This nobody is so ashamed of her government's obvious insanity, I felt compelled to pick this email for this honor the British people. It's a weak apology, but it's there.


This is amazing. And even more amazing is that this hasn't been published long before now.


Unbelievable, but the speech below was written in 1899! (Check Wikipedia-The River War)
I am sending the attached short speech from Winston Churchill, delivered by him in 1899 when he was a young soldier and journalist. It probably sets out the current views of many but expressed in the wonderful Churchillian turn of phrase and use of the English language, of which he was a past master.

Sir Winston Churchill was, without doubt, one of the greatest men of the late 19th and 20the centuries.

He was a brave young soldier, a brilliant journalist, an extraordinary politician and statesman, a great war leader and Prime Minister, to whom the Western World must be forever in his debt. He was a prophet in his own time; He died on 24 January 1965, at the grand old age of 90 and, after a liftetime of service to his country, was accorded a State funeral.

Here is the Speech;

How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods of commerce, and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the Prophet rule or live.

A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity. The fact that in Mohammedan law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the faith of Islma has ceased to be a great power among men.

Individual Muslims may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion paralyses the social development of those who follow it.

No stronger retrograde force exists in the world. Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant and proselytizing faith. It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising fearless warriors at every step; and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the strong arms of science, the science against which it had vainly struggled, the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.
--Sir Winston Churchill; (Source; The River War, first edition, Vol. II, pages 248-50 London)

(Thanks to J.R.)


Friday, February 04, 2011

GE Wants YOU to Save the Baby Elephant

Nobody Flashes that one of the reasons we are so easily manipulated into getting used to accepting this global warming nonsense, is the very smart way they advertise. Nobody does it better than America.

If you want to sell something, put a cute baby animal into the picture. In this case, GE’s brillint ad for new energy just about makes you think that IF you buy an electric car, some cute little baby elephant will be dancing in the rainforest!

You want to change the world? Get a cute baby of anything to sell the idea that YOU..have nothing but sweet and gentle motives for the American people, and the planet.

The trouble is: this stuff works.

Watch as this cute baby elephant (cleverly dancing to Benny Goodman) brings up memories of AMERICAN FACTORIES that are NOT here anymore!

Okay, I will say no more….except this:

I wish someone would make another commerical with a herd of MAMA elephants that would go trashing through the solar panels, smashing them by the sheer force of their weight, AND THEN–the herd would go through a store that sells GE’s new lightbulbs, and the whole herd would take part in trampling them to little bits with their feet, (while the store employees run for their lives) AND THEN– they would stampede those cute little elecrtical parking meters to oblivion, all the while chasing Al Gore and Jeffery Immelt, back to the forest, to the tune of WIPE OUT.

In the last scene the cute little baby elephant would run to get under Mama Elephant’s legs, and hold up an Edison’s lightbulb…and it would light!

And baby elephant would …smile! While Mama patted him on the head.

Hollywood has lost it’s sense of humor.


Thursday, February 03, 2011

Caliphating VIA Jesus

Nobody's Fool: Gee...there must have been quite a few blogs besides mine (Obama King Tut) stating that Obama is a Muslim this last week, BECAUSE...(What? You think they are not monitoring the internet?) ---because Obama actually attended the annual White House prayer group, and used it to reaffirmed to the world that he was a Christian.
"Jesus Christ is my lord and savior." he said. And it was his faith that lead him to be a community organizer, which lead him to save all those poor people on the Southside of Chicago.
And it was there he found Jesus, at the foot of Reverend Wright.
It was also during this time that he had a lot of fun trying different drugs...'Praise the Lord!'
Obama likes the image of Jesus. He really set himself up to be "a savior" of healing at the funeral "celebration" of Gabrielle Gifford. She started to heal at the sense of his mere presence, and he made sure everyone at that rally knew it.
Obama is Nobody's Fool. He brings out the race card, the religious card, the freedom card, and even the "I am humble" card whenever it scores him points.
The video I posted yesterday was taken long after his days as a community organizer. Did he just forget that he had been "saved" by Jesus? Was this a "mental" breakdown...beginnings of Alzheimer's? Or was it just a political "oops" moment?
Today...Obama got the perfect opportunity to not only put forth his belief in the government taking from the rich and giving to the poor, (communism) by using the church and handpicking it's teachings, it also gave him an opportunity to pray for the Egyptian people, and knock the "private sector."
It was a good day to move his agendas.
The private sector can't always take care of the poor, so the government needs to step in, he said.
"Ask any Haitian."Obama smiled and said.
No...he didn't say that...just wanted to make sure you made it this far!
In a true golden Obama moment, he said; "We are reminded that ultimately what matters is not what other people say of us but whether we're being true to our conscious and true to our God--." When I wake in the morning, I wait on the Lord, and I ask him to give me the strength to do right by our country and its people."
Right, and I get up and Mel Gibson serves me breakfast in bed, and tells me he will save me from Obamacare when the "government" decides I cannot have another operation when I'm 62, thanks to Obama's conscious.
Do you really buy that Obama is a Christian? Would a Christian have supported the building of a Mosque on ground Zero? Would a Christian welcome with open arms and great praise a religion that keeps half its population in bondage?
(Hey--imagine if the women in Egypt had been allowed to protest? )
Throughout the ages, Islam has always been spread the very same way. When the Muslims came into countries and took them over, they first built the Mosques-- RIGHT next to the Christian Churches..and then, in a few years, that church is turned into a Mosque-- Allah Constantinople.
The Muslims already have a strong hold in Europe, and Michigan isn't looking too promising.
So...can we dare ask the question:
"Is Obama not only wanting to "fundamentally change" America, but the whole world?"
This on WorldNet Daily:
The White House has been almost openly championing the unrest in Egypt. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for an "orderly transition" to democracy in Egypt, where the Muslim Brotherhood is the main opposition group.
Last Friday, President George W. Bush's former press spokeswoman, Dana Perino, told Fox News, "Don't be afraid of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. This has nothing to do with religion." (Huh?)
If Obama, and other "globalists" have used the opportunity to turn the Middle East into a hotbed of chaos in order to bring on a global WWIII, so that the plans of the elites ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT can happen naturally--Obama can claim while watching the global destruction and death: He was just serving his lord...Jesus.
"Somewhere over the birds fly......."
Sorry, I needed a happy ending.
(Oh, the statue of Michelle has no meaning to this article. I just thought she looked like a pornographic Queen Nefertiti)


Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Nobody Flashes Old Rock Stars

Nobody Flashes: After watching Cairo burn all morning...I needed a break.
How about you?

Someone sent me this today. It's especially funny if you have ever been in the music business (as I have) Believe it or not, I have sung almost all of these songs in bars...and I'm thinking about maybe posting some changes to lyrics of my own. It just looks too fun! Someday....

(Thanks to JR)


Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Snow Fear: Our Fearless Government Goes Underground...

Nobody Cares that most everyone in the United States woke up today to the dire warnings from their TV's that, once again, global warming is destroying the earth.

Chicago will be the first to go....

“In fact, scientists have been warning for at least two decades that global warming could make snowstorms more severe. Snow has two simple ingredients: cold and moisture. Warmer air collects moisture like a sponge until it hits a patch of cold air. When temperatures dip below freezing, a lot of moisture creates a lot of snow. A rise in global temperature can create all sorts of havoc, ranging from hotter dry spells to colder winters, along with increasingly violent storms, flooding, forest fires and loss of endangered species.”---Al Gore and his global buddies.

(They forgot to mention that due to global warming, George Bush was born.)

Not only that, but the ice and snow storm that is sweeping across the United States tonight is considered so serious that we were told early this morning that all the prominent officials of our city and county were already safe inside the "bunkers."

That was a first for me.

Since when does a snow storm require that all major government officials have to react as if it's a major terrorist attack and go running into some undisclosed bunker? Most of them have big beautiful homes. Wouldn't they rather be at home, snug in their own beds?

What are they afraid of?

The sleet came down, and our mailman delivered the mail, and the trash was picked up, and yet, I was picturing our whole city government somewhere underground doing what? Playing poker?

Watching reruns of "The Day After Tomorrow?"

Last week I went with a friend to a retirement party for police officers. The chief of police made a long speech about health care etc..but, he warned: they all better be sure to give him a number where they could be brought back into service on short notice because he said, "It's not IF we have a terrorist attack, it's when."

How many times have we heard THAT before?

I'm starting to think they are using this "storm" as a practice run for these terrorists attacks they know are coming. All the elites need to know where to go..god forbid we lose any of them.

As you can see from these pictures, other counties do not FEAR great snow. They also do not fear nuclear attacks as much as we do, because even China and Russia have bunkers for their people. Al Gore personally gave billions to Russia when he was Vice President, and they in turn used it for just that purpose.

As for the snow, other countries just deal with it. It does not always mean "Call out the National Guard."

It's seems we have a LOT to fear: snow, ice, food shortages, Iran, no heat, no food, no internet, Muslims in our neighborhood...Sarah Palin, Dick Cheney, fat people, old people, tea party people, salt, McDonalds, soda, gasoline, plane delays, traffic jams, hundreds of Movie Award Shows...

But the biggest fear of all to this nobody is:

Government officials in bunkers....who are afraid of the snow. We've seen what happens when you get them all in one place.

I'm just saying.


Monday, January 31, 2011

Nobody's Perfect: Barack VS Moseley Braun

Nobody's Perfect:

Obama wins hands down in the Nobody's Perfect category this week, for once again, being on the wrong side at the wrong time while we watch the Muslim riots in Cairo.

When it comes to the Muslim world, he is staying out of it. Nevertheless, by not supporting the riots in Iran, something that might have REALLY helped the Middle East to some stability, but by supporting the Brothers of Muslims in Cairo, really, by his silence, he is starting to look as if he FAVORS a Muslim world, and the downfall of America

I'd say it's a bit too late for Obama to channel Ronald Reagan.

Our President has cut off all our oil wells, while letting Cuba, China, and any other country who care to drill in the very waters we are denied. And if on cue...this.

I think you could say right here, that he has put America in mortal danger.
All we can conclude is the corporations are running the show. This oil debacle coming our way will force Americans into GE's and the UN's green energy trazillons dollar bonanza. It seems that's the idea.

I would call that an impeachable act, but what do I know besides the Constitution?. The constitution which Obama admits he'd liked to change.

Why is he making so many mistakes? Well, I think Carol Mosley Braun might have inadvertently found the answer. (see video)

Carol is running for Mayor of Chicago against Rahm Emanuel, who everybody knows, has already got the job. Nevertheless, if you listen to this fight, Carol (see video)...who has been a Senator among many other things, attacks her opponent Patricia Van Pelt-Watkin for being a crack addict. That's why she is so clueless, says MS Braun.

Because of crack cocaine, she is not qualified. (Notice, she did not say she was invested with a worm.) She said it with all the grace of a warthog in heat. (I have seen a warthog in heat...not pretty.) And this is not the first time she has done this: She once attacked George Will.

In 1998, after George Will wrote a column reviewing allegations of corruption against her, Moseley Braun responded to Will's comments, saying that "I think because he couldn't say nigger, he said corrupt."

And guess what? Carol WASN'T on drugs when she said it! That's all her.

So, we might conclude, by her logic, that Barack Obama, a man who did more cocaine in his lifetime (by his own admission) than Patricia Van Pelt-Watkin, is just clueless due to the fact that he has missed a lifetime of good brain use. His poor brain, might still have residues effecting his ability to reason on how to act in accordance to world events.

Carol of course would never say that to Obama's face. But, maybe she will get a chance. When she finds out she can't beat Rahm, maybe she'll run for President again and she can use that same line against her opponent Obama, because this time, there is much truth to it.

That is, if he doesn't appoint her ambassador to Cairo first.


Nobody's Perfect: Barack Obama VS Carol Moseley Braun

Nobody's Perfect: Barack Obama VS Carol Moseley Braun

Obama wins hands down in the Nobody's Perfect category this week, for once again, being on the wrong side at the wrong time while we watch the Muslim riots in Cairo. When it comes to the Muslim world, he is staying out of it. Nevertheless, by not supporting the riots in Iran, something that might have REALLY helped the Middle East to some stability, but by supporting the Brothers of Muslims in Cairo, really, by his silence, he is starting to look as if he FAVORS a Muslim world, and the downfall of America. He is afraid to pick a side.

I'd say it's a bit too late for Obama to channel Ronald Reagan.

Our President has cut off all our oil wells, while letting Cuba, China, and any other country who care to drill in the very waters we are denied. And if on cue...this.

I think you could say right here, that he has put America in mortal danger.

All we can conclude is the corporations are running the show. This oil debacle coming our way will FORCE Americans into GE's and the UN's green energy trazillons dollar bonanza. It seems that's the idea.

I would call that an impeachable act, but what do I know besides the Constitution? That very same Constitution which Obama admits he'd liked to change.

Why is he making so many mistakes? Well, I think Carol Mosley Braun might have inadvertently found the answer. (see video)

Carol is running for Mayor of Chicago against Rahm Emanuel, who everybody knows, has already got the job. Nevertheless, if you listen to this fight, Carol(see video)...who has been a Senator, among many other things, attacks her opponent Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins for being a crack addict. That's why she is so clueless, says MS Braun.

Because of crack cocaine, she is not qualified. (Notice, she did not say she was invested with a worm.) She said it with all the grace of a warthog in heat. (I have seen a warthog in heat...not pretty.) And this is not the first time she has done this: She once attacked George Will.

In 1998, after George Will wrote a column reviewing allegations of corruption against her, Moseley Braun responded to Will's comments, saying that "I think because he couldn't say nigger, he said corrupt."

And guess what? Carol WASN'T on drugs when she said it! That's all her.

So, we might conclude, by her logic, that Barack Obama, a man who did more cocaine in his lifetime (by his own admission) than Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins, is just clueless due to the fact that he has missed a lifetime of good brain use. His poor brain, might still have residues effecting his ability to reason on how to act in accordance to world events. Maybe that worm has found it's way upward.

Carol of course would never say that to Obama's face. But, hopefully, she will get a chance. When she finds out she can't beat Rahm, maybe she'll run for President again and she then she can use that same line against her opponent Obama, because this time, there is much truth to it.
That is, if he doesn't appoint her ambassador to Cairo first.


Sunday, January 30, 2011

Trashing Our Way to China OR Buddy Can You Spare Me a Gold Bar?

Nobody's Opinion: My next door neighbor, Shirley and I get along pretty well...BUT...there is one thing I do that I know bugs her: the giant green recycling trash can which was distributed to me (and everybody else) by our little city, sits in my driveway---right in front of her kitchen window. It's so covered with bird droppings, the once great green monster is now an off-white gray. I'm considering putting up a sign that says. "Only pigeons and cardinals allowed to drop."

"If you are a hawk or a vulture, drop in the yard."

Shirley is always giving me sweet little hints like, "Why don't you recycle?" She does it religiously. Think of it. The ugly trash can doesn't bother her, but the fact that I never use it..does.

Life is full of wonders.

I told her that I have tried to use it...but the men that picked it up kept leaving it on the curb un-emptied. When I called their office and asked them why, they said they didn't like the way I "packed" it.

Well, that's fine with me. The way I see it, I'm paying the city to "sell " my recycled trash to
China anyway. If I want to "recycle" my trash, I'll go take it somewhere and get the money myself. Nevertheless, I'm still paying for it...I love the trash service.

I said...trash service.'s a little something you didn't hear in the State of the Union address; One of our biggest exports is garbage and China is our biggest buyer. Where do you think all those clunkers for cash went? China LOVES our metal.

I read in the US News Politics today: "And while electronic components as well as oilseeds and grain continue to rank among the top three categories of exported goods, the fastest growing and now No. 1 export category is--"Scrap and Trash."

Somewhere in China, I can just imagine, vast warehouses filled with little Chinese children sorting American doubt eating some of it. They are chewing gum that they get out of discarded wrappers, and this gum will outlast the last building destroyed in the History Channel's uplifting series, "Life After People." In the end of days, the children will be gone, but the rats will find the gum in their decomposing bodies and eventually the rats will die and decompose and there will be...millions of wades of chewing gum, lying everywhere left for the aliens to figure out...if the planet was once alive with giant balls of live rubber.

(Sorrow, I've been watching too much SCI_FI)

Back to the point: (I DO have one, I think.) While watching CNN coverage of the riots in Cairo, I learned about the Zlabbaleen. (See picture of their trashy city.) Evidently, these people are the BEST recyclers in the world. Even a six-year old can take an old tire and make a pair of shoes.

There are not enough jobs in Cairo, so what's a poor person to do?

They's their living.

When I look at these poor people, I think, "What kind of ruler would let this happen? "

The rulers did do something...they let big multinational companies swarm into Cairo and haul it all out in trucks, selling it, no the Chinese. And then to add insult to an old garbage bag, they take their only means of survival...away.

Still, it COULD be worse. In Alexandria, they cut off the water supply.

Cleaning up this mess is a good thing-right? Yes. But..wouldn't it be better for all these people to have jobs, and trash pickups so that like here, they could PAY somebody to take it away?

Yes it would.

But, that's not how a dictatorship works. Now, these people are really starving.

Sooner or later, if you mess with a man's livelihood, even if it just recycling the rich's trash, he WILL want to recycle YOU. We have been told that's why the opium fields are still flourishing in Afghanistan, otherwise there would be riots in the streets of Kabul.

Obama said it was the "middle" class rebelling in Egypt, and this Nobody Wonders how many of these "middle" class people make up that crowd standing in the middle of town?

For what they the other extreme. They see vending machines where the rich can get four varieties of gold bars. They see the rich, paying as much as $6.3 million for a bed. (See pictures) while their people are collecting trash to live.

Wait...How much does Obama spend a year flying around the world on our dime, staying in the best hotels? Mmmmmm.....

We might all be forced one day to recycle or else. It's happening in England...and it's starting here.

Someday, the green police will come and fine me, oh yes...they'll find me. Shirley will make sure of it.

I can see it now, I will be sent to the border with all the other "law-breakers" to pick up the trash left by all the illegal's along the Mexican border.

I will die in the desert, with a stick of gum in my hand.

And so, because I like that big ugly green trash can to stay right where it is: I'm suggesting a new bumper sticker for 2012:

Forget the Birth Certificate, just throw out the trash.
